Raidermans Grow


Well-Known Member
I'll be starting up immediately after this one ends...

I have 13 crosses to run,

Some will be for IBL projects. and others will get hit again with GDP.
(11 total GDP crosses, probably hit 5 of the best female progeny with the GDP again.)

The ones that I hit with GDP I plan to keep F1 mothers of for future BXing.

Thinking about crossing my Cotton Candy x Blue Dream fems with one of my Blue Dream x GDP males.... :)
sounds like a fun setup,gdp all day long .


Well-Known Member
Sticky Awesomeness M8. :leaf:

Thanx for the kick ass pics. I get more screen savers from you than one could, keep up the great work.

Steady as She Grows




Well-Known Member
haha,yah its the best color of the 3...first purp breakin ground 36 hours in,so far so good,,will be growin bigger plants this round in bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah.. She kinda reminds me of my Purple Voodoo a tad. I liked the PV 1 bc I didn't have to lock out P to get her to turn so purple she almost looked BLACK!! Has a super fruity tatse, and sticky as hell! Have to say it was the best toke I've had in the room for awhile, other then the other ladies I have going now. ;) Still have the Voodoo going, she's all 3 flowering, they are in just the 2nd week though.
haha,yah its the best color of the 3...first purp breakin ground 36 hours in,so far so good,,will be growin bigger plants this round in bigger pots.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro.. Yeah, been having problems with my phone. Lol.. I have a new computer coming here soon TG! Been having to do all my updates by phone and it sucks! Damn phone dies all the time, and I loose signal at the drop of a hat! Lol
thx men,i'll be by to take a look at yures,get some pics up i'll be by shortly,lol,peace.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya,my last laptop had a fan go out and burned it up,saved the hard drive for pics watnot,yeah a laptop def a great investment,i'm lookin for a new black Friday tv,my Samsung went out and usin grannies first television atm,lol.