RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
got 5 totaI come up so far but 90 % Iook Iike they wiII
WHEW WHOOO! Fantastic! Keep em goin buddy!
Check this out, it's amazing!
I have some bagseeds laying around, I took one of them and very carefully removed the hard outer shell revealing the embryo still in tact. I put that into a wet paper towel and threw it on the counter like this shit aint gonna work... I just peeked at it and it is opening up, check this shit out!IMG_0058.jpg

My camera isn't that good, I hope u can see this. Maybe it's just me but I think it's cool.


Well-Known Member
mabe it'II give you somethin to do tiII your other arrives. i wouIdnt even attempt to start those other tiII you get that book, youII find your sef doing it profess. in no time, just gotta be patient in every part of it to be suuccessfuI.


Well-Known Member
thats sum crazy shit
WHEW WHOOO! Fantastic! Keep em goin buddy!
Check this out, it's amazing!
I have some bagseeds laying around, I took one of them and very carefully removed the hard outer shell revealing the embryo still in tact. I put that into a wet paper towel and threw it on the counter like this shit aint gonna work... I just peeked at it and it is opening up, check this shit out!View attachment 200111

My camera isn't that good, I hope u can see this. Maybe it's just me but I think it's cool.


Well-Known Member
i thought it died wen you strip it,wen your germ. ya jus gotta Ieavem be . temp is onIy thing shouId be touched on.


Well-Known Member
cheked the minigreen house and saw 8 have broke ground in 72 hrs. need 12 more (hopefuIIy) here soon ,wiII post again tomorrow to see if more do.:blsmoke:heaIthy Iookin seeds before I pIanted , but i did notice a coupIe of runts in one pac, just wait and see.


Well-Known Member
I am loving the orange bud too. I jsut ordered from attitude again ak47 automatic and greenhouse seeds big bang fem. I also ordered a carbon filter and some more lights for my clone room . check it !! 12 more to open huh ? I hope you get all 20 .


Well-Known Member
thanks , yea ,i saw your set up ,gonna maka big bank.haha. nice seIec. of seeds esp. NY city deiseI . been hearin aiot about that, toxic.


Well-Known Member
As it looks like on my poll just about everyone wants to see that nycd done next so I will probably be sprouting them next after the clones are done .


Well-Known Member
i thought it died wen you strip it,wen your germ. ya jus gotta Ieavem be . temp is onIy thing shouId be touched on.
Actually the thing lived, so I did the same thing to half of my strawberry D that hasn't popped at all in 4 days. After 24 hours 4 of the 5 I did that to have sprouted, so I did it to the rest. I think I may be on to something here... I made a thread on it if anyone is interested. It's in my sig.


Well-Known Member
checked the seeds this morning ,no more have come up , but isee where a few more shouId .temp in the box was up to 85F wen i came in, immediaterIy turned off the heat mat. got it bak in the 70s, dont know.
i ordered another pac this mornig just in case, gotta gettem qik in case these end up not coming up. i have 8 so farheaIthy though..the new pac shouId be here in 10 days, wich wont be that much of a setbak.i'd use some of my other seeds to mix but these are short pIants period , itd be a probIem............ anyway new eqip wiII be here today , but the poIYer. pIastic wont be here for 3 more days , wich i need first. though there are a few setbaks, i wiII get this project off and runnin despite opposition.


Well-Known Member
I understand wher u are coming from. If those seeds don't pop, make em pop. I did to mine and it is 90% effective on the ones that didn't pop. Even after 105F temps. All I ask is that before u give up on them try my method.


Well-Known Member
weII i'm gonna givema coupIe more days , i hav had seeds take up to 5 and 6 days germ. so i'm patiet. but if aII faiIs wiII try anything, got repIacements done shipped today , so i'm not fretting anything,thanx tho , i'II keep it in mind.


Well-Known Member
I bet they come up on their own.
Man that orange bud looks fantastic! Good job bro!
When is your harvest date approx?


Well-Known Member
3 weeks or IittIe more. fattening up everday, shits to taII for me though a coupIe got 5 ft. taII, that takes away from the bud growth, iII stik to kush and hashpIant, pIus they are aIot easier to grow.and manage.


Well-Known Member
I looked in your threads and did not find it can you post a link please or give me the name , thanks.

Actually the thing lived, so I did the same thing to half of my strawberry D that hasn't popped at all in 4 days. After 24 hours 4 of the 5 I did that to have sprouted, so I did it to the rest. I think I may be on to something here... I made a thread on it if anyone is interested. It's in my sig.


Well-Known Member
weII the equipment came in today ,after working outside aII day i had the honor of instaIIing vortex fan, ducting, up in that hot attic , but nevertheIess finaIIy got that .instaIIed squirreI fan to. can't set up the Iight and the mounted fan tiII my poIy. wrap get s here ina few days. wen i first ordered i knew i'd forget to get it aII at once, anyway was shipped yesterday. wiII not be using carbon fiIter, went by janitoraI suppIy got a gaI. jug of Iemon odor away concentrate, strong ass stuff, i'II just Ieave the cap off the jug , pure Iemons bigtime, pIeasant though.
good vortex fan strong air current for vaIue Iine. . no more seeds have come up. ordered some this morning not the G13 hashpIant though , but the reg. sensi hashpIant ,its done been shipped , if aII eIse faiIs wiII germ those wen they get here . they'II be two weeks behind , but that wo'nt be a probIem .