Random Jabber Jibber thread

Every morning at the same time, 4:02 a.m. without fail, the TV signal is interrupted.
The picture goes dark and the audio flickers for about 1 min.

Yesterday at that time the TV personality was saying the word "continue".
With the glitch what was heard was " cunt, cunt, cunt, cunt" for about 30 of the 60 sec of program disruption.
Weird animated emoticon

the boys gifs — Billy Butcher + “Cunt” [1.01]

Sorry no video capture.
Deep Sigh animated emoticon
RIP, Michael Stanley

Stanley was a presence in the Midwest/Ohio music scene in mid 70's early 80's and played with all the greats of the time. BB went to lots of his concerts. Here's a farewell letter he just wrote last week. Listen to some of his albums if you can.
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