Raidermans white russian grow


Well-Known Member
the the WR are really budding up , im wondering if i should even be flushing lol seems like its trying to put buds on top of buds on the top lol like its got a sick nipple on the top of these colas lol and there all white man the way ur going the WR are going to be amazing.. i might have dried a few popcorns from the center and dear god.... ripped .... ur buddys will like these man , really energetic stuff man , makes ya feel like theres no stress in the world. like life is A-OK :)
yea i see that , cant wait .the blue cheese are gonna get real big,by the bottom stalk.done staked them all or thier gonna fall and break ina couple weex.


Well-Known Member
nice nice, how they lookin buddy ? got pics ? =D
i posted pics i took last night as soon as the lights went out
i wont picem till till everything is a bit bigger, the set bak kind of took the fun of picing them,maybe nex of the BC.look at the purps around the leave edge ,, got near haf in the more BB pheno , excellent plant glad i ordered 2 more pacs.def. gonna have lots of purple weed.lolololol ,thc coated already at 31 days flow.leaves and all, trichomes all over the leaves.40 days left to mentioned will prob. get a 9 sqare foot bud 3ft long...crazy ,huh prob THC smearing on the walls from to crowded,haha.lookin at prev. journals the BC has done a T bit better at this stage the others.large yielder,i can tell.24 dry oz. jus in here wont be surprising,, but we'll see, the BC very strong smell and i dont mean lightly the UK cheeese roks.also the lights in here are dropped at 10 inches of a 22% humidty and 72F at the canopy..contnd.............



Well-Known Member
whoa 22% humidity shit mines like 50-55 shouold i have mine alloooot lower or somethign ? i dont have a dehumidifier and the rooms packed shitbags lol does it make alot of diff ?
its always dry here,low humidity,high heat , tornado season is nex month.get me some rain water soon to use.i'm in the one of the worse spots for tornados.your lookin at another growroom.the other is much bigger.14 3.5 gal. buckets in the other one,this soley Blue cheese.on the WR, really no big deal jus accidently overwatered yellow. jus need to let the container get near dry, runa haf tsp HO2 and then we'll add the 0-50-30 with it , ought to work.of course on nutes i only use haf of maximum use.I dont need no trouble.


Well-Known Member
its always dry here,low humidity,high heat , tornado season is nex month.get me some rain water soon to use.i'm in the one of the worse spots for tornados.your lookin at another growroom.the other is much bigger.14 3.5 gal. buckets in the other one,this soley Blue cheese.on the WR, really no big deal jus accidently overwatered yellow. jus need to let the container get near dry, runa haf tsp HO2 and then we'll add the 0-50-30 with it , ought to work.of course on nutes i only use haf of maximum use.I dont need no trouble.
lol,i guess you havent seen all that i do,i have a for mothers under a conversion lite,250 hps/mh . wich is empty at the moment , sent all the mothers into flower in the garage, and doiung BC and BB for 2 yrs straight as soon as this done.. and a cloning room settup under 2 long 50 watt grow tubes.1-600 watt HPS lite w/hortilux bulb in the closet , vortex fans odor control, temp control, air con/heaters in place... the garage is bigger, all the same as prev.600 watt hps,hortilux bulbs, etc.etc.every thing in the house vents to one spot in the attic, and realese sweet lemony smeel 24/7,lol.i can smell the lemony odor outside sometimes ,funny huh.


Well-Known Member
i wish i had a choice of clones ugh , this stuffs amazing but id like a variaty like you man props if i could rep ya i would haha


Well-Known Member
i wish i had a choice of clones ugh , this stuffs amazing but id like a variaty like you man props if i could rep ya i would haha
since i got so much time on my hands ,heres all i got for settup,,,i could upgrade no problem,but my basket is very full and jus have the extra time for this...1st florec. for clones,2nd 250 hps/mh conversion for up to 4 mothers under MH part,closet 600 for flower and garage 600 for flower and all the i mentioned all the clones,mothers and wat not is in flower and am preparing for a 2 yr. grow,70days per grow for 2 yrs.. def.BB is one and if this B. cheese pans out will cycle it to.still have multiple pacs of seeds ina manilla envelope for mixes and matches watnot to add in with the group,lol..would do the Hashplant again but the yields arent wat i wanted ,, but can make the most devastating THC ball youll ever smoke, very very trippy high, one hit getting kcked in the head by a mule wen it hits you,lolol.



Well-Known Member
since i got so much time on my hands ,heres all i got for settup,,,i could upgrade no problem,but my basket is very full and jus have the extra time for this...1st florec. For clones,2nd 250 hps/mh conversion for up to 4 mothers under mh part,closet 600 for flower and garage 600 for flower and all the i mentioned all the clones,mothers and wat not is in flower and am preparing for a 2 yr. Grow,70days per grow for 2 yrs.. is one and if this b. Cheese pans out will cycle it to.still have multiple pacs of seeds ina manilla envelope for mixes and matches watnot to add in with the group,lol..would do the hashplant again but the yields arent wat i wanted ,, but can make the most devastating thc ball youll ever smoke, very very trippy high, one hit getting kcked in the head by a mule wen it hits you,lolol.
dedicating this goliath bud in my avitar to the oakland raiders, i personally grew my sef,, and my heart goes out to the poor soul lost at sea ( Marquis Cooper an excellent middle linebacker for oakland, well missed and loved) heart goes out to family and loved ones from raiderman, 39 yr dedicated fan.


Well-Known Member
dedicating this goliath bud in my avitar to the oakland raiders, i personally grew my sef,, and my heart goes out to the poor soul lost at sea ( Marquis Cooper an excellent middle linebacker for oakland, well missed and loved) heart goes out to family and loved ones from raiderman, 39 yr dedicated fan.
or heres a better pic of it,almost qarter pound ,3.2 oz. almost as big as my leg.



Well-Known Member
or heres a better pic of it,almost qarter pound ,3.2 oz. almost as big as my leg.
Man that is a nice bud. Lookin good as usual Raider. Long time no see huh? I'll be back around no. Had quite an event happen so what can ya do? Rhino will have more regular Blue Moonshine in 2 weeks!


Well-Known Member
Man that is a nice bud. Lookin good as usual Raider. Long time no see huh? I'll be back around no. Had quite an event happen so what can ya do? Rhino will have more regular Blue Moonshine in 2 weeks!
lolol,wats up bro ? Hows the OG?funny ,jus got email bak to sayin same.. these fem. BC are excellent ,no hermies and gonna be some real $makers,lolol..seed boutique jus got in fresh batch 10 for 50 ,i bot 2 and 3 5 pacs of blueberry skunk, and BM wen avail i'm chkin every dy 5 times a day,,lolol, this fish aint slippin out of my hands :blsmoke:, ,, wats been up????cntnd............


Well-Known Member
lolol,wats up bro ? Hows the OG?funny ,jus got email bak to sayin same.. these fem. BC are excellent ,no hermies and gonna be some real $makers,lolol..seed boutique jus got in fresh batch 10 for 50 ,i bot 2 and 3 5 pacs of blueberry skunk, and BM wen avail i'm chkin every dy 5 times a day,,lolol, this fish aint slippin out of my hands :blsmoke:, ,, wats been up????cntnd............
Yeah I have some fems running now that are doing really well. I still hate having to buy fems, but that seems the only way to get certain things. I am running the Reserva Prevada Super Silver Bubble and from what I hear is the original cut of SSH in the Dam'. We shall see if it's as good as they say. I did grab a pack of DJ's BM when they were at the Boutique. I am getting ready to give Elite Genetics a try. As for what's been up, I'll PM ya.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have some fems running now that are doing really well. I still hate having to buy fems, but that seems the only way to get certain things. I am running the Reserva Prevada Super Silver Bubble and from what I hear is the original cut of SSH in the Dam'. We shall see if it's as good as they say. I did grab a pack of DJ's BM when they were at the Boutique. I am getting ready to give Elite Genetics a try. As for what's been up, I'll PM ya.
I may give the G-13 HP a try. Notice any different phenos? I am only getting 5 seeds since they are so rediculously priced.


Well-Known Member
I may give the G-13 HP a try. Notice any different phenos? I am only getting 5 seeds since they are so rediculously priced.
g13hp is uper good weed little to no odor even in the finishing .i'm not much on feminized, but i did alot of chkin on both blueberry skunk and the BC, and noone ever had hermies ,mine are mid flowering and look perfect.dutch passion fem. sucks a big one,lol.yea theres a few dealers up and down this street. , ns.lookin crackhouse nex door,lol. i think my other neighbors steal at night they never leave or nuthin except at night , the answer to your prob. i been goin 9 yrs with no prob,but once my neighbor came to my door once rite in the middle of harvest and wen i open the door she said shooooooo-wo ,i want some of that,lol. i said wat and she smiled. shes also a crak head,lolol.the cops are an enemy on this street and actuall yits lower middle class but ns house,lololol.some illegals here and ther.this is the deep mid south,lol...i got the only house with a lite sweet lemony smell, one gives ashit or pays no mind,but always on the alert.and i keep this rite above where i am now sitting programmed to 4 counties,police,fire, channels programmed,,, 200 channel scanner.



Well-Known Member
g13hp is uper good weed little to no odor even in the finishing .i'm not much on feminized, but i did alot of chkin on both blueberry skunk and the BC, and noone ever had hermies ,mine are mid flowering and look perfect.dutch passion fem. sucks a big one,lol.yea theres a few dealers up and down this street. , ns.lookin crackhouse nex door,lol. i think my other neighbors steal at night they never leave or nuthin except at night , the answer to your prob. i been goin 9 yrs with no prob,but once my neighbor came to my door once rite in the middle of harvest and wen i open the door she said shooooooo-wo ,i want some of that,lol. i said wat and she smiled. shes also a crak head,lolol.the cops are an enemy on this street and actuall yits lower middle class but ns house,lololol.some illegals here and ther.this is the deep mid south,lol...i got the only house with a lite sweet lemony smell, one gives ashit or pays no mind,but always on the alert.and i keep this rite above where i am now sitting programmed to 4 counties,police,fire, channels programmed,,, 200 channel scanner.
Yeah DP fems I hear are not so great. The reserva privada and GHS (not their haze mixes) fems work nice and Paradise almost never hear problems of. I am going to get like 5 packs of the Joey Weed F2 BB. I hear that is where all the best phenos still exist since DJ and DP are using different genes now, the blueberry isn't as strong. I have to replenish my personal seedbank, lol. I am sitting on about 20 packs now and many more to come. I am going to be making some Old Time Moonshine crosses and possibly sending some beans off for auction freebies.
And I seen ya bad mouthing Sativas on here, enough of that, lol. You just haven't had the right one. C-99 56 days at most, nice yields, and can make your ears ring with a good bong hit. SSH (not the greenhouse seeds crap, but Mr. Nice)takes 70-75 days, HUGE yields, and I still find myself comparing all other strains I smoke to it, so that must mean something. I am about to try Mandala's Satori which claims 60 days and I have seen some grows of that in which the yields were unbelievable!


Well-Known Member
Yeah DP fems I hear are not so great. The reserva privada and GHS (not their haze mixes) fems work nice and Paradise almost never hear problems of. I am going to get like 5 packs of the Joey Weed F2 BB. I hear that is where all the best phenos still exist since DJ and DP are using different genes now, the blueberry isn't as strong. I have to replenish my personal seedbank, lol. I am sitting on about 20 packs now and many more to come. I am going to be making some Old Time Moonshine crosses and possibly sending some beans off for auction freebies.
And I seen ya bad mouthing Sativas on here, enough of that, lol. You just haven't had the right one. C-99 56 days at most, nice yields, and can make your ears ring with a good bong hit. SSH (not the greenhouse seeds crap, but Mr. Nice)takes 70-75 days, HUGE yields, and I still find myself comparing all other strains I smoke to it, so that must mean something. I am about to try Mandala's Satori which claims 60 days and I have seen some grows of that in which the yields were unbelievable!
i got 2 pacs ofBB from las yr. i forgot about the blueberry skunk i oreed,lol. yea its bluecheese and BS.lot resin for this early and 4o days left to flower,lol. gonna be great... uh if i had somethin that size i would rent a uhaul and get them out at nit and go rent somethin?i wood not throw no seeds away. takem somewhere maybe.


Well-Known Member
i got 2 pacs ofBB from las yr. i forgot about the blueberry skunk i oreed,lol. yea its bluecheese and BS.lot resin for this early and 4o days left to flower,lol. gonna be great... uh if i had somethin that size i would rent a uhaul and get them out at nit and go rent somethin?i wood not throw no seeds away. takem somewhere maybe.
Yeah in hind sight it would have been great. But if the situation ever arises, you do whatever you can to be safe. I think I made the right decision. Live and learn, lol.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely love your grow!!! I am browsing in these journals, yours is def. one of the GREAT ones...check out mine by the way! WW and AK47 week 4 flowering! +rep for such good job!


Well-Known Member
Absolutely love your grow!!! I am browsing in these journals, yours is def. one of the GREAT ones...check out mine by the way! WW and AK47 week 4 flowering! +rep for such good job!
went and bot a new 7-300 telephoto lense today, nikon,picked up some new pieces also.



Well-Known Member
nice i like the dark blue one ahaha, i see those lights behind the flag :) nice avatar...=D man ..... im thinkin this weekend :D ther gettttttin close have you seen the latest ones ? :D

-how do you harvest and cure your stuff
-do you make hash?i was thinking of getting the correct micron screen and do it myself..... or do you think i should say fuck it and go for the bags?
- is there anything i should be doing or know for these last few days buddy 1st time =D
about wen 80 % or better turn brown thier ready, i like to picem wen the b ottom haf are brown as well.yea the blue one really turned me on, happy with that new lense,lolol.