One thing about doing alcohol extractions, you come to know that it's a solvent not a beverage. If you would still drink ethanol knowing it's a solvent then congratulations, you're an imbecile.Qwever, or Quick wash everclear, is by far better than any iso, iso is garbage
You can actually drink iso too, it's just a bit more toxic than ethyl, meaning it takes a little less to kill you. Their LD50s aren't that different. People regularly die from ethanol poisoning.I'd rather smoke something that was extracted from a liquid that you can injest compared to freakin rubbing alcohol
Perhaps, but have you seen the look on peoples' faces right after taking a shot of liquor? That's the look of having just drank some solvent. Ethanol is not actually intended to be consumed. People just decided to do it. It's actually pretty insane. That shit is not fit for human consumption any more rubbing alcohol is. That's why it makes you nauseous when you drink it and sick the next day. If it wasn't naturally occurring from yeast I really don't believe it ever would have become something people consume. If you saw a bottle of turpentine would the thought come to mind "Maybe I should drink that"? Hell no.I can really tell a difference in flavor. Grain alcohol seems a lot smoother.
I know what your saying. Taste is incredibly good. Taste great as an edible straight up too. Disolves on the tounge.vaped at proper temp, literally mouth watering makes one want to eat it. Smells like a sweet bouquet in the container.Well ya i would never drink everclear, thats a wicked buzz right there. All I'm saying is i didnt know shit about extractions until I started to research it, trial and error making the stuff. I started off with 91 iso, then 99, i tried several ways, short soaks, long soaks, 10 second swirls. Etc. As soon as I got ahold of everclear 190, the game changed. The end product is so much better. It's way less sticky, the taste is wayyyy better, smoother, and I can make some nice workable shatter! I've had Colorado shatter any my stuff tastes exactly the same, and rocks you. It might be a little darker than the Colorado stuff, but i dont have a vacuum chamber and im sure if I blasted it with butane it be lighter but without a vac chamber I'd rather use everclear!!! It's got way less smell when I double boil, it dries up way nicer, just way better overall
There's no way to get acetone without water in it. As I said, it's very hygroscopic. Even histo grade has 0.5% water. Besides, as soon as it hits the air it absorbs moisture from it and when it evaporates it causes cooling, which then causes even more water to condense and absorb. It's not a big problem anyway, I just put the plate in the microwave for about 30 seconds at a time and stir it around until it needs another microwaving to heat it back up again. It takes about 5 such heatings/stirrings. I also like to get rid of low boiling compounds in the resin, it makes it thicker and less harsh. I was merely pointing out that acetone does abosorb a lot of water when doing extractions with it.You need to try histological acetone. It will solve your evap and water problem and give a more pure better tasting product.
Your acetone has water molecules in it. No matter what the label says it has water in it. Histo grade evaps completely almost as fast as you can pour it out.
Believe it or not everclear has one of the best buzzes, almost halucinagenic opposed to a beer blurry drunkennessWell ya i would never drink everclear, thats a wicked buzz right there. All I'm saying is i didnt know shit about extractions until I started to research it, trial and error making the stuff. I started off with 91 iso, then 99, i tried several ways, short soaks, long soaks, 10 second swirls. Etc. As soon as I got ahold of everclear 190, the game changed. The end product is so much better. It's way less sticky, the taste is wayyyy better, smoother, and I can make some nice workable shatter! I've had Colorado shatter any my stuff tastes exactly the same, and rocks you. It might be a little darker than the Colorado stuff, but i dont have a vacuum chamber and im sure if I blasted it with butane it be lighter but without a vac chamber I'd rather use everclear!!! It's got way less smell when I double boil, it dries up way nicer, just way better overall
Have you ever used it?There's no way to get acetone without water in it. As I said, it's very hygroscopic. Even histo grade has 0.5% water. Besides, as soon as it hits the air it absorbs moisture from it and when it evaporates it causes cooling, which then causes even more water to condense and absorb. It's not a big problem anyway, I just put the plate in the microwave for about 30 seconds at a time and stir it around until it needs another microwaving to heat it back up again. It takes about 5 such heatings/stirrings. I also like to get rid of low boiling compounds in the resin, it makes it thicker and less harsh. I was merely pointing out that acetone does abosorb a lot of water when doing extractions with it.
Not true. Your not using the right stuff. Im a HUGE methyl ketone fan trust me on this. A totally different ball game your missing out on. Whole other world.There's no way to get acetone without water in it. As I said, it's very hygroscopic. Even histo grade has 0.5% water. Besides, as soon as it hits the air it absorbs moisture from it and when it evaporates it causes cooling, which then causes even more water to condense and absorb. It's not a big problem anyway, I just put the plate in the microwave for about 30 seconds at a time and stir it around until it needs another microwaving to heat it back up again. It takes about 5 such heatings/stirrings. I also like to get rid of low boiling compounds in the resin, it makes it thicker and less harsh. I was merely pointing out that acetone does abosorb a lot of water when doing extractions with it.
Well, histo costs about $80 a liter compared to about $10 for hardware store. And I find it works fine so why go to all the trouble and expense of specially ordering histo in? I'm not making meth so not that big a deal. Thanks for the tip though. If it pulls any water solubles they get removed when I draw the puddles of water up with a piece of twisted up tissue. So it's actually kind of beneficial.Have you ever used it?
How can one wash amphetamines with it if it leaves water or attracts water?
Its a different ball game, im telling you.
Not true. Your not using the right stuff. Im a HUGE methyl ketone fan trust me on this. A totally different ball game your missing out on. Whole other world.
you know how to or have the means to dry your acetone, store it dry and work airless? Not reduced pressure but inert atmosphere or just airless ?
Qwever, or Quick wash everclear, is by far better than any iso, iso is garbage
Well, that is a matter of opinion. I have done extractions with 192 proof polish vodka, 200 proof ethyl, and 99% iso. Each one has its pros and cons, but to call any garbage, it is obvious you have no experience.
192 has water problems, 200 proof ethyl has extraction issues depending on the strain of pulling more than what you want, and 99% iso burns dirty and could be poisonous if the solvent is not completely purged. However, I have found 99% iso to produce the most beautiful and potent oil I have ever made.
My first cancer patient is going on 6 years in remission of his cancer from taking cannabis oil extracted with 99% iso. He is doing great. So to say an oil made with 99% iso would be an insult.
Not directly picking on you, this is to everyone. WTF?!?! Wake the F up! Are you all in "It's a small world" or something? Cannabis is going legal across the globe. I can't believe you are all not jumping into the oil boom. Cancer is everywhere, oil is needed everywhere. It is just starting to gain traction. Recreational is a thing of the past, lets all focus on medical and put away those dumb rosen presses!
One drop of this and I am stoned for at least 24 hours.
Buds used
View attachment 3844773
final, no paper filtering, just gravity. No winterizing or polishing either.
View attachment 3844772 View attachment 3844771
30+ grams from 1/2 pound of ganja
View attachment 3844774
Fully decarbed cannabis oil made using the Rick Simpson method. This was made for a cancer patient, not for someone to have some fun. Please don't call it garbage unless you have something better to show (decarbed
So because I said iso is garbage that makes me inexperienced, lol. Or is it because I'm not a "well known member" on here?!?! You said it yourself that it could be poisonous if not purged right, thats my point exactly because I mentioned I don't have a vac chamber, so I prefer everclear for how I do it, iso sucks to me. Telling me im obviously inexperienced is an insult to meWell, that is a matter of opinion. I have done extractions with 192 proof polish vodka, 200 proof ethyl, and 99% iso. Each one has its pros and cons, but to call any garbage, it is obvious you have no experience.
192 has water problems, 200 proof ethyl has extraction issues depending on the strain of pulling more than what you want, and 99% iso burns dirty and could be poisonous if the solvent is not completely purged. However, I have found 99% iso to produce the most beautiful and potent oil I have ever made.
My first cancer patient is going on 6 years in remission of his cancer from taking cannabis oil extracted with 99% iso. He is doing great. So to say an oil made with 99% iso would be an insult.
Not directly picking on you, this is to everyone. WTF?!?! Wake the F up! Are you all in "It's a small world" or something? Cannabis is going legal across the globe. I can't believe you are all not jumping into the oil boom. Cancer is everywhere, oil is needed everywhere. It is just starting to gain traction. Recreational is a thing of the past, lets all focus on medical and put away those dumb rosen presses!
One drop of this and I am stoned for at least 24 hours.
Buds used
View attachment 3844773
final, no paper filtering, just gravity. No winterizing or polishing either.
View attachment 3844772 View attachment 3844771
30+ grams from 1/2 pound of ganja
View attachment 3844774
Fully decarbed cannabis oil made using the Rick Simpson method. This was made for a cancer patient, not for someone to have some fun. Please don't call it garbage unless you have something better to show (decarbed oil).