Rachel Dolezal


Well-Known Member
if she has any black ancestry at all (and most p rireople do), then she can claim she's black all she wants.

the only people blowing this story up or caring too much about it though are racist shitheads.

But whos to say who mess around millions years ago......many people have 2---3% Neandertals DNA in their genes.......we aren't 100% pure breed


Well-Known Member
She seems to only play the race card when it suits her. She sued Howard University for discriminating against her b/c she was white. So I guess back then it suited her to be white. She is a sociopath. She's in legal disputes with her bio family accusing one of her sibs of sexual abuse against another family member. She is under investigation for fraud, (years ago she claimed harassment and hate crimes against her when swastikas were found at her desk or door of her workplace, as well as suspicious packages containing hate propaganda w/ no postmark).

Google her interview w/ Matt Lauer this morning. Also read up on all her past shit. She's a dirtbag.
That is true, she might be going bye-bye-- to JaiI--very soon yet......... "if you can change your gender, you should be able to change your race. like it or not".................... i stole that Iine on another site, IoI


Well-Known Member
I feel bad for her. It must be very confusing trying to sort your identity out if you are split on it. I do not like that she deceived people but mostly I hope she finds peace inside her mind