RAIN!!! Help <--- Flowering Buds


Well-Known Member
I am growing outdoor and have about a week to go before harvest...

My plants are not sheltered and It's been raining for 2 days on and off pretty heavily...

Will it mess up the buds???

Its some sort of Haze Strain so the buds are big but not too fat..


Well-Known Member
It being an outdoor plant I think the bud will be able to get through a wet spell. As long as there is air movement and sunshine after the rain, they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
I am growing outdoor and have about a week to go before harvest...

My plants are not sheltered and It's been raining for 2 days on and off pretty heavily...

Will it mess up the buds???

Its some sort of Haze Strain so the buds are big but not too fat..
Marijuana grew outdoors for thousands of years. I'm betting it can handle rain.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i always shake the rain off the buds as soon as i can. takes less time to dry out. GL


If you are not getting enough dry spells in-between the rain you may want to consider a temporary tent style shade, best advice was to shake the rain off but be careful not to shake them to hard so not to break them. you can find these inexpensive at Walmart or even rig up your own.


Well-Known Member
you should be alright but once they start drying out don't give them any additional water. If you plan to harvest next week you want the dirt dry as possible for better results during the drying/curing process. Peace.


Well-Known Member
The haze should be ok is that 100% sativa? Its the indicas that are a concern in rain and high rh because the main cola is so dense.


Well-Known Member
you dont think they had moldy bud 1000s of years ago?
didnt matter if it got moldy if no one was smoking it.
As long as you get a few days of sunlight to dry them off before you harvest and dry them yourself i think you will be fine


Well-Known Member
you dont think they had moldy bud 1000s of years ago?
I'm sure they did, but rain doesn't automatically screw up your weed.
Everyone that grows outside keeps rain off their plants? It will be ok, just keep an eye on it, and like everyone says, gently shake off the excess.


Well-Known Member
Shake them off every once in a while and once after it stops raining. Let the water dry off and get some sunshine and you will be fine.
Rain can sometimes droop and break braches keep an eye on them.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
hey if you can't get the water off then take a can of air and blow them dry, you know the can air to clean the computer, just shake the bud and a lil spray and your good..