ran out of weed - chop early?


Active Member
hahaha yeah pretty much it. I did great...2-3 grams LOL What a waste...yeah these plants were bagseed and never fed nutes at all just water and they stretched and yellowed/fell off and i just got a little tiny cola out of this one. So retarded. Wasn't a planned grow or anything.


Well-Known Member
I think it is just so he has something to smoke...
Oh right on then, 4 months growing for something thats gonna last minutes, OP it takes 3 weeks of curing for thc to reach its potency but I guess you dont' have 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
wow,that's crazy. one nugget? yes, id sure as hell chop that siht. it's not like it's going to suddenly grow and yield more bud lol.

i have tried quick drying at low temp in the over but it never works very well. the weed just isn't potent like it is if you go through the proper process.


Well-Known Member
Just think how much weed you'd have now if you would have gave a fuck when you were just watering them....
Maybe you shouldn't grow....?? j/k


Active Member
I got the microwave dry down to a science...14 seconds, then take it out and hold the bud in the freezer where the air comes out for like 5 seconds..it takes out the moisture. Repeat this about 7 times and you have perfect bud and since it's only 14 second zaps it isn't like COOKING and bursting trichomes.
TRY IT! I'm telling you, works wonders.
Unfortunately one of my roommates woke up right after i finished and the kitchen stinks like bud and im hoping she doesnt knwo what it smells like (from China where a joint is the death penalty). IDK. I'll go feel her out.


Active Member
what i did was go out into the kitchen just as she was getting in there and I ran to the stove and turned the heat on some carrots...and she was like "oh" and looked at the shit cooking and must've thought the smell was from that. I think she's cooking now. YEah, hell yeah. Cool.