Raccoon's first grow! Super Closet Delux


Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum but I have been reading ALOT and I must say some of you are very talented in this hobby. I would like to first start off my Grow Journal by pointing out that I AM 100% NEW TO THIS HOBBY. I do plan on doing more harvests as the time comes but as for now this will be a "Trial" run if you may. I will be growing inside of a Super Closet Deluxe 3.0! This Closet comes with most of everything one will need to get started but even though I am a beginning hobbyist I notice that it lacks room in the Vegetative room and it does not allow for you to maneuver the light so it can get proper lighting. :sad: Another thing that I found bothersome with this Closet is that it has 1 small fan that is "Supposed" to do all the cooling down; From what I can feel and see, it seems like I will need to incorporate a new fan sooner or later.

I started my grow on June 4th

  • June 4, 2012
Today I received my Super Lemon Haze seeds (10x non feminized - AKA SLH) with a bonus of Haze G-13 seeds (5x non feminized - AKA H-G13). I put 5x SLH and 5x H-G13 seeds in damp separate paper towels and placed them inside of a sandwich bags. (1x paper towel and 1x sandwich bag EACH). I placed them both inside of a towel and put them under a pillow on one of my beds that no one uses. I planned to check up on the seeds every few hours throughout the day in variables of 7 hours.

  • June 5, 2012
Today I checked up on my seeds and I have not seen any changes with them. The paper towels felt a-lot dryer than they were the day before, I took the paper towels out of their bags and put them onto a plate. I poured very little amounts of bottled drinking water onto the paper towels to get the MOIST again. I placed them back inside their sandwich bags and placed them back inside the towel and under the pillow.

  • June 6, 2012
Today I awake and find that some of my seeds have cracked; I waited until I got off of work that day to see if any of the other seeds would have cracked. (9 hour period) When I got home I checked my seeds and all have cracked and sprung little "Tails"! Time to move them over to some Rock Wool! I presoaked the Rock Wool in some bottled drinking water. Once the Rock Wool was nice and damp with a little more weight than they started I soaked a pair of new tweezers in some Rubbing Alcohol. After a minute or so I used those tweezers to plant my cracked seeds inside of the Rock Wool. I put the "Tail" end down and seed up and closed the Rock Wool. Take not here that I did not measure correctly how far down inside the Rock Wool. After I was done I placed the Rock Wool inside of the Super Closet Deluxe 3.0 "Vegetation" room with the lights off. I turned on the Carbon Filter and the small fan in the top "Flowering" room for ventilation and fresh air to be distributed throughout the Super Closet Deluxe.

  • June 7, 2012
I awake to find that none of my seedlings have spouted yet; I was aware it didn't happen overnight so I picked up the Rock Wool to see how heavy they were. I poured a small amount of bottled drinking water on each of the Rock Wool to get them damp again so they could feed the seedlings. After doing so I was off to work. (9 hour period) Once I arrived home I checked on my plants. To my surprise a few of them have sprouted a small like tiny stem. Again, I did not expect much from them yet. I checked to see how heavy they were and watered which ones felt as if they needed a bit more water.

  • June 8, 2012 (The day were I messed up :lol:;-))
I awake to find that a majority of my plants have sprouted! Oh Boy! Oh Boy! I watered which plants that needed be and turned on my lights in the vegetation room. After I was done with the watering and such I advised my Uncle to watch over them for me because I HAD to go out of the city for the weekend and I would not be back until Sunday night. (10th of June)
Attached are a few pictures of my seedlings.

  • June 10, 2012
I rushed home so I could see what had become of my babies! When I got home I was devastated to see that all of my plants were completely wilting/wilted. I quickly watered the plants and placed them up top in the "Flowering" room under the 400w HPS light with the dome covering the sprouts (misted with bottled water). I placed the 400w HPS light about 12 inches above the tops of my sprouts and went to bed calling it a BAD day in all. (When I arrived home it was about 12 am; the sprouts were under the 400w HPS light at around 1:10 am.)

  • June 12, 2012
On June 11 2012 I was still looking for any updates on whether or not my plants would recover from their mishap on June 8 through the 10 - I noticed that some of the sprouts that were bent over were now at "Full Salute" if you will. I hope that my SLH seeds recover because at the moment I have 5x of them in my garden and only one is in good condition. I have 2 that are sprouted but are withered and I am trying to recover them. I also have 2x that have not even sprouted yet. As for my H-G13 side I have 4 perfectly good sprouts and 1 never sprouted so I removed that from the equation. Also, I have pictures of everything and I will upload them as soon as I can inside this Journal.

  • June 13, 2012
Recovery still in affect; last few days I have been monitoring my plants as much as possible. I feed it on the same schedule I've been doing. Not many changes have taken part. Today I have ordered parts to make a drip system for my cloner, now I will be able to feed my plants automatically. I will be feeding my seedlings just regular bottled drinking water.



* I am updating my Journal on a daily/every other day routine.
* Pictures will be uploaded soon - Stay Tuned!
* Feel free to give me any advice when you see anything you would like to critique.


Well-Known Member
Interested in pics! Sometimes fresj seedling will be wilted in appearance and will straighten out within the first 24-36 hrs. Give them time during veg and just baby them. Do not introduce nutes til end of ur 2nd week or so. I usually dont til they have started working on their second set of leaves. Good luck am subscribing and hope to see some beauties come out of ur grow.


Thank you for your time! I was beginning to wonder why no one was replying to my journal! I will put alot of work into my journal as long as I get wonderful support and feed back. I have ran across a few things that I have not been able to track down a sensible answer to via YouTube or google. My main troublesome questions at the moment are : 1. How often am I supposed to water my Rock Wool. At the moment I water them three times a day, once in the morning when I wake up. Once more about 9 hours later when I arrive home from work. Then once more before I goto bed. A interesting thing I want to do is incorporate a top feed option to my Cloner for when I start new seeds. And 2. When I stated that they are wilted I mean that they are completely touching the ground. Now, I recovered a few of my sprouts but 2 of them are still laying there. Im just letting them ride out the seedling stage.


Well-Known Member
Looks as if u need to back off on the watering a bit. Oother than that they look good. Keep us updated man...you are growing in soil right?


@rebelfied Oh really, kinda glad that THAT is my problem ATM. I can most def. Do that. I posted pictures of 2 of my plants tumbled over, the middle where they are bent they are incredibly skinny, do you think they will bounce back up?


@Rebelfied Sorry, My phone is not letting me edit my previous post correctly. To answer your question im using a hydroponic system.