Random Jabber Jibber thread

We used to buy the Büchi seals a dozen at a time. (At $40 a seal.) Two or three of that dozen were good. The only way to find out was to mount and run a seal. The bad ones lasted a day or two, sometimes a week. A good one would wear in and then go for maybe half a year.
I never figured out why the seals were like that.
Unless things have changed a lot (and that’s plausible) I’d say you have a 2:3 chance of having a seal that would last a handful of runs. That’s why I’m emphasizing seal availability.
I appreciate your explanation, because I know very little of these things, and I very much respect your knowledge and opinions. I didn't realize the seals had such issues!! And that explains why they all advertise "good seals".

I was just doing a little research on rotary union seals and I see they are very expensive! Damn, I sure hope they have improved them!

It's Friday afternoon..I was going to order today, but might as well wait til I (see if I ) get some answers from the sellers. They must be able to get parts, as they all advertise they can, but no one advertises any individual parts for these. The one thing that gives me hope Is I have not seen one negative review on the model I am looking at and it appears many have been sold.

I have looked and been watching some used Bucci's and other quality models but they almost always come without glass, and at best a 30 day warranty, but EBay is loaded with them ranging from a few hundred dollars to big money.
hey can anyone help me with a facepalm gif.....hehe

i know i know...tyler gonna hate me.....

Okay, I’ve been seeing you guys talk about this rotovap for a while. Is it just a fancy device to reclaim solvent? Please, enlighten me.

From what I gather, you put your solvent solution in the flask that goes into the water bath, and the solvent evaporates off and is reclaimed down the line by way of refrigeration or cooling it some other method.

yes? Or do I have it completely wrong...
Here's a good description I just read that really explains the rotovac 's key benefits...

The main purpose of a rotary evaporator is to increase the rate of evaporation of a solvent. It does this via three methods:

  1. The vacuum decreases the pressure in the system, lowering the boiling temperature of the solvent.
  2. The rotation increases the surface area of the solvent.
  3. The water bath heats the solvent.
In order to its job efficiently, a rotary evaporator system typically comprises the following main components:

  • Rotary evaporator and glassware
  • Chiller or other source of coolant
  • Vacuum pump
  • Vacuum controller or regulator
  • Tubing to connect the parts
source - https://rotovaps.net/blogs/blog/rotary-evaporator-system-components
I am the rage yet I am also what Jordan Peterson classifies as the agreeable type.
A bubble always a pop away from going out. Can be tiring.

Hit a nice bipolar high for a change (those who have it will tell you how good it feels).
But I'm not even doing anything risky or new... just got some good bud, and having fun!
I know it will disappear soon enough. In the end, neither happiness nor despair endures.

Have the monster inside, don't let it out, well now and then hahah
Is it weird that someone whom just joined the forum a half hour ago, hasn't posted a thing and suddenly decides to "follow" me?
WTF, we haven't even been properly introduced much less shared one of Indacouch's famous bratwurst dogs has taken a liking to me?

Is it the pony tail - Or something more sinister?


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Love mate he Loved you on sight.

I think I need to rent to a stoner chem major...this sounds complicated as hell...but it's probably possibly learnable by me.
@Fadedawg @cannabineer @Aeroknow

So I'm gonna get one. If it lasts a year I'll be happy, and if it's a POS I'll return it within 30 days. Quite a few have been sold with positive reviews, and I didn't find any negative reviews. Many commented they were surprised at the quality of the glass.

I have some free time the next 6 weeks then I get busy for June so I'd like to experiment.

I'm wondering what other equipment I might need for making cart oil / dewaxing? ( I need to get back to reading my lab book)

I'm wondering if i should also get a basic distillation set like I was looking at before...and if I'll need a heated magnetic stirrer setup?

Again, this is for personal use so I can't spend a ton of money getting started...Plus there's the major factor that I have zero lab experience and it could be a total failure. :o

I suggest a Buchner funnel and vacuum flask for dewaxing. What are you using for a vacuum pump?