Qwiso second wash

Howard Burn

Well-Known Member
Ive been making qwiso for a couple years now and never washed my trim for a second wash. Is it worth it, how is the quality? I’m making a batch right now and haven’t discarded the used material. I use fresh frozen trim and popcorn buds, would like to hear your thoughts or experiences
try freezing everything you use.

and wash it for THREE MINUTES ;)

I use bud
Whats left around 5% .......I wash a second time after I have a few pounds to do... but the product is green by then.
you did that first wash using frozen IPA?

I have to use an amount of IPA to cover an already washed Pound..that's now pulverized and much smaller in mass
but more IPA is needed to cover a few pounds at a time to get the remaining 5% out of each..if ya follow me..
Yeah I follow ya , and yes everything was frozen from the alcohol to the jar and material , gonna do all my first runs and then do one last second wash with them all, I do a qt jar filled wiTh my frozen popcorn trim mix each run with about 16oz of IPA 99%
it'd be the same color after three minutes as long as it stays below freezing.
A pound of bud should yield anywhere from 60 to 80 grams of meds.
I used all my 99% and was about to order more, when I started searching about using grain alcohol 200 proof or everclear 190 proof, is there a difference in taste, end product or even safety dealing with grain alcohol vs iso

It does cost significantly more though, but I see that sometimes in the 99% iso the other one percent isn’t just water, but some trace chemicals? Can anyone give me some insight
always used everclear man.. never heard of qwiso, ive been out of the mainstream loop for like 14yrs man, i take it be the same as alcohol extraction, or RSO.. made RSO since the turn of the century man.. I never had any rso lab tested, so IDK if everclear is "dirtier" or what, or if ISO is.. i know the canadians use industrial solvents.. it was just always easier for me to locate and pick up a bottle of everclear, i guess is why i always used it.. I mean, as long the solvent is totally evaporated then it doesnt matter, right? It would be cool to see several kinds of RSO tested..
my method is more of a "rinse", than a "wash", in the sense that i'd pour everclear over product in a container. and like 10sec later, strian it in cheesecloth. then id use the same strained liquid and pour it over the product a 2nd time. strian like immedialty.. or even have your product in a kitchen strainer lined with layered cheese cloth and whilst holding the strianer over a container, pour the evercelar,. so that immediatly runs out.. In modern terms, think like BHO.. that shits runs right through immedialty, it never sets for an extended period of time. the longer your product sits in solvent, the more chorophyll is picked up. solvents are strong man, it only takes a split second for them to dissolve resin glands.
and final step is obviously, to evap the alchohal.. passively with fans or with low heat and fans..
I used all my 99% and was about to order more, when I started searching about using grain alcohol 200 proof or everclear 190 proof, is there a difference in taste, end product or even safety dealing with grain alcohol vs iso

It does cost significantly more though, but I see that sometimes in the 99% iso the other one percent isn’t just water, but some trace chemicals? Can anyone give me some insight
QWET works well, though not as fast as QWISO. We use a 3 minute frozen QWET extraction versus a 30 second QWISO. I like the flavor of ethanol extracts better than ISO, but that is a matter of taste.