RAIDERMANS Bluemoonshine,Querkle,Purple Wreck(all purple grow)

Damn I wish the attitude was fucking working when I ordered. Freaking you ordered after I did and already got your pacakage. Oh well just be patient lol it will come. I hope lol........

Damn I wish the attitude was fucking working when I ordered. Freaking you ordered after I did and already got your pacakage. Oh well just be patient lol it will come. I hope lol........

ive had it take 10 days minimal most times.yull gettem bro,,yea , i trip to ,pretty easily,lol.
Ya most of the time they take a good bit. I know I'm just freaking myself out over it, I just wanted to be started again by now. Anyways I am sooo stoked to watch the og's go into action. Did you post something about the #18 being a purple pheno or something? Cause if it is wow I'm sure its going to be amazing!!!

Ya most of the time they take a good bit. I know I'm just freaking myself out over it, I just wanted to be started again by now. Anyways I am sooo stoked to watch the og's go into action. Did you post something about the #18 being a purple pheno or something? Cause if it is wow I'm sure its going to be amazing!!!

elite mentioned the old school chem dawg is the purplest hes had,, but all things falling into place and no halts in the plant much will give yu alot of color anyway.gonna order a pac of kushberry also and do all three pacs started soon in one gro.
Ok I gotcha. I've never done a purp grow real excited to. I just want to get some other strains under my belt before I venture over to the purps lol.

well we have 3 Bluemoonshine identified males,the res very well maybe females since males are always first to be identified.i changed out all the bluemoonshine for 9 smallest plants of the purple wrecks and querkle,,all looks well and waiting for these bluecheese to finish.. thier blowing up those and the blueberries,,wen the blueberries get near through doing og kush and og kush 18 and kushberry -18 plants -one 600 watt-do all three pacs wile this purple grow is going so we have alot going on and ordering a new light for new room to do these 2 pax of blueberry skunk flying dutchmans stuff.sounds we should max out 48 to 54 plants to flower at once.but the new lite wont come in till the breeding project is finished ,then we'll prepare the to prepare for holiday and christmas,lol....Raider.....cntnd..................
i'm gonna sit on 2 of the best males for pollen,one plant already displaying purple stems,deep green,which is a good sign short to medium hT bluemoonshine...

That's great!

I love taking the strongest charecteristics from each plant and producing future seeds.

I have no clue on breeding and developing strains but I like to do it as a hobby. I just think it is cool as shit that you can pollinate 1 bud at a time and get enough seeds for a couple years :)

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Yeah it is bad ass!

I used to hate Corvette's but they have made some sweet ones lately. I liked the old 60's vette's but 75-2000 pretty much sucked but damn, that is nice!
so question - for you, RM or anyone else. that being the case - that you can pollinate each individual branch, that means you could so several different male crosses to the same female plant and broaden your opportunities by doing so, watching a great bitch produce a whole bunch pf different seeds from different males but at the same time ... cool thought, or not? :peace:
That's great!

I love taking the strongest charecteristics from each plant and producing future seeds.

I have no clue on breeding and developing strains but I like to do it as a hobby. I just think it is cool as shit that you can pollinate 1 bud at a time and get enough seeds for a couple years :)

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