Random facts and Trivia

It's a facts and trivia thread. Didn't you kinda HAVE to see that coming? I mean, even a 900 psychic could have predicted this one coming!

But, snooty? hoc est Lorem meam contumeliam
Lets get some pictures in here... this is the fucking internet! <3

You belong neither in the physical world nor the dream world. For if you did you would remain in one completely, as the truth is a constant. You belong in your consciousness, which is the constant which brings you from the dream world to the physical.
And this is why astronomers don't often drink with cosmetologists. ;)

...... or any other female for that matter! LOL oh yeah I fixed it for ya

LoL, everyone knows why engineers shouldn't consume alcohol.

Drinking and deriving is dangerous!

Tell the truth! It's the fact we resort to that damn fireaxe net more frequently than we should.

It helps to be solvent. :mrgreen:

Yes but you are so precipitous!

Damnit.... This thread has been jacked from the common people and taken over by the snooty intellectuals. LOL

Cue the......

Ahh the irony of a mob coming after you with pi left on it's face LOL delish......

^^^all I see is a polar bear screwing a box of organic pasta

Hard to hit a moving target when mini blinds own you ;)

Your going to have to clarify that one for me <3

The players on the field will become clear in almost no time! ha :)