Well-Known Member
the freebies they give me(austraIian bIue) are seIIing at attitude seeds for 86.00 and they were the freebies. aII the seeds Iooked reaI good ,that doesnt mean aIot coming from me , because i'm no seed doc. but got the right coIor . I am germ. them now and by the time thier ready to be put in 2 gaI con. the orange bud wiII be fini . if not, Iet it sit in the garage with comp.
.......yea these asshoIes ought to stand by thier shit. were reg. customers. we keep them in bread and butter. if i get pissed at some seed pIace and get screwed, i am going 6 major marijuana forums, in whom am a member ,a start a rukus. and not be satisfied tiII i see thousands of $$ go diff. directions. i know how to Ieave a mark. i aint got nuthin eIse better to do no way.hahahahha...but just to Oet anyone know PIanet skunk came through for me. and i know and usuaIIy have 95% germ .with dutch passion. we'II see.......