
If they don't like it, they can be replaced. And if you know anything about systems of power, you are probably well aware that all this spying that's going on is going to really hurt the chances of landing honest Judges as government leadership can use such tools to blackmail people. Which is why EVERY SINGLE totalitarian nightmare in history started with massive surveillance (well, that and to find political enemies).
Im not a 100% sure, but i dont believe supreme court positions can be revoked... if thats what you meant...

But they do have to retire at 75
I'm not being argumentative, just trying to gain an understanding of your perspective. Whether or not the new medical program is treated as legislation or a Gazette, the end result is it will have to satisfy the court decision and be able to withstand a constitutional challenge.What do you they will introduce that will violate our rights, and why do you think they will want to continue the war against patients, which they historically lose and with legal rec imminent? There would be no political benefit and a lot of negative press.

No problem dude, more questions are better than less.

So, from Philpott's comments I think they will relax the ridiculous LP regs, and introduce some kind of subsidization and/or price cap. I don't see them jumping into storefronts just yet, but you can bet when they do it'll be LP only, or the 'clinics' those slimeballs are setting up now.

As for growing, renters will for sure be excluded, or with regs so draconian a landlord would have to be an idiot to allow growing.
If they actually do include home grows, it will probably be reduced plant count based on the 5g/day 'average' HC came up with during Allard. They'll probably leave room for municipalities to completely forbid home grows, at which point it's a new lawsuit against cities (or a city to get a satisfactory precedent).

Then there's the whole issue of seeds. Will they say 'you can only grow cuttings/seeds from LP's'? Will they make all the quasi-legal seed sellers fully legal?

On inspections, they'll probably make you register your address at least with the city, if not the realtor registry all the realtor companies are pushing for. So when your NIMBY neighbour decides the smell from your grow will make them lose their hair or whatever they'll complain to the city, and that shitshow will go on for months.

So basically even if I am wrong and they do include grows, there's plenty for them to fuck us over with.
Im not a 100% sure, but i dont believe supreme court positions can be revoked... if thats what you meant...

But they do have to retire at 75

IIRC this is effectively correct as there's some process but it basically requires the HoC to unanimously agree. Basically it's the same thing as Senators.
Nope. There is no 'law', at all when it comes to medical marijuana in Canada. It's a 'regulation' published in the Gazette, for which there is no parliamentary debate or requirement for Senate approval. So, in the context of C-14, if it were handled in the same method the MMPR is, an unconstitutional piece of regulation would have already been passed. The only reason C-14 isn't getting the rubber stamp is because of the Senate miraculously actually doing its job.

There is a precedent in Allard v Canada and a direction to the government. This 'regulation' will not go through the same constitutional checks (for what they're worth) as an actual piece of legislation will. So like I said, I've already outlined the legal principles and such in the past, so there's not really much to be gained in diving into minutiae again only to end up at the same point.

With regards to the 'majority government' point though, you're basically saying there's no point to the house of commons if the government has a majority, which is not true. We'll see in August if we'll just have a court case over legalization or a legalization one and yet another medical one.
They have until August to either make a new system or amend the old one. Either way they have to do so to allow for home grows. Anything otherwise was already proven unconstitutional. Not that hard to grasp really. No paranoid dilusions or hatred for previous governing parties will change that.
Which big pharma companies are forced to offer low prices to help out low income patients? That cost is paid by the taxpayer. The LP's have million's of dollars invested and have an obligation to investors and shareholders to create profit. Any attempt by government to control the sale price will be met with a bigger court challenge than anything the patients have brought. The only viable option to satisfy the court is to allow home grows. Let me know if anything changes, but for now I'm sticking with my prediction.

And that lawsuit would almost certainly be shot down.

How'd that work for little Stevie Hitler? Seems every single piece of legislation he tried to pass was tossed by those very judges in a CON dominated SCoC. 7 of those judges were appointed by Harper himself. Why could he not just replace them and get his shit passed? It's a little more complicated than that, I'm guessin'.

And he made bad choices. Or he deliberately wrote legislation in a way that he knew would fail simply for political points with his constituents and to create more conflict and divide, which the conservatives have been massively thriving on basically since he was in power. The guy is a masterful politician. One of the all time greats, put nothing past him.

Whether you liked him or not he played the game at levels much higher than most and is frequently spoken about with some interesting, if conflicted, regard in a lot of political science circles. Certainly in every class I took, which included one who's professor is now an MP for the NDP and another who was a communist (ran as an MP for the party and all) the guy was regarded highly for his ability to play the game even if the policies he likes were not appreciated.

And now the divide is stronger than ever, but the Conservatives who have stuck around are more entrenched than ever too. Clearly he miscalculated, unless he wanted to remain in power, but chess masters lose too. It happens.
He was a master strategist. Ill give him that. But no personality. He would have done much better as the behind the scenes power guy...puppet master....
They have until August to either make a new system or amend the old one. Either way they have to do so to allow for home grows. Anything otherwise was already proven unconstitutional. Not that hard to grasp really. No paranoid dilusions or hatred for previous governing parties will change that.

There's no 'paranoid delusions' here friend. The sitting government is trying to pass legislation that is not constitutional in order to meet a deadline imposed by the courts. So if you're going to hand-wave that away, be my guest, but casting aspersions isn't going to change what the current government is doing. This is exactly the same situation as Allard, except that with the MMPR there are no checks on the government.

To expand a bit on the worst aspect of C-14, the Carter decision said nothing about death being immediately foreseeable, nor did it place restrictions on mental illness (which C-14 does). So if you can reconcile that behaviour with saying the government must adhere to the Allard decision then you're a better person than I.
meth and weed dealers :lol:
No problem dude, more questions are better than less.

So, from Philpott's comments I think they will relax the ridiculous LP regs, and introduce some kind of subsidization and/or price cap. I don't see them jumping into storefronts just yet, but you can bet when they do it'll be LP only, or the 'clinics' those slimeballs are setting up now.

As for growing, renters will for sure be excluded, or with regs so draconian a landlord would have to be an idiot to allow growing.
If they actually do include home grows, it will probably be reduced plant count based on the 5g/day 'average' HC came up with during Allard. They'll probably leave room for municipalities to completely forbid home grows, at which point it's a new lawsuit against cities (or a city to get a satisfactory precedent).

Then there's the whole issue of seeds. Will they say 'you can only grow cuttings/seeds from LP's'? Will they make all the quasi-legal seed sellers fully legal?

On inspections, they'll probably make you register your address at least with the city, if not the realtor registry all the realtor companies are pushing for. So when your NIMBY neighbour decides the smell from your grow will make them lose their hair or whatever they'll complain to the city, and that shitshow will go on for months.

So basically even if I am wrong and they do include grows, there's plenty for them to fuck us over with.
:lol: rec...maybe...As for medical...They cant do SHIT! ;)

watch the shit fly!!! and its gonna fly it is...!! :)

The deal was sealed in court. It's DONE...they and everyone else just CANT seem to grasp that concept yet.
THEY CANT DO SHIT TO THE SICK ANYMORE!!! (: but oh they can try :lol: ;)

Once the money is set...The wont care who does what... ;)
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First off... what's with all the anger and hate? You think childish name calling is going to help convince me of your argument? Again, grow up.

Next... it's true that not all WEED dealers sell other drugs. The guy I used to buy my meds off of before I started growing my own absolutely refused. BUT most DRUG dealers will sell anything they can make a buck off. My friend's kid is in high school and he can get weed, coke, meth, fentanol, X and whole shitload of other things off the same guy. And that goes for most street dealers too... hustlers... out to make a buck any way they can. When I lived in TO, Jane and Finch was a supermarket... get anything you wanted right through your car window. But there was also a good chance you'd get ripped off, stabbed or shot. And you know this perfectly well

The thing with most weed only dealers is that they operate within a closed circle of friends, regular customers, who they trust. They're not out on the street corner or in a bar hustling. And you know this perfectly well too. How do you meet that weed only guy? And even if you do... do you think he's going to offer? Do you think if a new acquaintance asked the weed only guy for some that he would sell it? Fuck no. Only an idiot would. You know this... and yet you call me the retard? Really?

You're a liar.

Next... Don't risk street drug deals and you'll be fine. Yes. True. But again... what if you're new in town and don't know anybody? You have to ask around and HOPE the person you pick isn't a scum bag cunt who'll rip you off.

If I have to explain all this to you... it seems pretty obvious that you know nothing about the BM.

Next... as for the weed impairing ability to drive... that's not even an argument. It is simply chemistry. It is a simple fact. The only people who argue otherwise are boneheaded stoners who can barely tie their shoelaces together. You don't see any doctors or chemists discussing this because they know. Now... to what level of impairment that X amount of weed effects this or that person... that is debatable. And even that changes. I can smoke a bowl one day and hardly feel a thing. Next day, same bowl same strain and... I can't walk straight. it is all dependent on who much you have eaten, how well you have slept, stress levels and on an on...because all of that affects body chemistry. Anyway, that's the last I'll say about impairment. We all smoke the weed to get impaired so to say it doesn't effect your driving is... retarded.
Only a retard would go to Jane and finch to score some weed. Look it's simple this is real life not a tv show or movie. Go buy your drugs from a refuge from some god forsaken country where life is cheap and yeah you're asking to get robbed/murdered. Sorry you seem to have such problems making friends. It's no wonder why. You clearly lack basic reasoning skills. If you're new somewhere and have no connects your goto move is to ask random off the street where to score... No wonder you have such a warped view of the marijuan market. I'd say 90% of weed dealers deal weed only and that's probably in the low side. Go to a hustler and your going to get hustled. Not a hard concept. I absolutely don't smoke to get impaired. But what the fuck do you know. You buy weed off of street hustlers who sell meth in the back alley. Not very smart are you.
I agree. We will keep our gardens. The only question is... what limits will be placed on them and how. I can see the limits coming, but what I can't see is how they will be enforced.
It's a public safety issue, and the insurance industry will take care of enforcement. If you want to grow legal MMJ in your dwelling, the Reg's will say you MUST have proper MMJ insurance coverage. Unfortunately, this in itself could be a barrier of access due to costs of the policies.
It's a public safety issue, and the insurance industry will take care of enforcement.
I understand what youre saying. But perceived public safety concerns and ACTUAL facts are not one in the same on this topic. All the red herrings used against home grows have been proven false. Hell its a sad but true fact that texting and driving has now killed more people then ANY grow operation legal or not, EVER has at this point.

Now THATS a public safety issue.
It's a public safety issue, and the insurance industry will take care of enforcement. If you want to grow legal MMJ in your dwelling, the Reg's will say you MUST have proper MMJ insurance coverage. Unfortunately, this in itself could be a barrier of access due to costs of the policies.

I was talking more about plant counts.

The bit with insurance is likely and it sucks. I mean... even the sketchiest electrical set up for a grow is still no worse than any of the tens of thousands of DIY guys who have all kinds of electrical tools and welding machines set up in their garages, who don't need insurance...
I understand what youre saying. But perceived public safety concerns and ACTUAL facts are not one in the same on this topic. All the red herrings used against home grows have been proven false. Hell its a sad but true fact that texting and driving has now killed more people then ANY grow operation legal or not, EVER has at this point.

Now THATS a public safety issue.
Can we use social media to promote MMAR as safe and distinct from rec pot?
Young people rock with social media, we should control this.
I'm way old school, but Snow Crash is awesome!
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson — Reviews, Discussion, Bookclubs … :roll:

Gorilla tents with all plug and play components, charcoal filter. Small 15Amp 120V. Lge, up to 30Amp, 240V, with stove wire and plug. Would automatically be CSA approved. Could be tomatoes right now.
Who wants to start a business selling the whole kit? Tried and tested. :confused:
I was talking more about plant counts.

The bit with insurance is likely and it sucks. I mean... even the sketchiest electrical set up for a grow is still no worse than any of the tens of thousands of DIY guys who have all kinds of electrical tools and welding machines set up in their garages, who don't need insurance...
The amount of table lamp cords my dad uses as extension cords i tell ya...