R.I.P Albert Hofmann


Mr I Can Do That For Half
So not a big loss then since lsd is for losers and dumb fucks kinda like crack,meth,heroine,and exctasy


Well-Known Member
So not a big loss then since lsd is for losers and dumb fucks kinda like crack,meth,heroine,and exctasy
Wow. Kinda pissing on his grave, eh?

Someone must have had a bad trip.

LSD 25 and MDMA are my only choices for chems.

Eh, more for the rest of us.




Rebel From The North
no LSD is for losers and all the other tweaker drugs out there last time I checked this was a growing the cronic web site.


Well-Known Member
well either way still honor the man for his brilliance. he did start a cool revolution. so shut up haters...this websites about community too. so start caring wuss. peace


Well-Known Member
no LSD is for losers and all the other tweaker drugs out there last time I checked this was a growing the cronic web site.
Another uneducated fool. I'm sure he is scared of DMT too! ROFL!

Not worried though.. more for me and 40acres!




Mr I Can Do That For Half
Lol 40 and enigma must have done to much acid lol do the research? you realized he did a bad thing right he made a chemical mixture that burns your brains sensory connectors which in turn stops neuron production which is in lay terms killing your brain matter to a point where it can not regenerate and then you go and pay money for that so if you call a guy who discovered a way to chemically destroy your brain, lessen your life span, and prevent correct brain wave function a great main your already touched. Enjoy killing your self and making your self slowly retarded and unable to function lol some people never learn..Hey I have lead paint chips for sale it will kill your brain fast and cause cancer who wants to buy a hit?...now I wait for my fame of greatness to be recognized.


Well-Known Member
Lol 40 and enigma must have done to much acid lol do the research? you realized he did a bad thing right he made a chemical mixture that burns your brains sensory connectors which in turn stops neuron production which is in lay terms killing your brain matter to a point where it can not regenerate and then you go and pay money for that so if you call a guy who discovered a way to chemically destroy your brain, lessen your life span, and prevent correct brain wave function a great main your already touched. Enjoy killing your self and making your self slowly retarded and unable to function lol some people never learn..Hey I have lead paint chips for sale it will kill your brain fast and cause cancer who wants to buy a hit?...now I wait for my fame of greatness to be recognized.
...and you smoke pot...you think that doesn't affect your brain?

Kettle, "Hey pot! You're black!"




Mr I Can Do That For Half
I know you didnt even attempt to put pot and acid in the same class? Yeah you dont even know then what acid is.Weed has naturally found canniboids which our body makes by itsself in smaller amounts these are the main factors of the thc strength. These dont destroy brain cells for ever and can be used to even heal the body.An acid damaged brain does not and can not be repaired..read up a little if you wanna attempt to try and show how acid is a good thing lol


Well-Known Member
I know you didnt even attempt to put pot and acid in the same class? Yeah you dont even know then what acid is.Weed has naturally found canniboids which our body makes by itsself in smaller amounts these are the main factors of the thc strength. These dont destroy brain cells for ever and can be used to even heal the body.An acid damaged brain does not and can not be repaired..read up a little if you wanna attempt to try and show how acid is a good thing lol

As if I didn't?

I have a book on tryptamines and phenethylamines.


As far as I know.. we only get one chance at this thing called life.. I'ma do what I want.

I've never been one for chems.. but when it comes down to it I'll take some MDMA (pure) or some LSD 25 from a trusted source maybe once a year. Shrooms I'll take when I can get them.. love that shit.

I think it has been over 2 years since I've messed with LSD 25 or MDMA.. but hey.. Bonnaroo is just around the corner....




Mr I Can Do That For Half
Shrooms very differnt story as it is a completely differnt psycoactive drug and doesnt cause the same unreapirable damage. I will do shroms and grow them I even love peyote buttons but acid no


Well-Known Member
Shrooms very differnt story as it is a completely differnt psycoactive drug and doesnt cause the same unreapirable damage. I will do shroms and grow them I even love peyote buttons but acid no
Shrooms will do damage, it is a poison. The psilocobin and psilocin affect your brain. Agreed it isn't as powerful as LSD 25.. but hey.. to each their own.

Mescaline was alright.. too much of a head tryp. I'd like to candy-flip it with some shrooms some time.


Well-Known Member
Averything that isint weed or hash or coke was invented by fucking retards to burn ur cells .
Think about it weed grows coke grows hash well made with natural stuff so ther not too bad for ur brains .
Oprah did a test with extasy by taking x rays of sum bitchs brains that takes extasy 2 times a week for 1 year and after 306 day looks like her brains got ate by some rat........


Well-Known Member
Averything that isint weed or hash or coke was invented by fucking retards to burn ur cells .
Think about it weed grows coke grows hash well made with natural stuff so ther not too bad for ur brains .
Oprah did a test with extasy by taking x rays of sum bitchs brains that takes extasy 2 times a week for 1 year and after 306 day looks like her brains got ate by some rat........
Coke kills.

Herion is derived from opium poppies.

Most pain-killers on the market today are derived from opium.. because they (corporations) can't patent a plant.. so the make the same thing opium makes, but in a lab.


Active Member
There are a bunch of ignorant people on this forum..........do some research.

LSD is synthesized from ergot, a mold naturally found on wheat/rye, which was originally was discovered then synthesized by albert holfman in '53 while looking for chemicals to help with pregnancy. In the middle ages it was known that mass hysteria and psychosis would break out from the consumption of this molded wheat/rhy. So if the argument is infact on organic vs synthetic form, i think that argument is non in void, as the origional chemical is present in the ergot form, its only strengthened, and then clarified into the synthesized LSD-25.

Hallucinogins are in no way shape or form, similar to recreational drugs, for one you cannot do them day after day after day.......you have to give yourself time to experience, absorb, reflect, and help yourself and life with that. Agreed on the Morphine and derivitaves. Oxycontin/condon, etc, heroin, coke, all the same, but different strengths/derivatives of morphine, and the poppy.

Albert hoffman was surely a great man, and will be missed.

Whats even worse is theres a few with over 5k posts.......I do hope they were kidding when they said what they said.....if not..think before you speak.