The only chemical in cannabis that transfers from mother to child is the THC that is stored in fats, and only 1℅ at that,however the infant will test positive for THC in urine or blood tests. The biggest concern if any would be thc 's effects on a still forming brain. No studies of long term effects from cannabis smoking mother's breastfeeding have been done as of yet. But in my wife's professional opinion (certified lactation consultant) the only effects she has seen from women on cannabis breastfeeding are sleepy babies. Depending on babies age she should smoke after a feeding, ideally when the baby will sleep the longest to allow as much time for the effects to wear off before a feed.(for God's sake they allow nursing mothers to take aderol)They do recommend that mothers who smoke cigarettes continue to breastfeed because the benefits of breastfeeding far outway the risk of problems caused by the residual smoke toxins on the mother(sids, athsma, slow weight gain etc.)A I got a question for the moms or anybody in Colorado (we trust yall with this weed shit) my cousin smoke weed and breast feed (DON'T JUDGE HER) LOL but my question is IS BREASTFEEDING AND SMOKING WEED HARMFUL??? Na I den told her don't do it and her doctor but she not listening.....but she got a friend who friends smokes squares while pregnant cuz a doctor told her to continue so she won't be stressed out TRUE DETROIT SHIT....
So dats 1 thing just recently cuz say dey got into it cuz her friend said don't smoke weed around me cuz it's worse to inhale secondhand smoke weed than cigarette smoke of course cuz didn't agree so they fell out
If you say it's dumb shit don't say it tell me something I don't know
Remember cats are the greatest creatures an sf has ever encountered, dropbears are real fam don't believe the talk they are just myth and also always plug your drugs(that means put em up your bum)
Oh and bai <3
I have read some horror stories about plugging tbh.Idk im trying to be a true Texan.. I have some phenergan suppositories and basic codeine phosphate.
The leakage is a bit unsightly
as of 20 min ago I started methadone again, didn't take long as I am a former patient at the clinic so all I had to do was piss for them and talk to the doc via skype.
I am at the max dose of 160mg and feel slightly sick still, but go back tomorrow and we will hammer out the plans fully. I cannot stay on it for longer then a month well I can if I wanted but methadone is the worst thing I have ever had the displeasure of quitting.
help sf find new things to do
I already masturbate excessively so no need to suggest that one
Ya, I love computers and my porn being much more streamlined is a good thing.Research and build a really nice computer to help streamline and make your masturbation more efficient.
Going big for their last game of the season?Getting ready for the Cowboys game!
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