Raidermans Purple Kush,OG Kush18,Godbud,WWidow


fixn to start flowering man you got a nice set up what do ou keep you temps at and the moisture in the soil . im using f/f ocean soil/ big bloom/tiger bloom/open seaseme.bizz.chazam


Well-Known Member
the room is 75F. under the light maybe 80.i hava ac in the window constantly running.the inline fan will help air exchange,lots of fresh air.i water on the 2 on my moisture meter.


Well-Known Member
Great setup, subbed. I'll be watching this grow. I've got a small one up myself as an experiment thing to see if I get anything. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
thanx, i hope my og kush seeds get here to day,i'm veging these purple kush under 24 hr light under the 1000.will veg 4 to 5 weex total ,so need to hurry and get those on the light.


Well-Known Member
plenty of room, come on in.good to see some one interested,, i know ppl around here too stupid to learn and look at it in the bag, like, duh,lol.


Well-Known Member
cool,, great news , the homosexuals moved out nex door,lol,maybe i can get some hottie to take thier place after its sanitized,lol.also thier known cop callers as well,so an all in one deal.


Well-Known Member
i jus emptied it.those are those 6 og kush and warlok and motovation attitude freebies and the mug.i have 30 white widows and 30 godbud ordered should be here maybe tomorrow.