Quitting Smoking (tobacco, of course)


Active Member
anyone else on the wagon? i'm trying to ween myself off with nicotine gum. of course now i'm jonesin for the gum, so i hope thats not a permanent thing :p

my strategy is simply no promises. i made no heavy commitments to myself, and thus my self-respect is not riding on this. i theorise that the whole concept of resolution and counting smoke-free days like some AA member is just a bunch of added pressure. plus if you break down and have a smoke, you (at least i would) feel like an complete failure. i just think that the added pressure can be counterproductive.

anyway i ran out of smokes a few weeks ago and decided to replace them with nic gum. i don't know the exact day, and thus i don't know how longs its really been. thats my strategy...basically and simply just to continue not smoking and see what happens, without all the bells, whistles, and bragging of the average quitter.

anyone care to share their success/failure stories, strategies, etc of life on the wagon?


Active Member
Been smoke free for a little over 6 months. I used Chantix for the first 3 weeks then went off of it. Cravings still come around but they are manageable. The thing I read that made me say I will never even smoke 1 cigarette again is: "Something like 80% of people that quit then smoke 1 cigarette will be back to their normal habit within 2weeks".

That happened to me every other time I quite so this time I keep telling myself not even a puff.

Best of luck to you!!

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I quit cold turkey like five months ago. Funny, I've smoked one here one there maybe a total of five cigarettes since I officially and I don't have the desire to be a regular again. Weird, knowing that every time you smoke one it puts receptors in your brain that make you crave more. Mind over matter I guess.


Well-Known Member
i quit last october after 20+ years. it just wasn't enjoyable anymore. i had surgery on my knee so i was i the hospital for 5 days. i coughed up a bunch of tar and my lungs felt great. got home and started smoking. my lungs started hurting, bad. so my Dr put me on Chantix. i haven't smoked since.


Active Member
wats the point??? if ur off tobacco and u smoke some weed the nicotene cravings will b a kick in the ball sack!!!
all or notin!!!!
.... nothin 4 me


Active Member
wats the point??? if ur off tobacco and u smoke some weed the nicotene cravings will b a kick in the ball sack!!!
all or notin!!!!
.... nothin 4 me
not sure about that. they are entirely different chemicals so on the level of brain chemistry its apples/oranges. however your point is certainly valid in the case of someone who is also hooked on the specifics of the habit. (inhaling smoke and/or oral fixation)

marijuana moonshiner

Active Member
Quitting Tobacco isthe single toughest thing I've ever tried to do, it really sucks. I always smoke a cig after weed and that one was worse to give up than in the morning or after eating....tobacco just sucks all the way around...on the upside I saved enough in two minths of not smoking for a brand new grow light :)


Active Member
not sure about that. they are entirely different chemicals so on the level of brain chemistry its apples/oranges. however your point is certainly valid in the case of someone who is also hooked on the specifics of the habit. (inhaling smoke and/or oral fixation)
yes, but if ur quiting smoking normal ciggys how is your mind going to react when you smoke a joint? its gonna remember the movements tat are assoiated wit normal smokes n kick drivin ur cravings for nicotene + dont most joints contain tobacco as a mixer?

thats wat i think if u wanna give up smoking u should try give them all up coz there all related somehow:joint:


Active Member
yes, but if ur quiting smoking normal ciggys how is your mind going to react when you smoke a joint? its gonna remember the movements tat are assoiated wit normal smokes n kick drivin ur cravings for nicotene + dont most joints contain tobacco as a mixer?

thats wat i think if u wanna give up smoking u should try give them all up coz there all related somehow:joint:
no i'm not really hooked on the act of smoking. however you're on to something in terms of conditional habits (smoke weed, then smoke cig). but on those grounds i have to give up drinking too. well fuck me! :p
seriously though, if i can drink and not smoke (imho much more difficult), im pretty sure i can tackle this one.

oh and a joint is simply weed+rolling paper.