Racism in the work place what can you do?

You say that behind the safety of your screen. With your attitude I guarantee you'd dread working with me
Shall I stoke the oven Master??

Nothing brave about having a meltdown and threatening someone with a weapon while they're trying to take a shit. You're lucky that guy was a pussy or he would have made you pay for that bitch ass move. You obviously have anger issues and felt like you couldn't take him fair and square.
Read like that to me too! Then his neighbor issue. I'd have just poisoned my muffins with a nice user friendly poison like Visine and watched him :D
thanks for the suggestions guys. unfortunately my plan of action will not involve sucking dick(s). another coworker has had problems with DB before but he has successfully de-escalated that situation, i'll see what he has to say and go from there. likely will involve a talk with DB directly, perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to have someone there as a witness? redivider your post was especially helpful, thank you

Take some kung fu lessons and if you get as good as Donnie Yen then you can scare him and also you will have a new career.

PM @justugh . This is our resident, crazy macgyver member that can teach you 20+ ways to kill this dude using only common household items, leaving no trace. Take his advice, but do NOT let him know where you live. Trust me on this, mainliner...
hey i am a nice guy

i just have issue with assholes and pricks .......nice ppl have nothing to ever worry about with me ....i help out ppl where i can never except anything in return unless it is something major then i am owed a favor ....i might call it in some day for something dumb and fun to me IE come get my ass i am 4 states away i wanted to hop a train be a hobo for a few days

the rest of it is just info .....anyone can learn it ....now a days u do not even need books just google search under the right wording and poof u got a manual to do anything u want

as for racist ppl in the work
1 body camera and record it
2 tell the person they have stepped over the line and need to bring it back to something civil ....make sure u record this part too (courts love it...shows u try to work it out before going to court system)
3 they do not do it u sue the work for making a hostile workplace (this will result in payment to u and the person getting fired with a no talking about it agreement to get the pay off)

doing this might put u on radar so if u are a half ass slacker just collecting a pay check from a job u some what can stand .....keep mouth shut and live with it because u will get fired for something at some point

if u are a decent good worker no troubles and the other person is a known asshole ....u got no worries get the ass fired get paid American way (now a days )

now if u want to take him out that is a simple co2 bomb using shot gun shells and a rocket motor starter and some pb weld and a cell phone ........just put on the gas tank make a call (none of that can be traced if u pay cash and wait 30 45 days after u buy them )

and @tyler.durden ....i think that might of been the nice thing u said to me
as for racist ppl in the work
1 body camera and record it
2 tell the person they have stepped over the line and need to bring it back to something civil ....make sure u record this part too (courts love it...shows u try to work it out before going to court system)
3 they do not do it u sue the work for making a hostile workplace (this will result in payment to u and the person getting fired with a no talking about it agreement to get the pay off)

Ok this is way to f'n sane! Who are YOU and what did you do with our crazy amish fucker?