Quitting the weed

... Told my girlfriend, (now wife), when we met 25 years ago, I would never quit smoking weed again ...
We both have keepers! It was Mrs. Starecase who recommended I grow when it became legal. I think she knew that soon after things got rocking in the tent that she would get infused chocolate & sea-salt caramel chip cookies.
Are there Narcotics Anonymous meetings in your area? If not, you can try Alcoholics Anonymous. They're free in that they run on donations from within the community. The knowledge and stories there may be beneficial. A lot of the meetings are "open" so you can sit off to the side and not share/participate.

You can also look into growing your own. That's what a lot here do. Personally, I grow, don't smoke, and attend AA meetings.
AA can be very cult-like and not for everyone. I would avoid.
Told my girlfriend, (now wife), when we met 25 years ago, I would never quit smoking weed again.
I married my ex wife while we were both in the army, she apparently thought I was joking about weed even though I was making and dealing spice out of my barracks room when we met and didn’t hide it from her. She was easily my biggest mistake.
I think it's unreasonable for a significant other to "expect" someone to quit ANYTHING just to appease them or the relationship. Fuck that.
If you decide to quit smoking weed, I would recommend try the cbd maybe it will help you get rid of the bad habit. You can also find a cbd vape pen which you can use instead of smoking weed. Personally, it was the vape pen that helped me get rid of smoking weed because I could use it anytime. It was convenient for my needs.
work out before bed. Get used to not sleeping for a week when you start.

also - you will start to dream more and may even wake up sweating - I did.

after a week it will pass and you will sleep well.

exercise and another hobby or outlet to fill the void and time will help.

I’ve taken multi year breaks that have helped me quite a bit and now I’m in a place where I have better control and can smoke on occasion which I appreciate more.

if you’re serious about quitting know that your daily smoker buddies will not be the best crowd to hang with as the temptation will always be there.
Best of luck and at least it’s not a hard drug