rain SPLIT EIGHT FOOT PLANT right now middle

did you just leave it that way?? i cant see that thing making it like that
I had a big break and i just left it on the ground. Its doing great and theres barely any tissue connecting the branch. I think ill prop it up tomorrow on somthing to let air circulate under it but they just keep growing.
did you just leave it that way?? i cant see that thing making it like that
Yep. I was out of town for 6 weeks, all my boyfriend did was water them. They are making colas and flowers like crazy. They are still attached to the trunk, just laying down.
I've tied down many branches and she's right, it's an outdoor scrog without the netting and as long as you can prop it up off the ground and keep all the vegetation cleared beneath it, it will often produce way more than it would have.....providing the stalk is still attached enough to maintain moisture and nutrients.
I think I'll get more than a pound a plant, maybe more, they are over 10' tall and bushy. Each branch, tip, whatever, has at least 6-8" of thick cola on it. And there's at least a dozen "pot trees" out there. I looked last night, they're all getting frosty and thicker.
I had left my boyfriend in charge, I can't tell yet, might have seeds, but like I said, it's not for sale, I just sort them out. Ah well, ten pounds or more of free weed: "Never look a gift bud in the seed."
I think I'll get more than a pound a plant, maybe more, they are over 10' tall and bushy. Each branch, tip, whatever, has at least 6-8" of thick cola on it. And there's at least a dozen "pot trees" out there. I looked last night, they're all getting frosty and thicker.
I had left my boyfriend in charge, I can't tell yet, might have seeds, but like I said, it's not for sale, I just sort them out. Ah well, ten pounds or more of free weed: "Never look a gift bud in the seed."
10' tall? Sounds like a sativa

Hope you're down south so it can finish before winter
Will grow just fine and heal itself.
You guys who grow outside and have those 10ft long limbs like I do can solve a lot of broken limbs by simply getting some of the green tie up tape from your local Walmart or Lowes. It's about an inch wide and maybe 50 ft long. You can just walk around plant and wrap you plant and it will support a lot of the weight. Next drive a t post close to the middle of the plant. I'm talking heavy duty farm stuff, next tie your main beam or if it's been topped you can loop all the main beams with string and tie them to the t post.

Do this and it will help tremendously. Do this on both sides and it's going to take a hell of a storm to bring your plant down.

I pulled this little guy up as I didn't want him pollinating any of my girls. While I was wacking weeds away with a machete I hit this one amongst the weeds I couldn't see.

I cut him like 3/4 way through. I just left it be. Come back around middle July and noticed he was a male so I pulled him up. That spot where he healed up was super strong

I have had some plants in the past where the branches where 1.5" in diameter and the weight broke them and all that was attached was just a sliver of stem. They made and put on nice buds.
10' tall? Sounds like a sativa

Hope you're down south so it can finish before winter

It's a Sativa-Indica cross. Accidental male=seedy weed=free seeds. I'm in NW Wyoming, they have a few weeks to go, and it's still in the 70's and 80's in the day, 40-50° at night. A killing frost can occur anytime past September 15, generally, ... so far, so good.

Last day of summer...
If I need more, next year: indoors. I love the ease of outdoor planting, but I really had no idea they'd get so huge. I'll be so glad to harvest, because the paranoia about getting found out is killing me.
I freeze and listen at every car, is it slowing down!? (Very rural area)
I panicked one day, (I was a bit stoned ...) when I heard buzzing... I thought my little hick county got a drone. Turned out to be a kid on a little dirt bike...
I just keep telling myself, "a few more weeks, a few more weeks..."