R.I.P. Dannyboy

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correct me if I am wrong, but faggot means dumbass in "British slang" doesn't it?

like fag means cigarette , now that I now from hearing them talk at Gatwick airport.


haha nope, you couldnt be more wrong, you can be a faggot without being gay, same way you can be a knob without being attached to a cupboard door

Please go on then. I'd love to hear your explanation of how you calling someone "gayboy" "buttercup" and "faggot" doesn't mean you're calling them gay. I'm sure you think you're being super clever or something, but in reality I think you're showing your age. You're probably 16 and about 120 lbs.
correct me if I am wrong, but faggot means dumbass in "British slang" doesn't it?

like fag means cigarette , now that I now from hearing them talk at Gatwick airport.



it can be a gay person( the letchy kind that creeps everyone out NOT a normal every day gay person), an item of food(kinda like a welsh dumpling) or someone that is generally a bit of an idiot that people hate to be around an 100 other things as well depending on what part of the country your from
I still find it hilarious that people think we are calling someone gay when we use the term faggot lmao
Everyone uses the term faggot in canada and most of thestates the same way you brits do.

It can go both ways.

But I personally saw some uk guys posts and they straight up called him gay dan so ur eyes are brown at this point
The problem is ....

I agree with everyone today being way over sensitive. But ya'll realize that you're posting "faggot" on a US forum where everyone here uses that term in a pretty offensive way. That is the point. Ya'll are trying to act like it's the language barrier and that's your defense, but in reality you're making yourselves look like a bunch of bigoted racists. The dude was gay i think, which doesn't help your case any.
I agree with everyone today being way over sensitive. But ya'll realize that you're posting "faggot" on a US forum where everyone here uses that term in a pretty offensive way. That is the point. Ya'll are trying to act like it's the language barrier and that's your defense, but in reality you're making yourselves look like a bunch of bigoted racists. The dude was gay i think, which doesn't help your case any.

Im not trying to make any defence i dont really give a shit wat way he took anything.... every1 was in there bouncing of each other and then he came in and took offence to shit... he shud have stayed out the thread if his was not up for it
Im not trying to make any defence i dont really give a shit wat way he took anything.... every1 was in there bouncing of each other and then he came in and took offence to shit... he shud have stayed out the thread if his was not up for it

Yeah that's def a part of it. Too bad banning had to happen! That was a few of the most exciting hours on this fucking forum in ages. I love yelling shit at people too, it's fuckin hilarious. That's why I pop in to the politics section once in a while.

Maybe he'll come back. If he does the shit slinging's gonna be intense.
Yeah that's def a part of it. Too bad banning had to happen! That was a few of the most exciting hours on this fucking forum in ages. I love yelling shit at people too, it's fuckin hilarious. That's why I pop in to the politics section once in a while.

Maybe he'll come back. If he does the shit slinging's gonna be intense.

If he does return i would like every1 to ...


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"Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately."

After the incident with the previous forum software and moving to this still un-configured and un-styled and incomplete forum, the admin added that line above.

But when a gay(?) mod is called a faggot over and over and ends up banning those (of those 40 how many were sock puppets like the tourettes retard...) he is the one that gets banned. :shock: I bet he didn't get a warning either... Don't you mods have some loyalty towards each other? This place always turns out to be a little more fucked up than I thought... trollitup living up to its name once again.
"Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately."

After the incident with the previous forum software and moving to this still un-configured and un-styled and incomplete forum, the admin added that line above.

But when a gay(?) mod is called a faggot over and over and ends up banning those (of those 40 how many were sock puppets like the tourettes retard...) he is the one that gets banned. :shock: I bet he didn't get a warning either... Don't you mods have some loyalty towards each other? This place always turns out to be a little more fucked up than I thought... trollitup living up to its name once again.

Well said dude. That's exactly how I felt. RIU basically ok'd all the bigotry and fuckedupotry by banning him and unbanning everyone else.

I am no saint- I thought the country bashing on both sides was hilarious, but once a gay dude started getting shit for being gay it was over the line.
"Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately."

After the incident with the previous forum software and moving to this still un-configured and un-styled and incomplete forum, the admin added that line above.

But when a gay(?) mod is called a faggot over and over and ends up banning those (of those 40 how many were sock puppets like the tourettes retard...) he is the one that gets banned. :shock: I bet he didn't get a warning either... Don't you mods have some loyalty towards each other? This place always turns out to be a little more fucked up than I thought... trollitup living up to its name once again.

I never called him a FAGGOT and i nver got a warning and i was banned so get ur fckn facts rite before ya talk shit ...
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