Racist Biden.

Remember when that guy in Dallas just started shooting cops from that parking garage? He killed 5 worthless cops and 2 of them had neo nazi tattoos

I think about that one a lot
It's not to those who deal with it every day. White people are privileged to only know about racism from what they have read.

I've been trying to skip over your uneducated & opinionated bullshit for days.. Quite frankly - this is just too much... plus you have me on ignore so that works in my favor.. :lol:

So white people are privileged like that huh? All white people? Shows how little you know about the big wide world outside of your "safe place" and biased news sources.

You think you know so much about racism, living there in OR with 84% white folks and 1.91% black? Seriously - stfu already. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about... that much is obvious. Try living somewhere with a mixed culture and then tell me how "white people" don't also deal with racism (in general) daily. Not to mention being blamed for EVERYTHING our ancestors did, even when our ancestors were enslaved themselves.. imagine that.

Yes - America is currently focused on systemic racism and that is a great thing. It's exactly where our focus needs to be because it is a huge fucking problem. That doesn't mean you have to be so stupid to act as if all forms of racism don't exist.. your priviledge is showing.

Racism goes all ways, in all races. The truth is a tough pill to swallow :roll:

I've been trying to skip over your uneducated & opinionated bullshit for days.. Quite frankly - this is just too much... plus you have me on ignore so that works in my favor.. :lol:

So white people are privileged like that huh? All white people? Shows how little you know about the big wide world outside of your "safe place" and biased news sources.

You think you know so much about racism, living there in OR with 84% white folks and 1.91% black? Seriously - stfu already. You have no fucking idea what you are talking about... that much is obvious. Try living somewhere with a mixed culture and then tell me how "white people" don't also deal with racism (in general) daily. Not to mention being blamed for EVERYTHING our ancestors did, even when our ancestors were enslaved themselves.. imagine that.

Yes - America is currently focused on systemic racism and that is a great thing. It's exactly where our focus needs to be because it is a huge fucking problem. That doesn't mean you have to be so stupid to act as if all forms of racism don't exist.. your priviledge is showing.

Racism goes all ways, in all races. The truth is a tough pill to swallow :roll:
Taking Foggys spittle licking comments further....

What about ethnically white that claim other genealogy?
What about Obama's mom......can you be that tone deaf, lol...or Colin Kaepernicks mom or your own native Idahoan mom, weirdo.
I should have read a bit farther... It's confirmed. You really are just an uneducated idiot.

Consider yourself lucky.... I guess? Also... lacking in life experience.

Venture out of your safe lil bubble buddy. You need some real world experience before you keep blabbering about shit you know nothing about.
White fragility ^^^^
You ever been beaten to within inches of your life, because of the color of your skin?

What capt said..

Or followed after leaving a gas station and ran off the road on a 65 mph highway, with your 1 & 2 yr old in the back seat..? That is just one example... I could list examples for days!

To be clear - I'm against ALL fucking forms of racism, descrimination, and so on. Including the form of racism you (edit: “you” Foggy) are currently practicing in this thread.

These are just fucking facts of life - educate yourself or stfu Foggy.
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Taking Foggys spittle licking comments further....

What about ethnically white that claim other genealogy?
What about Obama's mom......can you be that tone deaf, lol...or Colin Kaepernicks mom or your own native Idahoan mom, weirdo.
White people in the US don't experience racism. That's a tangible benefit given to us simply because we have white skin. The howling of white dogs who feel struck when I state that fact is not surprising but kind of disgusting.
White people in the US don't experience racism..

..kind of disgusting.

My black ex husband and 75% of his black family (a few of them are racist and would likely agree with your idiocracy) disagree with your illogical, uneducated, assumption.

We were together 18 years, and I’m still considered “family” as are they. We often discuss the observation that racial tension between many races (not just black/white) is getting worse overall - more so than it has been - in a long time. Folks are more divided than ever. Angry too, and half of them aren’t even sure who the fuck to be mad at..

Some are becoming racist that were never racists before - in all races. The current social and political climate (in many ways) is literally breeding discrimination & racism. That’s not an excuse to discriminate or be racist. I think it’s bullshit, but my eyes are open enough to see that’s exactly what is happening..

All the while - you and too many others seem to “think” things (socially - racism) are getting better. I challenge those who “think” like that - to provide data. Where do you folks live? I want to know the demographics in your areas - since you so strongly speak these inaccurate opinions about racism within the US.

What some are currently “claiming” is not the “real life experience” of racism that exists - in other area’s with a mixed population. For example - anywhere that isn’t over 50% white.

Those of us who have lived or spent time in many places have experienced such racism along the way. Foggy’s train of thought here is uneducated, uncultured & irrelevant in this convo - or if not that - then fucking racist. Quite literally disgusting, considering..

Who is the worse racist...the knowingly racist, or the blind? All racists are bad in my book.. including you Foggy.

“Reality” here is slipping - get a grip.
My black ex husband and 75% of his black family (a few of them are racist and would likely agree with your idiocracy) disagree with your illogical, uneducated, assumption.

We were together 18 years, and I’m still considered “family” as are they. We often discuss the observation that racial tension between many races (not just black/white) is getting worse overall - more so than it has been - in a long time. Folks are more divided than ever. Angry too, and half of them aren’t even sure who the fuck to be mad at..

Some are becoming racist that were never racists before - in all races. The current social and political climate (in many ways) is literally breeding discrimination & racism. That’s not an excuse to discriminate or be racist. I think it’s bullshit, but my eyes are open enough to see that’s exactly what is happening..

All the while - you and too many others seem to “think” things (socially - racism) are getting better. I challenge those who “think” like that - to provide data. Where do you folks live? I want to know the demographics in your areas - since you so strongly speak these inaccurate opinions about racism within the US.

What some are currently “claiming” is not the “real life experience” of racism that exists - in other area’s with a mixed population. For example - anywhere that isn’t over 50% white.

Those of us who have lived or spent time in many places have experienced such racism along the way. Foggy’s train of thought here is uneducated, uncultured & irrelevant in this convo - or if not that - then fucking racist. Quite literally disgusting, considering..

Who is the worse racist...the knowingly racist, or the blind? All racists are bad in my book.. including you Foggy.

“Reality” here is slipping - get a grip.
Lots of them....