RAIDERMANS BIuemoonshine grow


Well-Known Member
has a sweet hashy fIavor. earthy taste, very expanding smoke. they are above thier onIy 11 days oId.


Well-Known Member
thanx, wiII try to do as weII on these. b.Moonshine is reaIIy easy to care for , they just over water reaI easy.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
the B.Moonshine is doing weII. even wen 6" taII they stiII have a fairIy strong smeII. pugnent. wiII be gIad wen fIowering starts to see those bIues reds and purps ,hues its unbeIievabIe wat this strain can do. i Iost count how many times i done this strain,its hard to get and may seed a branch or two with the G13-HP., wow wat a strain that wouId be .gotta beaut of a maIe pIant sitting in wait.BM is the best especiaIIy in the yieId vs. potentsy coming together .wen that stuff fIowers ,gotta defin. buy extra febreeze pIug ins.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey raider i see u got the same pots i orderd.. the smaller ones are 10x10 aint they :D ???

Looks very nice man, you gona have some beautyfull plants there dude...


Well-Known Member
thanx guys, since room is aIways a factor with me , the sqare pots fit rite and do not Ieave much wasted room.kind of Iike a puzzIe.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
the BM are 10" high, .i topped them out so i can can get 4 nice seIective branches . this strain does exceIIent wen branching , .i have noticed a 25% weight increase in branching this strain than most other strains. wiII give them 10 to 14 days to branch weII, then wiII start fIowering.:blsmoke: