RAIDERMANS BIuemoonshine grow


Well-Known Member
i am going to put 9 3.5 gallon buckets in the 3 by 3 closet next,upgrade upgrade,lol, doing big buddah blue cheese nex.still veging 3 g13hp for mothers from the clones las month under the 250 MH wich is perfect for slow good growth till your others finsh..internodes on them are super close under the 250 , i jus toped them today for branches and will repot tomorrow.gotta go to supply store.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
DAMN Raiderman, those girls look so delicious! Now I know you said they're 2 to 2 1/2 feet, but the way you take those pics they look like giant sequoias!! LOL

How many watts are you hitting them with again? You have me rethinking my 3 gal bags might be too much. The rule is 1 gal for every foot in height. I can max to 44in so maybe 2 gal would be better. My max would be 6 girls, but I'm going to go by another long time rule of 1 plant/sq ft. and I'll flower between 10 and 12 in.. That'll be an easy 3 - 4 week veg


Well-Known Member
heres a couple pics today:clap:,yea these are grown in 2 gal. containers .. the front middle one is a late flowering sensi g13 hp.the sugar daddy i started the other day made them really burst in flowering,looks great, gonna order some here this week.and really glazing heavy in resins , the shit got it smellin here, but i have 3 febreeze plug-ins in the living over comes anything in the area.
Looking juicy now like crystal candy:weed:


Well-Known Member
I am anxious to see how she smokes! I just got a pack of Bluemoonshine to so seeing this makes me impatient. I grew the Old Time Moonshine and still do so. Some of the best looking and tasting buds you could ever have! I definatley recommend them to everyone!


Well-Known Member
hope you didnt get the feminized version,lol.i fought hermes like you wouldnt believe till they retreeted,lol.daily picking of male flowers or your screwed. theres a jus a few seeds ,i stayed on top of it. no more feminized seeds. hermes twice ina row, wen i never seen one in my life till i know its nuthin i did ...sauy DK if you upgrade to 600 watts you will get 25 % more weed or more, deepending on the strain,,,flogro sorry i didnt get bak to ya yesterday. sulfer,sugar,magnesium,thats all isee thats in it


Well-Known Member
hope you didnt get the feminized version,lol.i fought hermes like you wouldnt believe till they retreeted,lol.daily picking of male flowers or your screwed. theres a jus a few seeds ,i stayed on top of it. no more feminized seeds. hermes twice ina row, wen i never seen one in my life till i know its nuthin i did ...sauy DK if you upgrade to 600 watts you will get 25 % more weed or more, deepending on the strain,,,flogro sorry i didnt get bak to ya yesterday. sulfer,sugar,magnesium,thats all isee thats in it
Well that sucks, I did get the fem because I couldn't find DJ's anywhere. I usually don't get fems unless I have to and I haven't had a herm yet, so maybe I'll get lucky, lol


Well-Known Member
thanx all are welcome here,post pics ,i dont care.heres my little supply of nutes that were used throughout the grow,:weed:



Well-Known Member
DAMN Raiderman, those girls look so delicious! Now I know you said they're 2 to 2 1/2 feet, but the way you take those pics they look like giant sequoias!! LOL

How many watts are you hitting them with again? You have me rethinking my 3 gal bags might be too much. The rule is 1 gal for every foot in height. I can max to 44in so maybe 2 gal would be better. My max would be 6 girls, but I'm going to go by another long time rule of 1 plant/sq ft. and I'll flower between 10 and 12 in.. That'll be an easy 3 - 4 week veg
theyre 600 each.i always get 28 to 42 dry grams per plant avg in 2 gal. but the 3.5 gal on the gi3 hp avg. was ( other than the 2 HP)42 to 56 grams.. i am upgrading those to 5 gal. buckets and upgrading 2 gal , to 3.5 gal.........., in this grow i hope i get near 10 to 12 ounces, bad thing is if your not aware ,2 plants got ditched because hermies were way to bad in the beginning flowering., so thats wy.


Active Member
Well that sucks, I did get the fem because I couldn't find DJ's anywhere. I usually don't get fems unless I have to and I haven't had a herm yet, so maybe I'll get lucky, lol
I'm in the same boat as you. Bought the fem. version of BM for the same reason. So far no probs. They cracked quicker and easier than any other strain I've grown. They have been vegging 2 weeks and look healthy at the moment. I'm crossing my fingers on this one.....No hermies I'm hoping.


Well-Known Member
its worth growing though, its the best i would think ,but i'm smoking sensi Hashplant now and that shit is lethal,lol.the most beautiful smell is bluemoonshine. i'm gonna get me some regular seeds from Rhino Seeds, they carry the reg. version for 89.00 DP.


Well-Known Member
7 to 10 days delivery to texas. i ordered from them for 7 yrs straight,reliable,no freebies, but they got the shit right,lol.


Well-Known Member
Not too bad. They are expensive on some things but cheap on others. They seem to be out of Blue Moonshine. I just cracked open a DNA Kushberry pack from Attitude and found it had 6 seeds instead of 13 in it. So hopefully they will take care of it. I am going to give rhino a try, they got some stuff I can't find elsewhere. Thanks for the info Raiderman


Well-Known Member
feel free to drop in, if you find any good deals holler at me i'll hear ya,lol.i'm down south.
How does the sensi hashplant add up in performance? Size, yield, smell, taste, and I see the potency is lethal?
I know with the right pheno of BM it is supposedly one of the strongest strains you can find. My Olt Time Moonshine is brutal so I have high expectations, lol


Well-Known Member
wats up dsc , its a low yielder , alot lesser than the g13hp, its very earthy taste, has a low taste ,kind of harsh really , kind of like smoking a bowl of pure thc crystals pasted on the the bottom of a big tin , i keep some in,pastes and dries at the bottom and scrape with new razor ,trippy high for many hours,lol..... the BM is diferent somewat from last year and on.mine were usually short BB kush plants very stocky and short ,these got kind of tall, wich i dont like, got one is 4ft,two three footers the res 80cm.


Well-Known Member
wats up dsc , its a low yielder , alot lesser than the g13hp, its very earthy taste, has a low taste ,kind of harsh really , kind of like smoking a bowl of pure thc crystals pasted on the the bottom of a big tin , i keep some in,pastes and dries at the bottom and scrape with new razor ,trippy high for many hours,lol..... the BM is diferent somewat from last year and on.mine were usually short BB kush plants very stocky and short ,these got kind of tall, wich i dont like, got one is 4ft,two three footers the res 80cm.
Wow I thought the HP would have been a high yielder, I remember the old HP's were in the 90's and before. Maybe different genetics or just natural loss of vigor. Your BM's definately look different than alot of the older grows I have seen of them. Still very resinous and beautiful though.
I have a pheno of Violator Kush that has so many crystals you can't see much of the fan leaves the last few weeks. They are very tall standing trichomes too, probably 1/16th-1/8 an inch in parts. I am going to make my first batch of bubble with it in a couple weeks which I am sure will be like getting hit with a bat in the face :fire: