Raidermans OG KUSH,OG KUSH #18,KUSHBERRY 20 plants

damn rdr... keep your head up, that shit is fucked.

You should tell your brother/sister so they can fuck up their child for having a big mouth.

be strong mang, you seem to know what the deal is though.

dammn dude, even posted your own bust, good luck with everything

curious how american law works? or texan law.....u just paid to get outta jail, no court dates, nothin?


Between 1993 and 1995, 26 states and the federal government passed "three strikes" laws in response to public outrage over such cases as the 1993 kidnapping and murder of 12-year-old Polly Klaas by a paroled repeat offender.

Under the federal Three Strikes rule, now codified at 18 U.S.C. § 3559(c), the defendant receives mandatory life imprisonment if he or she:
  • Is convicted in federal court of a serious violent felony; and
  • Has two or more prior convictions in federal or state courts, where at least one of which is a serious violent felony. The other prior offense may be a serious drug offense.
Under the statute, a serious violent felony includes murder, manslaughter, sex offenses, kidnapping, robbery, and any offense punishable by 10 years or more which includes as an element the use of force or that, by its nature, involves a significant risk of force. The statute also enumerates certain non-qualifying felonies, including unarmed robbery offenses and arsons that posed no threat to human life.

Unlike the federal laws, the three-strikes laws vary by quite a bit from state to state. However, under all federal and state three-strikes law if someone is convicted of a crime three times, there is no judiciary discretion in sentencing these repeat offenders. Judicial discretion means that the judge decides the length and severity of the sentence for the convicted defendant based on whatever criteria he or she considers relevant (like, severity of the crime, the defendant’s character, social ties, etc). Instead, regardless of any extenuating circumstances, and regardless of whether the judge believes the criminal can be rehabilitated, the criminal must go to jail for life without the possibility of parole.


He should, of course, be contacting a lawyer familiar with Three Strikes cases to determine if there are any mitigating factors in this case...

If the lawyer doesn't see any mitigating factors ... THEN he'd be best off taking as long as a vacation as possible either in another country or under a false name out in the boondocks without ever coming to town. 'Cuz if they ever caught up to him - the vacation would be over. :-o
Hey, Radermang. Remember when I told you when you first started growing for me, the guys that last in this business, are the guys who fly straight. Low-key, quiet. But the guys who want it all, chicas, champagne, flash... they don't last

You know what a chazzer is?

It's a Yiddish word for "pig." See, the guy, he wants more than what he needs. He don't fly straight no more kiddin raider...... im just jealous..... happy thanx!!!

Not raidermang.....
that sucks.....
raiderman u gotta fly straight man.....Straight to cali and get a license.....
hate to see you locked up man....
My condolences Raider. Family, Makes me wonder If I can even trust my blood. 3 time rule is wack. We have a Persistant Felony Offender Charge that you get almost everytime after another felony. They drop these charges all day in court, but they also have a mandatory 5 yrs, and can keep you in. Hope all works out. Keep your head up! C
not only the 3 strikes deal but I believe I heard on the video "drug free zone". So I think its 1000 ft. from a school to upgrade the charges? I am not sure? Crazy, just crazy how they will throw the book at someone while in many states today it is a legal business.
O-M-G. Man, didn't see this "update" coming. Major Props for showing us the video. Kinda makes me mad, seriously look at the guys taking Raider's stuff, some of them totally want a plant r two to take home! And honestly can anyone explain the reason for taking the TV? What does tv have to do with anything? Totally bummed for you man damn!!

How old was the nephew. I'd never narc my uncle out shot. Sorry sorry sorry for you bro.
Not raidermang.....
that sucks.....
raiderman u gotta fly straight man.....Straight to cali and get a license.....
hate to see you locked up man....

he wont be getting any legal licenses under any legal names any time soon.

when he said he went underground that meant hes probably on a flight to another country (or should be..screw a false name GET OUT)
hell yes the tv and the laptop are in the cops breakroom. They looked over the house like it was a free garage sale. wouldn't be surprised if they go after the house....and checking in on this thread every few days for info. they can use.
sorry to hear about this man. It's a shame that the laws against marijuana are the way they are. Just thinking of the resources wasted on irradicating a harmless plant slowly being realized as possibly the most lucrative plant in so many different ways just makes me disgusted.

Good Luck to you.
i started a thread and im still waiting to see what happens.

kinda trying something new if i pull it off all they got me for is a bong and a tiny bit of personal... under a gram lmfao
52 out of 54 germed.3 weex in look great.also hve 5 strawberry coufe fems.runnin a 1000 and a600 air camera yet.lookin great.rdr.