Raised Veds or Simply Holes Filled with Organic Soil?


Active Member
i am planning for outdoor. thinking both perspectives which are thiefs and a better root system.
first what type of bobby traps can i place to safeguard my ladies.
a raised bed which would be wood planks forming a square, fill that with some organic powder such as bat guano and etc. and mixed with top soil. can i mix in all powder like organic nutes into the soil?
now for the crooks- what to do against them
First of all, if you're going to booby trap your plants , you better be growing in your backyard...It's fucked to booby trap plants in the wilderness...Secondly, I wouldn't booby trap my plants. Raised beds, holes in the ground...I mean, there are bnefits to both, but I think holes in the ground backfilled are a better idea, just considering the height the raised bed will add to the plant. If you're worried about ground dwelling mammals, you can line the holes with some metal screen, like 1/2 inch opening.

As for the thieves, once again, don't booby trap your shit unless it's in your backyard. No pets or other people who don't know about the traps should be wandering around there either. I think it's a pretty horrible idea, anyway. Instead I would do something like hanging bells in my plants, so I can hear when they're being jostled around. Or just get a dog, a big scary looking one that barks at strangers.
thanks bro . yes in backyard, in the wild it would just be mean.!
good idea with the bell and dog a plus
Okay you can grow monsters either way you decide. How about doing a side by side I am. Second if its in your backyard just use fishing line and some treble hooks hanging chest high. As fas as mixing the soil sounds like you got a plan i use supersoil mix myself just add water. keepem green dirrtyd
good idea. now i plan to get supersoil from homedepot and powder organics. such as all the things u listed
good idea. now i plan to get supersoil from homedepot and powder organics. such as all the things u listed
I dont use the supersoil from HD I make my own Supersoil the recipe is in the thread. I let it cook for a month or two then use. Keepem green dirrtyd
o nice so do you just make your own soil? or which basic soil? something with chicken manure?
yes i seen your recipe very sweet dude.