
actually, racerboy gave the title to the dos equis guy because he is so humble.
True that man, your right, dos equis originally offered the title to racer boy, he's such a good dude he figured minus well give someone else their 15 seconds of fame…and handed it off the the dude now known as the most interesting man. But we all the the dos equis dude is really the # 2 most interesting man… and we all know who holds the number 1 spot behind the curtain!
racerboy actually fired the 'shot heard round the world' which started the revolutionary war, but never took credit for it because he respects a good mystery.
So what did RB do to earn this gracious pile of envy?.

Other than being kind enough to send me seeds.
Somebody should name a strain after that fucking guy!

Racerboy F1
OG Kush x NY Diesel x Ice

Cuz that mothafucka is a fucking OG with Diesel in his vains and cool as ice!
Temp *thread derail* Speaking of which, somebody PM me recently about naming a strain after me, whoever you were I forgot an the message go deleted. So I'm sending a note in a bottle. Hope you receive my message. "I am flattered" sorry I forgot who and deleted your message. They probably think I'm a dick. I'm not, I only play one on the internet.

Back to this badasses thread now...