First off... what's with all the anger and hate? You think childish name calling is going to help convince me of your argument? Again, grow up.
Next... it's true that not all WEED dealers sell other drugs. The guy I used to buy my meds off of before I started growing my own absolutely refused. BUT most DRUG dealers will sell anything they can make a buck off. My friend's kid is in high school and he can get weed, coke, meth, fentanol, X and whole shitload of other things off the same guy. And that goes for most street dealers too... hustlers... out to make a buck any way they can. When I lived in TO, Jane and Finch was a supermarket... get anything you wanted right through your car window. But there was also a good chance you'd get ripped off, stabbed or shot. And you know this perfectly well
The thing with most weed only dealers is that they operate within a closed circle of friends, regular customers, who they trust. They're not out on the street corner or in a bar hustling. And you know this perfectly well too. How do you meet that weed only guy? And even if you do... do you think he's going to offer? Do you think if a new acquaintance asked the weed only guy for some that he would sell it? Fuck no. Only an idiot would. You know this... and yet you call me the retard? Really?
You're a liar.
Next... Don't risk street drug deals and you'll be fine. Yes. True. But again... what if you're new in town and don't know anybody? You have to ask around and HOPE the person you pick isn't a scum bag cunt who'll rip you off.
If I have to explain all this to you... it seems pretty obvious that you know nothing about the BM.
Next... as for the weed impairing ability to drive... that's not even an argument. It is simply chemistry. It is a simple fact. The only people who argue otherwise are boneheaded stoners who can barely tie their shoelaces together. You don't see any doctors or chemists discussing this because they know. Now... to what level of impairment that X amount of weed effects this or that person... that is debatable. And even that changes. I can smoke a bowl one day and hardly feel a thing. Next day, same bowl same strain and... I can't walk straight. it is all dependent on who much you have eaten, how well you have slept, stress levels and on an on...because all of that affects body chemistry. Anyway, that's the last I'll say about impairment. We all smoke the weed to get impaired so to say it doesn't effect your driving is... retarded.