i live in ontario it rained for 3 days and now were geting two weeks or sun......rain is good and it gets ON the plant not IN it. rain is not the end all and be all. If it pours for 3 days or more MAYBEE you will have a problem but its rain! keep an eye on them and let them grow. its is a plant and it is living and it needs water. The one thing i noticed about growing is people make it way harder than it needs to be, its a weed weeds grow in all conditions.
I had plants hacked down and the branches they left made some huge buds my plant never went into "shock" as many people say it would if you cut more than 30% off it was 90% and the stalk busted up 6" from the ground 4 weeks later the buds were huge and they are drying now in the celler.
Take whatever info you want but its the internet anyone can say anything
I have no scientific evidence plants need rain, or dont like it im just blabbing about my experience.
plus the weather man lies he said 4-7 days of rain and it was 3 with rain on and off
check out this thread along the same line of yours