
No. You are the one making that generalization. I said many dispensaries are owned by organized crime not all. But the good ones get raided with the bad.
Excellent work.
Which ones are involved with organized crime as you call it. If many are as you say, possibly check in the data base and let the public know. as an officer of the law, ones first duty should be to reveal these dangers in a meaningful way to protect the public. I have spilled more herb than you have ever seen or ever will see. My BullShit detector has been going off for a while now reading these little misconceptions and erroneous statements.
I personally wish there were more officers of the law on here to help educate them, a segment of the population that has been misinformed and segmented from the populations norms. I don't blame the cops for not knowing what they are seeing as they have been lied to by their trainers. I feel that anyone who has such a low opinion of med users - knifings, fentanyl, gangs, and the rest of it, is out of touch with reality, so much so that catching bit of chit chat would help hone ones street credibility. When is the last time you went to Shoppers Drug Mart and talked to the pharmacist about their involvement in the fentanyl organized crime wave. Oh look over there "BAGGIES" for sale ( obviously also involved in the illegal pot trade.) Oh my god - they also have a whole section for condom for sales - obviously supporting prostition - you know the HA must be involved here too - running hookers no doubt in my mind. Shoppers has been proven a hub of illegal activity.
Sorry I have to go - my heroin dealer is here....... Last time I made him wait he knifed 3 nuns for kicks....
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I have spilled more herb than you have ever seen or ever will see. ....

Really? A bold, juvenile statement, given that you know nothing about me.

I feel that anyone who has such a low opinion of med users - ....

WTF are you talking about? I am a med user.
If this is what you're getting from my posts then either you don't read very well or you are deliberately misinterpreting what I've been saying to suit your self-sorry purposes. The kind of thing that moron, fanatic Trump supporters do... which is odd since many of your other posts suggest that you're actually a reasonably intelligent person.
What he's saying about organized crime is true. Hydro shops, dispensaries, ATM businesses, bars, laundry mats. Believe me, don't believe me, doesn't matter. I won't go any further then that. With that all being said, it wouldn't exist if the government didn't create it.
What he's saying about organized crime is true. Hydro shops, dispensaries, ATM businesses, bars, laundry mats. Believe me, don't believe me, doesn't matter. I won't go any further then that. With that all being said, it wouldn't exist if the government didn't create it.
Add to that list union control in the Vancouver and Montreal's port authority. There was a great doc on W5 about that years ago.

Also car registries, liquor stores, tittie bars (every single one of them in Edm), hotels, car lots and on and on...
What he's saying about organized crime is true. Hydro shops, dispensaries, ATM businesses, bars, laundry mats. Believe me, don't believe me, doesn't matter. I won't go any further then that. With that all being said, it wouldn't exist if the government didn't create it.
Add to that list union control in the Vancouver and Montreal's port authority. There was a great doc on W5 about that years ago.

Also car registries, liquor stores, tittie bars (every single one of them in Edm), hotels, car lots and on and on...
You won't change minds here. Some are oblivious. If they can't wrap there minds around selling large amounts of green plant material for cash, then some how turning it into deposits...wouldn't waste your time going further.
You won't change minds here. Some are oblivious. If they can't wrap there minds around selling large amounts of green plant material for cash, then some how turning it into deposits...wouldn't waste your time going further.

Ya...guess youre right...

I should know better than to get into with people who refuse to consider all sides of an issue. Nothing good can come from that...
Yep, you two are totally right. Laundromats, grocery stores, banks, day cares, hospitals, fire departments, ALL have a hand in organized crime. Fucken clowns, do you really think all bars, ATM businesses, laundry mats and so on all have a hand in organized crime? Every last one of em? Because there are hundreds of thousands even millions across the country, and I can guarantee you'd be either delusional or have a serious mental impediment to think this is truly the case
Yep, you two are totally right. Laundromats, grocery stores, banks, day cares, hospitals, fire departments, ALL have a hand in organized crime. Fucken clowns, do you really think all bars, ATM businesses, laundry mats and so on all have a hand in organized crime? Every last one of em? Because there are hundreds of thousands even millions across the country, and I can guarantee you'd be either delusional or have a serious mental impediment to think this is truly the case
wow, every last one? Your saying that not me.
Ya...guess youre right...

I should know better than to get into with people who refuse to consider all sides of an issue. Nothing good can come from that...
See what your trying to have a discussion with? Lol this guy isn't even talking about the same thing. He blanket sprays everything. It's either 0 or 100 apparently.
See what your trying to have a discussion with? Lol this guy isn't even talking about the same thing. He blanket sprays everything. It's either 0 or 100 apparently.
And he is the one that uses the head smashing on a wall emoji... there is

Or maybe thats how he got the way he is...
And he is the one that uses the head smashing on a wall emoji... there is

Or maybe thats how he got the way he is...
It's all good, I'm not offended by the name calling. Some people just can't wrap there head around it. Like saying he's never been to a hydro shop that doesn't take credit...but the hydro shop owns the ATM. I've had beers and played poker in hydro shops ffs at all hours of the night. I've seen hockey bags full of weed thrown around like nothing. Hypothetical ofcourse lol
Back in high school, we visited this large old building in Ottawa..on a was just full of organized criminals in suits. Or maybe thats just my perspective.

They are just better organized, better connected and better armed. Yes, i agree. But because of all that they make the rules and if you dont play by them you better look out. Very simple.

Nobody disputes that.
It's all good, I'm not offended by the name calling. Some people just can't wrap there head around it. Like saying he's never been to a hydro shop that doesn't take credit...but the hydro shop owns the ATM. I've had beers and played poker in hydro shops ffs at all hours of the night. I've seen hockey bags full of weed thrown around like nothing. Hypothetical ofcourse lol

Hahahaha.... i know a few places exactly like that. Hypothetically. Of course :p
It's all good, I'm not offended by the name calling. Some people just can't wrap there head around it. Like saying he's never been to a hydro shop that doesn't take credit...but the hydro shop owns the ATM. I've had beers and played poker in hydro shops ffs at all hours of the night. I've seen hockey bags full of weed thrown around like nothing. Hypothetical ofcourse lol

Hey, I was there......don't forget the hockey bags full of cash.......people are Niave to think that organized crime don't have their hands in the mix. The majority is run by organized crime, not ALL but the majority of commercial sized cannabis facilities have ties to gangsters. These people are smart "business" people, if they are good you will never know they are involved, but don't fool yourself they are there. Not all gangsters are bad, no worse than politicians. They are people too.
