
I was hit in tennessee in 2006 with 81 plant in my backyard they had me rightfully . There first plea offer was 12 years because of my criminal history . I refused there offer an countered with I would take a year at 30 percent a week later the d.a accepted it . So while doing my time I studied the law books and learned a lot of usefull stuff an from what I've skimmed through they want u to tell on urself , if u do or don't its up to u but i would tell em to fuck off cause no roots no cultivation . Dont take ur lawyer with u it shows guilt have him on call just in case . An if they siezed ur equipment I'd tell either return it or get ready for a law suit cause u was jus storing it not using it. Stand firm show em u ain't weak an most likely they will fold JUS DON'T SNITCH ON URSELF !!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Duuuude, I only read the first couple of pages---dont take a deal, and don't tell them shit!!

But I would count on being investigated. Even if its something as small as stopping by your house once or twice (without you knowing) to see if there's any traffic, or to see if they can catch you moving anything ACTUALLY ILLEGAL.

I live in Virginia, and its the worst around here for being way too harsh with weed. Just yesterday there was a news report on the radio about a call they got saying a guy was selling weed from a hotel room. The cops came and searched and he had an ounce and it actually made the fucking news, its ridiculous.

Cops in this part of the country have nothing better to do than hound stoners. Just start up some tomatoes at your place in case they come back and do anything else at another place. If they had enough to charge you then chances are they would have already.

I'm only 28 but I've seen quite a bit. I've even had 5 pounds stolen off of me by a dirty cop in kansas (don't ever let your buddy get off the interstate when there's a drug checkpoint sign. Knock him out and take the wheel if you have to, lol).

Seriously tho, just be super careful with your shit. Get a burner phone asap and be super careful and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
you have the right to remain silent. use it.
screw that suggestion to not take your lawyer cause it makes you look guilty. lawyers are there to talk for you BECAUSE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT.
say you were innocent, you had cops bust into your place. even an innocent person under those circumstances would be scared and would be justified wanting a lawyer when people are trying to put you in jail.
if you go there by yourself the cops can claim you said anything they want.
cops are trained to lie and can twist what you say and even lie about it. if a cop is acting like your friend or he doesn't care he is trying to manipulate you.

you shouldn't talk to friends about this, you shouldn't talk on the phone about this, you shouldn't create a digital trail on the internet about this, you shouldn't talk to your roommate about this, you shouldn't talk to that cop or any cop again about this (without a lawyer).

you shouldn't grow for a long time, like the idea about getting some cfls and growing some tomatoes.
doesn't sound like they have enough for shit, MAYBE possession for the roaches.
sounds like they are trying to get you to screw yourself by admitting to something or scaring you into a deal. he said himself not enough evidence, Don't give him anymore.
"I don't talk to cops sir"

I am no authority on this, but I would do like I said above.


Well-Known Member
Had a friend get raided who also lives in NC... not sure where in NC you live, but if it's raleigh, cops down there are complete assholes. My friend lived in Greensboro at the time... had her Volcano and a little less than an ounce seized and she got out of it completely with a lawyer. Not sure what the technical term is, but if you've never been charged, you can basically use your "get out of jail free" card and they'll drop the case.. that is, if you have a good lawyer and live in a decent part of the state.


Sector 5 Moderator
Dude, you were on vacation - not even at the place; been gone several days, right? They found no seeds, clones, plants or anything other than equipment to grow your own herbs in the winter. I would have my lawyer write them a letter of intent saying that if you are going to sue their asses off when you kick them to the curb and humiliate them.
The technical term for the get out of jail free card is a pre trial deversion. An yeah take ur lawyer because innocent people always come with a lawyer lol cause there guilty! do what u will cause its simply a scare tactic u do have the right to remain silent blah blah blah but u also can tell them what u want them to hear cause even if they try to indite u its not gonna get a true bill if there is no evidence real fuckin talk do some time an learn a lot


Well-Known Member
The technical term for the get out of jail free card is a pre trial deversion. An yeah take ur lawyer because innocent people always come with a lawyer lol cause there guilty! do what u will cause its simply a scare tactic u do have the right to remain silent blah blah blah but u also can tell them what u want them to hear cause even if they try to indite u its not gonna get a true bill if there is no evidence real fuckin talk do some time an learn a lot
How much time did you do?

How did not having a lawyer work out for ya?


Well-Known Member
Umm yeah... I've done 5 years.. I don't care if I am innocent I will have a lawyer there before I even say I gotta Piss. Don't listen to anyone who says don't take a lawyer that's bullshit. Always have a lawyer and don't say anything....
If they searched your trash, they have probably been watching you for a while. Maybe even while you were actually growing, and that's why they have been so intrusive... You prolly lucked out they didn't pop you while you were growing... A snitch, a few suspicious actions when they watch you. That's all it takes for a warrant, and once they find "anything" and I do mean anything pot related in your trash, that's evidence to set it all in motion.


Active Member
I would reply to the police:

That meth addicted stripper prostitute got angry because I didnt want to buy her drugs, this was after having had sex with her and she suddenly wanted to get paid for it.

Crazy women.

And get yourself a lawyer, asap.
This was my 4th felony which put me at risk of being charged as a range 2 offender which would enhance my sentence . The d.a. First offer was 12 years , and I didn't think I commented a 12 year crime ! I was givin a public pretender by the judge and he thought I was crazy when I said I wouldn't sign no deal over a year at thirty percent . Before I signed a plea for 12 years I was ready to take my chance at trial an get 20. The state must have felt like it wasn't worth the time or money for a trial because I got a year at thirty an a year probation. U gotta stand ur ground an an only tell them what u want them to know
Take a lawyer don't take one hell hire Johnny cochrans ghost if u wanna cause there gonna do what there gonna do! Use common sense ( cause u have done nothing wrong ) an save ur fuckin cash till u gotta spend it . An if the wanna press the roaches in the trash then get ur lawyer to rep u on the much cheaper misdameanor charge


Well-Known Member
Don't say anything, except maybe ask them to tell the fink stripper to get her
stuff she is storing at your house. If you had any idea a light and a couple
of other things would cause such a stir you never would of allowed her
to keep her stuff at your house.



Well-Known Member
Who's story ?
The OP's story that just when he happened to be away, his roommates stripper girlfriend calls the police and claims that they're growing in the house. As a result and based on the word of a spiteful stripper, the house get raided by swat. The roommate who was home and who was targeted by the stripper doesn't get arrested. No drugs or other evidence were found, only grow equipment. The OP gets charged with a felony.


We can't be sure there was a SWAT Team or any kind of raid whatsoever. As far as we know the police knocked on the door and the room-mate replied and let them in.

As for the evidence in the trash... this is a great reason to seriously limit throwing anything incriminating away. Flush it instead, when possible. Once you put it out to the curb, it isn't yours anymore and the cops can freely pick it up to peruse for anything they can use as probable cause for a warrant.

Somebody mentioned earlier in the thread that "what if someone put something in my trash"... I suppose it is just up to the judge and circumstance to decide.
Where I am from you buy colored bags from the city and they pick those bags up once a week at a certain time, depending where you live in the city. You are supposed to put the bags out to the curb from 6-7:30 am. They are supposed to be tied up also, I think this goes without saying. So if you do as you are supposed to there isn't feasibly much time for someone to slip incriminating evidence into the bag as the evidence collection van is chasing the garbage man down the street.

Not to mention, they'll always say they found the roaches or whatever at the bottom of the bag.
He was looking out the window stoned out of his mind... As he saw a car, whiz by the sanitation trunk and park directly behind, after his garbage was taken that day... He thought it a bit odd, all he had to do was walk around the corner to find out what was really going on. But to much of a sedate life style coupled with endless blowing of weed. Caused no reaction to this oddity, as well as a few other incidents... That perhaps a normal person might have noticed, had unfortunately, gone unregistered in his brain... Unknown to him, was the fact his neighbor had made a call about a small bit of suspicion he had, on a small matter... But since he was on probation, there was no problem in following him around as long as it took...