R/P - SKYWALKER round 2


Well-Known Member
Picture 018.jpg Picture 017.jpg Picture 016.jpg Picture 015.jpg almost vacation time last year oregon coast this year due to budget cuts will be a little closer to home getting little bud sites also picked up some molasses [finally the right spelling] things appear to be greening up a bit but my canopy is a bit out of control i think i let these guys get too big before the flip or i put the screen down too soon or a combination of both but its set & im gonna roll with it


Well-Known Member
i vote for another trellis net. the lankiness of this strain may have a lot of bent stems in he long run after the stretch and flower.

right now i have that issue, can't really throw down a net, and have each girl staked, some even double staked. lol.

i can tell you that the weight of the buds is over-powering the stems.


Well-Known Member
ive had the weight snap stems in my first grow i can only acess my room from the door & have nothing to mount a second scrog to the first one was set up before the plants were in the room so now its do or die im happy i got my growth pattern straitened out there will be a 4th grow of it & ill be ready ive been working on another hydro set up & thats what ill be running for next grow unless this comes out so good i have no choice im still hopefull of an 8 oz. harvest in spite of things getting out of control


Well-Known Member
Picture 005.jpg Picture 004.jpg Picture 003.jpg Picture 002.jpg Picture 001.jpg im gonna feed full strength tomorrow will be using the transition schedule pheno #3+ has the best development & the thickest stalk ive got bud sites everywhere & some pruning is definatly in order its day#13 of 12/12


Well-Known Member
Picture 007.jpg theyre greening up nice & im gonna feed tonight my nutrient issues have reversed & just in time as im getting even more bud sites i was getting worried for a minute im thinking of using the organics every other feeding so i can get them used up im gonna spray for spidermites tonight as well ive found by spraying every 10-14 days keeps them at bay left unchecked they will surface & once they get started theyre a real bitch to get rid of


Well-Known Member
i decided to give the 3rd grow its own thread as this one has became quite long & getting longer by the day so all the new posts will be on the other thread


Well-Known Member
hey scroga its right here & its caller r/p skywalker the 3rd grow this thread is quite long & a lot of the info buried pretty deep ive got to learn how to post a link as im not the sharpest with a computer i know youre kind of interested in the s/w & how it performs the new thread was kind of meant to give some good useable info without having to dig to china to get it as it is an altogether different grow i decided a new thread would be better


Well-Known Member
Cool man:) yeah thanks I'm definitely going to grab a pack at some stage! I find the price a bit high but if it's a relatively consistent yielder then add to cart ... is #3 from ceed or cloned from last girl?

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Well-Known Member
#3 is the only pheno i run & originaly there was # 1#2#3&#4 #2 was hard to clone & #4 was good & had more side branching #1 & #3 ended being identical the end product from all of them was the same on my first grow #3 gave me couple of seeds which i popped & the pheno i call #3+ is from one of those babies its just now starting to bud & is showing potential the finished product is top-notch & people are hounding me for the stuff a 4th grow is in the works i just love this stuff

Ray black

Well-Known Member
Hey dudes, back from the dead.

I will be updating my run soon, the SW s look great and are handling the 90 degrees just fine.

In fact all of them are doing quite well except my Shorelines 2of the 5, are showing some heat stress on the fans. Super indica looking plant with crazy thick fans.

SW is running and man I think the force is strong with these new phenos!

Like the updates and PH / crinkle problem shoot. Been dealing with offset water out here as well


Well-Known Member
hey ray welcome back i ended up giving the 3rd grow its own thread but everyone still likes this one [lol] i got my leaf issue straitened out & buds are on the way found a thread recently on sensi's super skunk over in the smoke report section im gonna have to break down & get some seeds just been having a good roll with the skywalker

Ray black

Well-Known Member
The super skunks I have going are freebies from vision seeds. They are also auto flowers.
They are the biggest and farthest along in the room right now and are showing flowers. Let me tell ou, they stink something fierce. Awesome, can't wait for the smoke from this run man. My other girls have barely started to show sex and the room is just stanky!



Well-Known Member
Picture 018.jpg hey ray after a few weeks of cure this stuff has me very pleased & wondering if the dirt is gonna actually be better or not im down to stash people hounded me so bad i had to turn loose of some of it i wont make the same mistake twice ive set enough aside to see me through i still have access to both cuts of the gdp but i like this better i kept small to medium size nugs for my own smoke as im not a daily smoker & a few hits at a time does me just fine i like to break out a fresh nug every time to take full advantage of the flavor this stuff has


Well-Known Member
I broke one of mine up. its smells a little fruity still, but when you break it up or grind it, it gets really skunky.


Well-Known Member
i guess i kinda take the skunky smell for granted but youre right theres a lot of skunk amongst the pine tar fuel & a hint of lemon too i have a hard time coming up with an accurate description but its what keeps me coming back to this strain it really is about the finished product

Ray black

Well-Known Member
Hey Herc, I ran multiple phenos of GDP (as you know) and I much prefer the SW. The GDP will turn in your flower room faster because of the Indica dominant genes. But the taste is not as dank as the SW. The high is too couch lock if you're a day smoker like me. I blast almost all of my GDP into wax. That stuff is fucking tasty as hell in wax form. Like the perfect classic "sweet" marijuana flavor.

Check out Green Love Potion by Samsara too bro. Might not be a good fit for your room because it does not handle heat very well. But man, if you want that purple taste coupled with super ripe onions, this is a great choice. Heavy yielder and in my opinion, taste far superior to GDP. Can't contain the fucking smell. Everyone who tried both, by far prefer the GLP.

I am currently on a flight and using their internet to type this. Cool part is, I have a half ounce of my SW on board with me. This is the fifth time I have packed my meds without any problems. I am also flying to a non medical marijuana state. I pack in my bag that I check. I label it and there has not been one problem yet.

I am little nervous this time because I could smell the shit through my bag when I handed over to the airlines this morning. The lady looked at me and my red ass eyes and made a sniffing sound. Think she was trying to tell me something lol! I saw my bag get packed below the plane before we left, so I think I am good.

Hope so anyway......

Ray black

Well-Known Member
The super skunks I have going are smelling almost exactly as you describe.

Two of them are straight dead skunk smell. Awesome

A couple others are carrying the pine smell and two are kind of fruity skunk.