RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
now the garage theres 10 in 3.5 gal. cont. i am hoping for a good crop of the G13 HP. i will consider on that on the sqare trash can idea,hmmm. now you got me thinkin, yea if they were somewhat taller , that would be cool.i wish Discount hydro sold bigger sqare pots . maybe,:joint:hit...........o' yea. i'm a bong person and think joints are a waste.


Well-Known Member
air baskets man... 5gal square 10x10x12... i fit a dozen in 3x4...
they get pretty bushy though, i wish it was that easy, thats wy i have had to remove so much veg last time just on these pots.i want to see how you do it on your jornal, maybe you can show me.not much room.


Well-Known Member
eBay i believe. less than 2 bucks a pop... are you saying the strains you grow are bushy? or the baskets make them busy? fuck man am i glad basketball season started are you watching this game? 24-0 and the raiders got -2 total yards offenese in the first half...


Well-Known Member
i dont pay no attention to losers.. they gotta get off thier sorry ass...............wat are those baskets called and how did you do it?air baskets ?


Well-Known Member
well at first i bought them to use with air pumps since i saw someones journal with air baskets and pumps and dude got 10oz off one plant doing scrog... i got the airstones and shit but they werent working well at all and hardly pushing any air out so i just said fuck it but still used the air baskets... they got little tiny holes all over so i think it helps the roots get more oxygen and drain a lot easier etc... the holes are just small enough to where the dirt wont fall through but still drains well... if you wanna check em out search eBay for "pond baskets" i think thats where i found them at...


Well-Known Member
yea ,ive seen those before, discount hydro sells those , but thier round , i have thier recent catalog from them see if anything new come out,, those ppl love me there,lol.:roll:


Well-Known Member
yeah the round ones are just net pots used for hydro arent they? or they have bigger ones too? i think these ones are made for aquariums and atriums and shit...


Well-Known Member
all they had was the round ones and i cant put but 4 -5 gal. cont. in there at once,. if you see somethin somewhere thats reasonable, let me know.. hell our businees consist of using 5 gal bukets with granules in it . def. reusable. in the garage i am using 3.5 gal cont. man dk if you buy ocean forest and use 5 gal. shit , that could get a bit steep , huh, 2 containers per bag?, but bigger yield ,,worthit.bong hits.



Well-Known Member
love that bong man toss the raiders jersey tho haha... but yeah before i started i calculated i would need about 4 bags for a dozen 5gal pots so 3 per bag but so far ive only gone through like 1.5 bags for the 6 ive transplated... adding 25% perlite helps i got 3.5cubic ft bag of that but still thats only 4 bags of ocean forest every 60 days at 12 bucks a bag i can deal with 24 bucks a month haha


Well-Known Member
27.99 for a 1.5cubic foot bag?? no way man you could order that shit off the net and get it for 20 and thats including shipping...


Well-Known Member
its not happening,you jus happen to be where its a better deal, no biggie, i can turn some smoke ,i'll make my money bak, you know that its jus high..i need to use more perilite to the mix, that'd hep out.


Well-Known Member
oh im sure you probably get twice as much as me off the same amount of plants haha worth the extra 15 bucks a bag... still i cant believe they charge that much for a bag of soil...


Well-Known Member
thats ok they have a new hydroponics store where i go now ,and theres a head shop superstore with 5 locations,lol. gives me an excuse to get some glass to,haha.............well i gotta go do my favorite thing at my favorite place, seed


Well-Known Member
you dont gotta go anywhere to do that do you haha like you need more seeds? im doin an update here in a minute feel free to stop by...