R2T QB288V4 LED Grow Light for Tomato

No, this is my first time growing tomatoes indoors. Last summer I grew tigerella keatky style on the balcony and got hooked. The bonsais you posted seen to grown about the same size as tiny tim. Looks great! Leds these days are so efficient that by my calculation even tomatoes should be cheaper to grow yourself than buying from the shops during the winter. Tasteless tomatoes sell for over 8€/kg here in the winter.
yes tigerella are butifull, we concentrated oh hairlomb variaties this year and bonsai and beef steak and plum toms for botteling and cooking
No, this is my first time growing tomatoes indoors. Last summer I grew tigerella keatky style on the balcony and got hooked. The bonsais you posted seen to grown about the same size as tiny tim. Looks great! Leds these days are so efficient that by my calculation even tomatoes should be cheaper to grow yourself than buying from the shops during the winter. Tasteless tomatoes sell for over 8€/kg here in the winter.
never tried the kratky method b4, i have the master blend for it