Radio affects your plants!

About Positive Music
by Don Robertson

The Sound of Music and Plants. Her book detailed experiments that she had been conducting at the Colorado Woman’s College in Denver using the school’s three Biotronic Control Chambers. Mrs. Retallack placed plants in each chamber and speakers through which she played sounds and particular styles of music. She watched the plants and recorded their progress daily. She was astounded at what she discovered.

Her first experiment was to simply play a constant tone. In the first of the three chambers, she played a steady tone continuously for eight hours. In the second, she played the tone for three hours intermittently, and in the third chamber, she played no tone at all. The plants in the first chamber, with the constant tone, died within fourteen days. The plants in the second chamber grew abundantly and were extremely healthy, even more so than the plants in the third chamber. This was a very interesting outcome, very similar to the results that were obtained from experiments performed by the Muzak Corporation in the early 1940s to determine the effect of "background music" on factory workers. When music was played continuously, the workers were more fatigued and less productive, when played for several hours only, several times a day, the workers were more productive, and more alert and attentive than when no music was played.


Dorothy Retallack and Professor Broman working with the plants used in music experiments.
For her next experiment, Mrs. Retallack used two chambers (and fresh plants). She placed radios in each chamber. In one chamber, the radio was tuned to a local rock station, and in the other the radio played a station that featured soothing "middle-of-the-road" music. Only three hours of music was played in each chamber. On the fifth day, she began noticing drastic changes. In the chamber with the soothing music, the plants were growing healthily and their stems were starting to bend towards the radio! In the rock chamber, half the plants had small leaves and had grown gangly, while the others were stunted. After two weeks, the plants in the soothing-music chamber were uniform in size, lush and green, and were leaning between 15 and 20 degrees toward the radio. The plants in the rock chamber had grown extremely tall and were drooping, the blooms had faded and the stems were bending away from the radio. On the sixteenth day, all but a few plants in the rock chamber were in the last stages of dying. In the other chamber, the plants were alive, beautiful, and growing abundantly.


"Chaos, pure chaos": plants subjected to Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix didn't survive
Mrs. Retallack’s next experiment was to create a tape of rock music by Jimi Hendrix, Vanilla Fudge, and Led Zeppelin. Again, the plants turned away from the music. Thinking maybe it was the percussion in the rock music that was causing the plants to lean away from the speakers, she performed an experiment playing a song that was performed on steel drums. The plants in this experiment leaned just slightly away from the speaker; however not as extremely as did the plants in the rock chambers. When she performed the experiment again, this time with the same song played by strings, the plants bent towards the speaker.

Next Mrs. Retallack tried another experiment again using the three chambers. In one chamber she played North Indian classical music performed by sitar and tabla, in another she played Bach organ music, and in the third, no music was played. The plants "liked" the North Indian classical music the best. In both the Bach and sitar chambers, the plants leaned toward the speakers, but he plants in the Indian music chamber leaned toward the speakers the most.

She went on to experiment with other types of music. The plants showed no reaction at all to country and western music, similarly to those in silent chambers. However, the plants "liked" the jazz that she played them. She tried an experiment using rock in one chamber, and "modern" (dischordant) classical music of negative composers Arnold Schönberg and Anton Webern in another. The plants in the rock chamber leaned 30 to 70 degrees away from the speakers and the plants in the modern classical chamber leaned 10 to 15 degrees away.

I spoke with Mrs. Retallack about her experiments a few years after her book was published, and at that time I began performing my own experiments with plants using a wood-frame and clear-plastic-covered structure that I had built in my back yard. For one month, I played three-hours-a-day of music from Arnold Schönberg’s negative opera Moses and Aaron, and for another month I played three-hours-a-day of the positive music of Palestrina. The effects were clear. The plants subjected to Schönberg died. The plants that listened to Palestrina flourished.

In these experiments, albeit basic and not fully scientific, we have the genesis of a theory of positive and negative music. What is it that causes the plants to thrive or die, to grow bending toward a source of sound or away from it?
How much EXTRA bud did she get?
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The Dawn Chorus and Life Forces by Cornelis van Dalen
Some call it cacophony and are driven to madness; others find it the most beautiful event in all of creation – the dawn chorus of the birds. Especially in spring, before the sun’s morning rays light the heavens, the birds begin to sing. First one, then another, and finally all together singing to their heart’s content, if one can use such an expression. Each country has its own song where the species of birds differ; I shall never forget dawn chorus in the subtropical bush of northern New South Wales, Australia. Enchanting, dear Angela and Ian!
Here in southern England the bird life is especially prevalent in our locality. I have long admired the Blackbird Turdus merula for his song, yet after the summer solstice he gradually ceases to sing so regularly. This is also true for the Song Thrush Turdus musicus, often called England’s finest singer.
The song of the various birds is most beautiful and one must ask why they sing. The Rev. F.O. Morris in writing of the Nightingale says it ‘loves a neighbourhood where there is an echo, as if aware of and admiring its own music.’ [1] Or is the Nightingale in that locality to enhance the effects of the music? Music! Here is our clue.
In the book A Pilgrimage with the Animals [2] Dr Lascelles introduces us to the subtle nature of animals, and points to our failure to understand them as spiritual beings having a role and function in the labyrinth of life. “I want you to think of what you call the dawn chorus of the birds, that strange moment of nature just before the morning light seeps through. Suddenly, as you may have noticed if you have been lying awake, every bird in the neighbourhood breaks into song as though obeying some signal. For a time, while it is dark, the air is filled with orchestrated sound – the triumphant, challenging and positive sound of birds in song.”
“Now, why is this so? What prompts the birds into such a performance unequalled at any other time during the day?....This massed heralding in of the day awakens the earth in a magical way. Yes, actually awakens the earth as though God had arranged it, as indeed He has.”
“It has been said that you cannot hurt the humblest creature or disturb the smallest pebble without your action having a reaction upon something else…You cannot think an evil thought, no matter how privately, without it having an effect upon somebody else. Whatsoever you do in life sets up some form of resonance.”
“When I say the morning chorus of the birds awakens the earth I mean that the characteristic song of the birds sets in motion a series of vibrations which react upon other forms of life. Remember, the soil of the earth is full of living micro-organisms. The plants are also living organisms. You, yourselves, are living organisms. Now, this is the beauty and wonder of it all – when one aspect of nature has been moved into a state of resonance it immediately relays its vibrational motion to something else.”
“So when I say the dawn chorus awakens the earth I literally mean what I say. I do not suggest that the earth would come to a standstill without the bird song, but I do mean that life on earth would be sluggish and ineffectual without that first instigating outburst of vibrational power poured forth at just the right pitch and tone to set off a chain effect.”
“I know some of you will say, what happens in those parts of the world where there are no birds? Well, what does happen? Very little, I assure you. The hot deserts and the polar regions where there are few, if any, birds are not renowned for their wonders of nature. It is as though they are asleep. Nothing grows, few things live. Little resonates and there is a great stillness over everything.”
“You see, that outburst of sound just before the dawn is like the little lever which works the bigger lever which turns the wheel which moves the machine…and so on. Never underestimate small things.”
“Animals are blessed with an instantaneous and un-thought-out wisdom. They are in direct contact with God and they act and live as though they are fully aware of it. Men are also in contact with God, but most of them act as though they have never heard of God because they are largely veiled off from their divine centre by their own thinking minds of which they are so proud.” [3]
Sonic Bloom
The effects of birdsong on plant life may at first glance be far-fetched. Nigh on ten years ago an article appeared in Nexus Magazine 4 on the discovery or invention of a method of growing plants using bird sounds. Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins describe the development of Dan Carlson’s Sonic Bloom in their book the Secret Life of Plants. Many others have, it seems, recognized the role of birdsong in the growth of plants, and influenced or directly helped Carlson to develop his invention.
Dan Carlson’s desire to see that no one need be hungry through shortage of food sought to understand the optimum growth of plants. His discovery was that plants also feed from ‘the top down’ as well as the roots. Underneath all leaves are pores called stomata which open to take in nutrients and moisture from the air. Carlson’s observation that the more bird life there is on the farm, the more abundant is plant life, has been echoed by farmers throughout history, except in modern times. Where there is little bird life, plants are stunted, dwarfed. Nature has the birds sing at dawn and dusk, which dilates the stomata, and so feeds the plants. One can immediately see the importance of trees.
The development of Sonic Bloom was to create birdsong, which is played to the plants, while a foliar nutrient is sprayed onto the plants at the same time as they are being stimulated by the sound, to enhance their growth . This method produced fantastic results in the amount of abundantly nutritious produce from one plant, often in poor soils and in drought conditions. Carlson showed that the breathing leaves of plants are the source of the nutrient intake for growth. This of course is also true for humans – the breath is food. We shall discourse on this at another occasion. Plants transfer nutrient to the soil via this breathing, and Carlson showed that his plants improved the soil and helped earthworms proliferate.
The secret of Sonic Bloom was the development of music of the same frequency as the dawn chorus of the birds. With the help of a Minneapolis music teacher, Michael Holtz, a cassette was prepared. It seems that both birds and plants found Indian melodies called ragas delightfully suitable. This is actually quite profound, although the American farmers, especially women, who had to endure this music whilst it was played to the plants, found it irritating. Holtz found the “Spring” movement of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons appropriate and concludes: “I realized that Vivaldi, in his day, must have known all about birdsong, which he tried to imitate in his long violin passages.”
Holtz, it is related by the authors Bird and Tompkins, also realized that the violin music dominant in “Spring” reflected Johann Sebastian Bach’s violin sonatas broadcast by the Ottawa University researchers to a wheat field, which had obtained remarkable crops with 66 percent greater yield than average, with larger and heavier seeds. Accordingly, Holtz selected Bach’s E-major concerto for violin for inclusion on the tape. “I chose that particular concerto,” explained Holtz, “because it has many repetitions but varying notes. Bach was such a musical genius he could change his harmonic rhythm at nearly every other beat, with his chords going from E to B to G-sharp and so on, whereas Vivaldi would frequently keep to one chord for as long as four measures. That is why Bach is considered the greatest composer that ever lived. I chose Bach’s string concerto, rather than his more popular organ music, because the timbre of the violin, its harmonic structure, is far richer than that of the organ.” [5]
Birdsong has long been loved, but also studied with reference to the musical scale and harmonics. As Holtz deepened his study he said, “I began to feel that God had created the birds for more than just freely flying about and warbling. Their very singing must somehow be intimately linked to the mysteries of seed germination and plant growth.”
“I guess Rachel Carson [6] was right,” Holtz said nostalgically. “The spring season down on the farms is much more silent than ever before. DDT killed off many birds and others never seem to have taken their place. Who knows what magical effect a bird like the wood thrush might have on its environment, singing three separate notes all at the same time, warbling two of them and sustaining the others!”
Tree and bird life are essential to earth existence, which Carlson, Holtz and others have shown, but indeed others see and feel. “Plants”, says Steiner, “can only be understood when considered in connection with all that is circling, weaving, and living around them. In spring and autumn, when swallows produce vibrations as they flock in a body of air, causing currents with their wing beats, these and birdsong, have a powerful effect on the flowering and fruiting of plants. Remove the winged creatures, Steiner warns, and there would be a stunting of vegetation.” [7] Nothing more need be added here.
Music and Human Development
Whilst Birdsong reflects the beauty and subtlety of the underlying majesty of Nature, we as creators or creative beings can devise the instruments with which music is made. The human being is an instrument; the creation of musical instruments is modelled on the human frame. The lyre is the archetypal instrument of the Greeks. The four-stringed lyre is the instrument upon which the human is created.
The vibrations of the universe are the underlying spirit of creation; the soul experiences the spiritual with music. With musical experience, one subtly perceives the cosmic existence out of which one is fashioned. The Lyre of Apollo is seen to be the nerve fibres (as rami) of the spinal column. This is adequately experienced in the tingles felt in the appreciation of music that is attuned to one’s inner note. More directly one can experience the sound of music ‘lighting up’ or activating the various rami on the spinal column thus revitalising the entire being, and having a rhapsodic moment in the beauty of harmony. Such experiences can occur with the simple polyphony of the Middle Ages to the orchestral complexity of the Classical composers.
Music in Therapy
The authors of The Secrets of the Soil made a insightful comment on the way the imitated birdsong of Dan Carlson’s Sonic Bloom was homoeopathic in the way that a small quantity of sound met with a large response in the plants, in growth, vitality, and nutrient abundance of the produce. They are forgiven for their undiscriminating use of the word homoeopathic, for what is meant is the minimal dose to achieve a large response.
Generally, the use of sound is not used widely in therapy. One can well imagine the efficacy of a homoeopathic remedy being greatly enhanced if the patient were prior to and immediately after taking a remedy to be in repose and listen to specific music. This would be to activate the specific nerve rami of the spinal chord – realising that each vertebrae of the spinal column has rami which lead to specific organs. The specific organ remedy would thus enter the subtle being, doing its task accordingly. A homoeopathic remedy – the similimum – is vibrations – this is acknowledged. But it is also colour or a hue, a musical note or harmonic chord to establish harmony, which is health. One can only come to harmony in life by attuning to that which is harmonious. Discord does not heal, similars do.
Would it be so simple as to take a specific tuning fork and vibrate one note through the human frame, to open the organism and the soul to healing? Would it be the song of the Blackbird or its cousins in the thrush family that would long reign over the ever more vibrant spring as we all come to sing Alleluia? It is birdsong and the life forces! Man is music and music heals – open yourself to this.
The vibrations of the universe are the underlying spirit of creation; the soul experiences the spiritual with music. With musical experience, one subtly perceives the cosmic existence out of which one is fashioned. The Lyre of Apollo is seen to be the nerve fibres (as rami) of the spinal column. This is adequately experienced in the tingles felt in the appreciation of music that is attuned to one’s inner note. More directly one can experience the sound of music ‘lighting up’ or activating the various rami on the spinal column thus revitalising the entire being, and having a rhapsodic moment in the beauty of harmony. Such experiences can occur with the simple polyphony of the Middle Ages to the orchestral complexity of the Classical composers.
Music in Therapy
The authors of The Secrets of the Soil made a insightful comment on the way the imitated birdsong of Dan Carlson’s Sonic Bloom was homoeopathic in the way that a small quantity of sound met with a large response in the plants, in growth, vitality, and nutrient abundance of the produce. They are forgiven for their undiscriminating use of the word homoeopathic, for what is meant is the minimal dose to achieve a large response.
Generally, the use of sound is not used widely in therapy. One can well imagine the efficacy of a homoeopathic remedy being greatly enhanced if the patient were prior to and immediately after taking a remedy to be in repose and listen to specific music. This would be to activate the specific nerve rami of the spinal chord – realising that each vertebrae of the spinal column has rami which lead to specific organs. The specific organ remedy would thus enter the subtle being, doing its task accordingly. A homoeopathic remedy – the similimum – is vibrations – this is acknowledged. But it is also colour or a hue, a musical note or harmonic chord to establish harmony, which is health. One can only come to harmony in life by attuning to that which is harmonious. Discord does not heal, similars do.
Would it be so simple as to take a specific tuning fork and vibrate one note through the human frame, to open the organism and the soul to healing? Would it be the song of the Blackbird or its cousins in the thrush family that would long reign over the ever more vibrant spring as we all come to sing Alleluia? It is birdsong and the life forces! Man is music and music heals – open yourself to this.

Wow. That's some pretty poetic stuff there DP. Pretty cool.
This stuff is interesting, my only problem with it is to prove increase
you would need a time machine.
you would have to grow the exact
same plant under the exact same conditions multiple times with and without music and that is impossible.
Once you have the basics down though I see no harm.

Hell, i see no harm either way

Like I said it's interesting but so is cake and I know where cake is right now.
This stuff is interesting, my only problem with it is to prove increase
you would need a time machine.
you would have to grow the exact
same plant under the exact same conditions multiple times with and without music and that is impossible.
Once you have the basics down though I see no harm.

Hell, i see no harm either way

Like I said it's interesting but so is cake and I know where cake is right now.
1 plant has headphones
This stuff is interesting, my only problem with it is to prove increase
you would need a time machine.
you would have to grow the exact
same plant under the exact same conditions multiple times with and without music and that is impossible.
Once you have the basics down though I see no harm.

Hell, i see no harm either way

Like I said it's interesting but so is cake and I know where cake is right now.
I just let the aliens do all that stuff.
About Positive Music
by Don Robertson

The Sound of Music and Plants. Her book detailed experiments that she had been conducting at the Colorado Woman’s College in Denver using the school’s three Biotronic Control Chambers. Mrs. Retallack placed plants in each chamber and speakers through which she played sounds and particular styles of music. She watched the plants and recorded their progress daily. She was astounded at what she discovered.

Her first experiment was to simply play a constant tone. In the first of the three chambers, she played a steady tone continuously for eight hours. In the second, she played the tone for three hours intermittently, and in the third chamber, she played no tone at all. The plants in the first chamber, with the constant tone, died within fourteen days. The plants in the second chamber grew abundantly and were extremely healthy, even more so than the plants in the third chamber. This was a very interesting outcome, very similar to the results that were obtained from experiments performed by the Muzak Corporation in the early 1940s to determine the effect of "background music" on factory workers. When music was played continuously, the workers were more fatigued and less productive, when played for several hours only, several times a day, the workers were more productive, and more alert and attentive than when no music was played.


Dorothy Retallack and Professor Broman working with the plants used in music experiments.
For her next experiment, Mrs. Retallack used two chambers (and fresh plants). She placed radios in each chamber. In one chamber, the radio was tuned to a local rock station, and in the other the radio played a station that featured soothing "middle-of-the-road" music. Only three hours of music was played in each chamber. On the fifth day, she began noticing drastic changes. In the chamber with the soothing music, the plants were growing healthily and their stems were starting to bend towards the radio! In the rock chamber, half the plants had small leaves and had grown gangly, while the others were stunted. After two weeks, the plants in the soothing-music chamber were uniform in size, lush and green, and were leaning between 15 and 20 degrees toward the radio. The plants in the rock chamber had grown extremely tall and were drooping, the blooms had faded and the stems were bending away from the radio. On the sixteenth day, all but a few plants in the rock chamber were in the last stages of dying. In the other chamber, the plants were alive, beautiful, and growing abundantly.


"Chaos, pure chaos": plants subjected to Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix didn't survive
Mrs. Retallack’s next experiment was to create a tape of rock music by Jimi Hendrix, Vanilla Fudge, and Led Zeppelin. Again, the plants turned away from the music. Thinking maybe it was the percussion in the rock music that was causing the plants to lean away from the speakers, she performed an experiment playing a song that was performed on steel drums. The plants in this experiment leaned just slightly away from the speaker; however not as extremely as did the plants in the rock chambers. When she performed the experiment again, this time with the same song played by strings, the plants bent towards the speaker.

Next Mrs. Retallack tried another experiment again using the three chambers. In one chamber she played North Indian classical music performed by sitar and tabla, in another she played Bach organ music, and in the third, no music was played. The plants "liked" the North Indian classical music the best. In both the Bach and sitar chambers, the plants leaned toward the speakers, but he plants in the Indian music chamber leaned toward the speakers the most.

She went on to experiment with other types of music. The plants showed no reaction at all to country and western music, similarly to those in silent chambers. However, the plants "liked" the jazz that she played them. She tried an experiment using rock in one chamber, and "modern" (dischordant) classical music of negative composers Arnold Schönberg and Anton Webern in another. The plants in the rock chamber leaned 30 to 70 degrees away from the speakers and the plants in the modern classical chamber leaned 10 to 15 degrees away.

I spoke with Mrs. Retallack about her experiments a few years after her book was published, and at that time I began performing my own experiments with plants using a wood-frame and clear-plastic-covered structure that I had built in my back yard. For one month, I played three-hours-a-day of music from Arnold Schönberg’s negative opera Moses and Aaron, and for another month I played three-hours-a-day of the positive music of Palestrina. The effects were clear. The plants subjected to Schönberg died. The plants that listened to Palestrina flourished.

In these experiments, albeit basic and not fully scientific, we have the genesis of a theory of positive and negative music. What is it that causes the plants to thrive or die, to grow bending toward a source of sound or away from it?
I wonder what would happen with the same music one tuned at standard A440 vs more soothing A432 (about a half step flat)?
what do rush and michael moore have in common? they're both fat fucks who bitch and cry about everything under the sun. at least rush did something about his weight problem and is entertaining. michael moore is a boring slob that always looks like shit even with all the smoke, mirrors, and makeup. maybe he should start using oxycodone. Maybe for once in his life he would feel good. maybe he could even hope to make as much money as rush
what do rush and michael moore have in common? they're both fat fucks who bitch and cry about everything under the sun. at least rush did something about his weight problem and is entertaining. michael moore is a boring slob that always looks like shit even with all the smoke, mirrors, and makeup. maybe he should start using oxycodone. Maybe for once in his life he would feel good. maybe he could even hope to make as much money as rush
And get a radio show that our plants can listen to maybe, one room with Rush one with MM, how do our plants react, I bet they prefer zeppelin
And get a radio show that our plants can listen to maybe, one room with Rush one with MM, how do our plants react, I bet they prefer zeppelin
I like it, it would have to be good old fashion prime oxy rush vs Fahrenheit 911 prime moore though. Really though these guys are both smart people. For all the money Rush has I still don't get why he didn't just go to a methadone clinic. Think he's doing the subby like all these young kids these days that snort it?
I doesn't stop there. Sound can be used as a weapon, communication, its used in the medical field to blow up kidney stones, its used in the manufacturing industry to weld and could possibly opens the doors to levitation.
That's awesome! I'm about to put one of my stereo speakers on the floor duct tape the other to the ceiling and make a big nug float between them it's going to be great I would film it and show it to you guys but.
I like it, it would have to be good old fashion prime oxy rush vs Fahrenheit 911 prime moore though. Really though these guys are both smart people. For all the money Rush has I still don't get why he didn't just go to a methadone clinic. Think he's doing the subby like all these young kids these days that snort it?
the buds from one room will smell great and look like shit the other room will a look great and smell like shit and when you smoke them they will both make you grow those little dicks all over your body
I doesn't stop there. Sound can be used as a weapon, communication, its used in the medical field to blow up kidney stones, its used in the manufacturing industry to weld and could possibly opens the doors to levitation.
David Bowie could levitate things with the sound of his voice.