Raffles first grow.


Hey guys. Ive been smoking for years but i moved outta London 6 months back and ever since i have been finding it hard to get a good smoke.

So now im in the sticks i thought i would pot some seeds that i had from a bag a while back.

I donno what they are so if anyone can identify them i would be chuffed.

They are both about 3 months old.

I think i found my first pistil today. The photos are quite bad cos i took them through a magnifing glass.
Can anyone confirm??

Cheers Raffs:weed:


Well-Known Member
ill tell you what they are...

MONSTERS! those plants look pro bro. ya them pics are a little fuzzy but it looks like a girl to me

honestly no one can really name a strand and say thats what your plant is and actually know. it dose look like a good grow though


ill tell you what they are...

MONSTERS! those plants look pro bro. ya them pics are a little fuzzy but it looks like a girl to me

honestly no one can really name a strand and say thats what your plant is and actually know. it dose look like a good grow though
I didnt think so but it was worth asking.

Ive been told by a few people that these babys are TONK so im well happy.:-P

How much yeild do you guys reckon?? When these bud i reckon i could swim in the green.


Well-Known Member
def over an ounce each, if there both fem im gonna say near a qp. but also this is a question people cant really guess. you could show me a pic of wet bud and ask what we think it would be dry but only a psychic knows what a plant will yield


Well-Known Member
I'd say around 3 zips apiece. But it's hard to say really...where are you now? How much time left in the season? They look great...looks like you topped them a couple nodes ago...I would have done it a bit earlier but it should still improve your yield. Can't tell sex from those pics.



I'd say around 3 zips apiece. But it's hard to say really...where are you now? How much time left in the season? They look great...looks like you topped them a couple nodes ago...I would have done it a bit earlier but it should still improve your yield. Can't tell sex from those pics.

Im in the UK. North somerset.

Sun up at about 04.45 Sundown about 20.30

I was gonna force them by taking them indoors in the early evening but i think there is only about a month or so left in the season so im just gonna wait.

Im germing two more at the mo and they are gonna go 12/12 right away cos ive heard thats being done so im gonna see the results and judge after.

Im gonna try to keep the next two smallish though.


Ok i have more questions.

The one on the left in the above pic is defo a girl as shes got hairs cropping up all over (well happy) but the one on the right is not showing anything.
They are only a week apart as when i germinated them one came out before the other ( the fem first) but as i understand the males should show before the females. I dont think that the slight age difference should make a difference as far as im aware they will start to flower because of the enviroment not because of their age. Am i wrong??

I have seperated them just to be on the safe side

Any input??

Ps, i have germinated two more and im gonna stick them right on a 12/12 cycle as soon as they show so i will update on this thread so both my grows are kept together. ( I can keep track of my posts better this way )


Active Member
Males usually show first so you should be good. Nice grow btw..Keep us posted! And yes it is the conditions not the age that determine when it flowers.Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Preflowering can be induced by light schedule or by age. Plants that reach sexual maturity before the flowering period begins can show their sex weeks or months before any actual flower formation begins.

There's no need in separating them now...you'll be able to tell sex definitively long before there is any chance of pollination.

Your'e doing great, man.