Precisely. Excellent advice.
My issue is i'm extraordinarily hyperactive, highly analytical, attention issues.. not fun sometimes if i'm not kept busy.
Pot slows my brain-gerbil down... that bastard is running the hamster wheel in my head like a meth-crazed coffee-junkie.
most pharmaceuticals I've tried give me migraines.
That all being said I haven't had ten days of sobriety in a couple yrs, I usually do two or three days, and then I go back.
But Sunni is DEAD on, the more you think about it, the more you'll obsess over it.
like a LOT of things... women, finance, etc.
getting over my ex was a lot like that.
Don't think about it, and keep on moving forward, time will make the difference.
Plus your self confidence will go up after you overcome shit like that.