Racist Biden.

Didn't Trump try to kill the five black Americans in NYC
Has Joe demanded any Americans dead?
I'll wait

Well the laws blm says are systematically racist (1994 crime bill) were setup by biden, they say that is leading to black deaths so by extension he most certainly has caused mucho mucho damage to the black community.
Déjà vu?
Maybe, the Russians have been able to continue attack on our citizens with zero pushback from Trump, and indeed Dear Leader even further broke our election laws by asking China and Ukraine to help his political campaign.

Shit Trump even impeached himself trying to get a vulnerable ally to manufacture political dirt on an American citizen.

I guess it is too bad for Trump and his cultists that Russia was setting up to use AOC and them to attack a woman or minority candidate, and instead the Democrats wisely picked Republican catnip, a old white guy who is clean as a whistle, clearly never cashed in during his long career in political office, and a long career of not being a Russian puppet.
Well the laws blm says are systematically racist (1994 crime bill) were setup by biden, they say that is leading to black deaths so by extension he most certainly has caused mucho mucho damage to the black community.

lmao I literally linked you to how this is a Republican troll on Biden in the first post I made here. It was only a matter of time that troll was used.
They both are. Stop being a pet. Plus Biden can’t keep his hands off children. Watching videos of that creeper around children makes me sick. But by today’s standards we are all racist because we’re benefiting off a country that was built of racism.