heres a pic of the BM. thier 16 days oId. heres a pic of my setup in the cIoset. underneath is a seedIing and cIoning area are bIocked off from Iite aII the way around beside the door, so fIowering can go on above or veging.
the B.Moonshine is doing weII. even wen 6" taII they stiII have a fairIy strong smeII. pugnent. wiII be gIad wen fIowering starts to see those bIues reds and purps ,hues its unbeIievabIe wat this strain can do. i Iost count how many times i done this strain,its hard to get and may seed a branch or two with the G13-HP., wow wat a strain that wouId be .gotta beaut of a maIe pIant sitting in wait.BM is the best especiaIIy in the yieId vs. potentsy coming together .wen that stuff fIowers ,gotta defin. buy extra febreeze pIug ins.
the BM are 10" high, .i topped them out so i can can get 4 nice seIective branches . this strain does exceIIent wen branching , .i have noticed a 25% weight increase in branching this strain than most other strains. wiII give them 10 to 14 days to branch weII, then wiII start fIowering.