Quiting smoking?!?!


Well-Known Member
So I am trying too quit smoking cigs for my wife. Ive gone all morning so far without one. Has anyone tried the nicorette gum? Anyone have any tips too help me?


Well-Known Member
yeah i tried the nicotine gum and the patch neither of them worked for me
i think the best way to quit is going cold turkey

Willie North

Well-Known Member
that gum is shity
I put the patch on once and it made my arm go numb....
so Im just tryin to chew some "normal" gum


Well-Known Member
I have quite smoking 5 times and I found that the best way is to find out how many cig's a day you're smoking and cut yourself by a few per day once a week. It get's your body slowly off the cig's without much hassle. AND make sure you have LOT'S of weed. ;)

Good luck man, I know quitting is hard. (And even harder to stay away from them after you do quite)


Well-Known Member
I wish I could quit , Ive been smoking 30 yrs .. I tried Chantrix But I started having nightmares , So I stopped using it .. I really should put a good effort twards it .


Well-Known Member
First of all not to bust ur balloon but you gotta quit for u and because you want to. Not for your wife. I smoked for 15 yrs and stopped last dec 6. I have done good no set backs over a yr now. Its a great feeling. I ended up in the hospital for a shoulder surgery last year I was in there for 3 days. So when I left I told myself the addiction withdrawl only last 3 days as I was over that. I never picked them up again. I did smoke a bowl or one hitter of bud when I felt the need for a cig. For me though I had gotten to the point to where i couldnt stand the smell or taste in my mouth after one. That was the last yr before i had stopped. I actually started to hate cigs a yr or 2 before I quit. GOOD LUCK!!!! You can do it bro dont think about IT chew some gum smoke a bowl or a joint or even a blunt just dont go back to cigs... YOU'LL FEEL SO MUCH BETTER... how long you been smoking for?


Well-Known Member
gum, hypnotism, ear shock, ziban not for sure what i have left to try. to be honest with you i think all that is needed is the will power to do it. which i lack.

the old man smoked 3 packs a day. only to quit after a heart attack while umpiring a basketball game. and the fact that when he woke up, and they cut him open for triple bypass. it helped him quit cold turkey after 30 years.

hey, i know ask the government for some help. they got all that money from the tobacco company's for the law suits right? oh wait they did set up a hot line. you can get over the phone counseling. one of biggest scams to date.


all that money and where did it go? it should be helping people quit. or at least poured into research to come up with a proven method. its a know fact that the tobacco company have manipulated tobacco, and added chemicals to tobacco to make it absorbed into the blood stream faster. i wonder why has this never been changed. nicotine is one of the most addictive and lucrative drugs out there.

imagine if the coke dealers out there found a way for cocaine to be absorbed faster in to the blood stream. faster more potent high. imagine what the government would do to stop it. wait crack cocaine and the war on drugs. shit i forgot!!! or did I? ironic IMO maybe the coke dealers should start wearing suits and live in a better hood they might be able to partner with the government.

seriously though i heard good things about the chantix. my brother did well with it. he did have some crazy side effects. then again he still smoking. i do believe he quit taken the chantix. not for sure if the spelling is correct if you try to google it though.


Well-Known Member
I have quite smoking 5 times and I found that the best way is to find out how many cig's a day you're smoking and cut yourself by a few per day once a week. It get's your body slowly off the cig's without much hassle. AND make sure you have LOT'S of weed. ;)

Good luck man, I know quitting is hard. (And even harder to stay away from them after you do quite)
let me know if it works on the 6th or 7th or 8th time. lol just joking with you.

i think its as much of a physiologic addiction as a psychological addiction. the hand to mouth fixation, the 5 minute breaks at work, the stress relieving factor, the after sex or food cravings, only smoke when i drink, i could go on and on. its about understanding the behavior and limiting the triggers. O and will power.



Well-Known Member
I have quite smoking 5 times and I found that the best way is to find out how many cig's a day you're smoking and cut yourself by a few per day once a week. It get's your body slowly off the cig's without much hassle. AND make sure you have LOT'S of weed. ;)

Good luck man, I know quitting is hard. (And even harder to stay away from them after you do quite)
This is the best way.

I hate the idea of the damage it's doing for the result compared to a spliff, but I try not to smoke and usually only smoke one or two a day if I do.

If you're bothered about the health impact, check out the tar / CO ratings on the side. Silkcut Silvers have about the lowest of anything I've seen - but the same amount of nicotine.

The gum is shit and can make you feel really sick if you chew too quickly.


Well-Known Member
Take ex-lax and show me willpower
hahahah now thats funny. fuck i am never going to quit.

that exactly what i am talking about though. tobacco in its natural form is not as addicting until you put years of research and manipulation in to it and make it so addicting. it is designed to make you addicted, to keep you as a customer. just like exlax it does what it was meant to do.


Well-Known Member
I wish I could quit , Ive been smoking 30 yrs .. I tried Chantrix But I started having nightmares , So I stopped using it .. I really should put a good effort twards it .
i think thats why no brother quit the chantrix. he told me some crazy nightmares he had, suicidal nightmares. was that your experience?


Well-Known Member
this may sound a tad bit strange but this is a true story... I was eating dinner at my girlfriends parents house one night and he works in the medical industry. he was telling me about how his sister had been a HEAVY smoker im talking like 3 or 4 packs a day for like 25 or 30 years somethin like that and had tried everything the gums, patches, cold turkey, the pills, hypnotherapy etc.. well she also had really bad back problems and found this old school asian acupuncturist to see about her pain because pills werent really doing her much good and gave her some bad side effects.. anyways when she went to see this dude he gave her like a quick physical and asked if she smoked.. then he asked if she wanted to quit and she obviously said yes.

so what he did was got a cigarette and lit it and held it a a couple inches from her face so she could smell it. then he told her to close her eyes and breate in deeply, smelling the smoke and thinking about how much she enjoyed it.. so after a few breaths he got a little needle and put it in some spot above one of her eyebrows.. almost immediately she started getting queasy and puked into the trashcan!! she did something like three treatments and now not only has she stopped smoking for over 10 years but every time she smells a cigarette she gets sick. apparently he trained a response in her brain by manipulating some nerve i donno but its crazy and somehow worked! the guy also cured all kinds of pain and illnesses too... truly an amazing guy. he was old school chineese like barely spoke a lick of english.

anways the point is maybe you can find some old school acupunturist not the hippe hollistic healer type but the real deal and find some relief.. just a thought


Well-Known Member
i heard that the acupuncture works also. only second hand accounts. never anybody who actually did it themselves. that is something i will someday give a try.

what if i get the wrong smell when he sticks me, or he sticks the area that make addicted to the smell or both?

great now i am still addicted to cigs, puke every time i smell a incense, and have this attractions to small Asian men with needles.


Well-Known Member
i'm not usually into hippie treatments - but i can imagine that what FloJo's talking about could work

i only really smoke because i don't have any green to hand. if i have green, i don't smoke fags

i get really bothered about smoking since my dad had lung cancer when i was about 3 and for my whole life i saw him with a horror film, jaws like set of stitch marks from his shoulder down his back. he died when i was 10 after it reappeared and ripped through his entire body in an unstoppable way. it appeared and the doctor told my mom he'd probably die in a few months. she didn't tell him and he lived for a year or two, but towards the end he was in a terrible way. he couldn't get out of bed, the chemo & radio therapy made him look like a skeleton and he couldn't eat. he at least had a good life, one wife and then my mom, who was about 15 years younger than him (about 20 or something? bastard) - and maybe someone else. my aunt smoked more fags a day than i've ever seen, but managed to live till she was 80 without having

i try to think about that when i'm not having any, but sometimes i just get so pissed off and down i smoke


Well-Known Member
are you from the states peach. i just ask cause of the fags reference. i also ask because i would like to know if smoking and smokers are treated the same as in the states. IE: public smoking bans, advertising laws and such.


Well-Known Member
do you have cigs in TV or radio advertising? can you smoke in a restaurant? here it is looked down on, you smoke your a outcast. at least that's how it seems to me.


Well-Known Member
smoking tabacco is perhaps socially easier in europe, but a lot of the US views are also coming through in europe. it's not okay to smoke inside and it's not advertized in a lot of places. smokers are also increasingly being seen as dirty. some of the smoking locations around government paid for buildings are so far away and uncovered that they appear to be an effort to force people to quit through annoyance.

there is increasingly heavy anti-smoking advertizing in europe, as well proposals for the packs to be removed from counters and hidden from kids, so you need to ask for them

i'm a liberal person, i'm not stupid enough to say kids shouldn't do anything i've done, but seeing 16 year olds and younger with a cigarette trying to look cool does upset me. i started when i started running out of green for long periods, which is why i'm eager to get some more