Raidermans white russian grow


Well-Known Member
where do you get ur sugar daddy? i think you have talked me into trying it.
from ,, go to nutrients, click on technaflora brand nutes,scroll down youll find it..its 0-0-0 , its a energy drink for weed,and dosage depends on how much energy you want for your plants. its 23.00 a liter and like 70.00 a gal.i use , 1 liter per grow for me, i jus use it in the lasphase of flowering. makes potenrt bud into super potent5 ,,making it near gold prices.7 tspoons per gal , its called agressive flowering , will lengthen flowering a bit longer , plus put more weight in resins on the bud, my buds always crystallize wile in the ground not sticky ,and they shink very little and lose lesser weight wen drying , funny its turning carbs to sugars(thc) wile it was still in the ground,extra week or longer heps.jus thot i'd go the extra mile for ya here DG ,,.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
the wr is really puring on alot of resin real early,, i wonder wen using SD will the thc content be as high as high as25% ??wonder...funny wen you get this much resin off plants you graduate from hash to THC ball ,lol.very trippy exper.............ever seen a dancing cat,lol.



Well-Known Member
hay man this jounals ok but seriously weres the pics man share the visual with the rest of us. please
i'm picing early saturday morning,weekly pics. i wanted to do weekly for progression ,,,,anyway seeds got here , the BC, and heres my colection to date, 6 days from seed boutique,, record time ...:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
hey looks great, maybe you might want to consider an RO filter(reverse osmosis) like the 100gal per day one would help save you a butt load of money and trips to the water machine. I grew white russian and got colas bigger than my fore-arm!! Who did you order the seeds from by the way?


Well-Known Member
hey looks great, maybe you might want to consider an RO filter(reverse osmosis) like the 100gal per day one would help save you a butt load of money and trips to the water machine. I grew white russian and got colas bigger than my fore-arm!! Who did you order the seeds from by the way?
i mite havew to look into that thanx, these colas are getting there,thier shooting out all directions,27 days left for them and thier still climbing ,, wen they fill in even more gonna be a picture believe me,, ,seed boutique great stealth, shipped las wednesday,the blueberry skunk 7 days,lol doing 5 pacs 35 plants nex,,,, yea water source is everything .. i go once a week for water , one blok awy ..5.00 a week ave or less.honestly got 27 days left and i already have qite a few bigger than my forearm presently.but i grow for one main cola, i try toput all th e energy into the core ,no christmas tree style. jus one large cola,,,some have a ak47 pheno that is very hard to get jus one central i noticed,has many colas shooting out but will fill i good size. thier growin fas, having to restake some ,thier weaving.,,


Well-Known Member
from ,, go to nutrients, click on technaflora brand nutes,scroll down youll find it..its 0-0-0 , its a energy drink for weed,and dosage depends on how much energy you want for your plants. its 23.00 a liter and like 70.00 a gal.i use , 1 liter per grow for me, i jus use it in the lasphase of flowering. makes potenrt bud into super potent5 ,,making it near gold prices.7 tspoons per gal , its called agressive flowering , will lengthen flowering a bit longer , plus put more weight in resins on the bud, my buds always crystallize wile in the ground not sticky ,and they shink very little and lose lesser weight wen drying , funny its turning carbs to sugars(thc) wile it was still in the ground,extra week or longer heps.jus thot i'd go the extra mile for ya here DG ,,.:leaf:

thanks for the info man... "
Sugar Daddy
Carbohydrate Supplement

+ Click to Enlarge +​

Average User Rating:
per 3 review(s)The unique combinations of ingredients in SugarDaddy are vital for all stages of plant growth and development. During the seedling stage, SugarDaddy rapidly accelerates sprout growth and prepares plants for transplanting. During the vegetative stage, SugarDaddy promotes strong plant structure with is a critical precursor to final yield success. SugarDaddy fosters healthy stage progression by limiting detrimental transition related stressors. Carbohydrate, protein and fatty acid synthesis achieves vigorous growth rates increasing the production of essential oils in flowers and fruits"

i'm just trying to understand if this is different than mollasses. i have some 'brer rabbit mollasses' that i am avoiding using cuz i think its more for a soil grow... for feeding the micro beasties... whereas i have been pretty well trying to keep that population to a minimum w/H2O2 and also some malathion (insect killer). So i havn't been using the mollases. Is Sugar Daddy something different? Would you recommend it for a, more or less, hydroponic (soil-less) medium? thanks, DG.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info man... "
Sugar Daddy
Carbohydrate Supplement

+ Click to Enlarge +​

Average User Rating:
per 3 review(s)The unique combinations of ingredients in SugarDaddy are vital for all stages of plant growth and development. During the seedling stage, SugarDaddy rapidly accelerates sprout growth and prepares plants for transplanting. During the vegetative stage, SugarDaddy promotes strong plant structure with is a critical precursor to final yield success. SugarDaddy fosters healthy stage progression by limiting detrimental transition related stressors. Carbohydrate, protein and fatty acid synthesis achieves vigorous growth rates increasing the production of essential oils in flowers and fruits"

i'm just trying to understand if this is different than mollasses. i have some 'brer rabbit mollasses' that i am avoiding using cuz i think its more for a soil grow... for feeding the micro beasties... whereas i have been pretty well trying to keep that population to a minimum w/H2O2 and also some malathion (insect killer). So i havn't been using the mollases. Is Sugar Daddy something different? Would you recommend it for a, more or less, hydroponic (soil-less) medium? thanks, DG.
i'm not very educated in hydro ,i use soiless mixes ocean forest and perilite..i love that stuff ,its worth the extra for me ,pays for itsef,,,,,,,, but i only use sd at the end ,10-14 days no nutes SD and water before i'm fini with a 9-50-10 nute to prepare for this one finish product i like the idea of 1g per plant or more.and i dont mean grams, dont always end up that way ,but slowly ebbing that dirction, to get 90% of the plants.....thanx for dropping by ..that hydro store where you went sent me a free pint wen i ordered this las lite,, they give big sample bottles wen you order from them. this my second time usung it, . got two BC plants in the garage that are coming bak but a bit slower than the res,ughh,i hate a small plant,.but all the wr are impressive and going crazy.. this BC also ,,fukin lotta weed with little cut away in the end.but for me if theres some crystalized leaves on the bud ,i leave it ,i dont cut mysef short and trim away $.:hump:


Well-Known Member
great news hahaha, the neighbor where my outside attic vent is pointing is moving out,,they want to much for rent ,, itll be vacant awhile,haha.good deal, went and told them hate to see yall go,lol,,not that the smell is detectable jus easier knowin no one lives there,lol.


Well-Known Member
:( so most of em endud up airy... buddy said 55 days and i was stuck on that but i harvested on 53... i should have went to 65 probebly... still alot of white when they went down , theyre nice now but mostly airy... next time il know, and there going to be like the size and shape of yours hopefully. and il let them go alot longer. il know dry weight tomorrow man but i got half a 5gal bucket of half decent sized buds and half a 5 gal bucket of the small popcorns and airy buds how much do you think i couold yeild next time if all goes well under a 400w hps then 1000 w hps to finish.. same size as urs and like 5 plants at a time buddy, think it would be more thenthis time if i kept them right small but dense????


Well-Known Member
great news hahaha, the neighbor where my outside attic vent is pointing is moving out,,they want to much for rent ,, itll be vacant awhile,haha.good deal, went and told them hate to see yall go,lol,,not that the smell is detectable jus easier knowin no one lives there,lol.

that is fantastic news


Well-Known Member
... lotta weed with little cut away in the end.but for me if theres some crystalized leaves on the bud ,i leave it ,i dont cut mysef short and trim away $.:hump:
hell ya, i've grown Master Kush before (pure indica of course) and the buds were as much leaf as flower... but all of it was just dense with trichomes. That's the good stuff.


Well-Known Member
:( so most of em endud up airy... buddy said 55 days and i was stuck on that but i harvested on 53... i should have went to 65 probebly... still alot of white when they went down , theyre nice now but mostly airy... next time il know, and there going to be like the size and shape of yours hopefully. and il let them go alot longer. il know dry weight tomorrow man but i got half a 5gal bucket of half decent sized buds and half a 5 gal bucket of the small popcorns and airy buds how much do you think i couold yeild next time if all goes well under a 400w hps then 1000 w hps to finish.. same size as urs and like 5 plants at a time buddy, think it would be more thenthis time if i kept them right small but dense????[/
o yea, done it a few times mysef before.. i'll pic today and get somethin uploaded,,, jus. yea jus wait a little longer nextime,, yea growing one main cola not many dobs of premature buds on the bottom ,i let mine sit there till its near solid red glistening showing her stuff, thena few more days still .


Well-Known Member
i know though if he'd jus grow a plant he'd feel better,lol,:weed: want me to go warm up the cfls:idea:,lolol..
well i guess we'll pic today these bluecheese stix ,has an awsome smell in my room i love,tgier 2.5 ft. to 3 ft.each, on the bc,,no deodorizer in here,nono,lol,day 41 flower for BC first 3 pics thier jus starting to fill inas we speak, gonna be heavy, 33 day flower wr which are 3 to 3.5 ft. average so far.because they got set baka week roughly 28 days each left and still climbing uniform heght gonna be monsters,lol.oyea,, having to restake constantly .RM.theres not much room left oin the tent to get full shot because its maxed out, cant hardly move wen your in there.carefully.large plants.puting all the energy into the main cola,thoug some jus shooting out of it,funny.



Well-Known Member
wacky, i don't know you bro, but this isn't the first time that you seem to be slightly negative up on a brothers thread. :sad:

what u talkin about willis?

i was refering to,that raids neighbors are cat murderers,and it will allow raids cats to live in peace and poison free.

oh raid your dozen pics are muy bien. you must have one great camera to do the job. you should buy some cockroaches and infest the exneighbors house so you dont get anymore neigbors,or a nice electrical fire will insure no more neighbors:fire:


Well-Known Member
what u talkin about willis?

i was refering to,that raids neighbors are cat murderers,and it will allow raids cats to live in peace and poison free.

oh raid your dozen pics are muy bien. you must have one great camera to do the job. you should buy some cockroaches and infest the exneighbors house so you dont get anymore neigbors,or a nice electrical fire will insure no more neighbors:fire:[/quoteyeawrong neighbors unfort. , Nikon d60 3 lenses ,2 grand.better do the job.:leaf: