Random Jabber Jibber thread


Well-Known Member
i wondered the first part of the question myself.......the second part ck out lewinsky, she not look to well after all the years..
Didnt even think about lewinsky.. yea she coulda got the D back in the blue dress days. Im mean she can still get it who am i kiddn? But i mean like regular everyday non presidential fellatrices named monica. Im just wondering cuz i was talkin with a friend, and i know like 8 monicas and the ugliest 1 is still like a hard 7, and he knows a few also and says theyre all hot. So im under the impression now that monicas only come in hot and overachievers


Well-Known Member
Didnt even think about lewinsky.. yea she coulda got the D back in the blue dress days. Im mean she can still get it who am i kiddn? But i mean like regular everyday non presidential fellatrices named monica. Im just wondering cuz i was talkin with a friend, and i know like 8 monicas and the ugliest 1 is still like a hard 7, and he knows a few also and says theyre all hot. So im under the impression now that monicas only come in hot and overachievers
Yeah, I've known two Monicas and both were hot. One was the younger sister of an old elem->high school buddy; we all drove him nuts lusting after his sis lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've known two Monicas and both were hot. One was the younger sister of an old elem->high school buddy; we all drove him nuts lusting after his sis lol
I remember a Monica in first grade. She moved to California at the end of the year.
I remember the entire class walked outside while her mom took 8mm movies of us, a real big deal in 1960.

She had a sister Claudia and another sister with a similar name that I forget now. My mom said they had to move to Cali because they all had movie star names. I was quite disappointed. Would love to see those movies.


Well-Known Member
I had a supa weird dream last night and it went something like this—

We were taking some type of trip, seeing some artist in a different state but we weren’t in cars we were on bicycles. We stopped off at this one town and I somehow knew this lady that we stopped at. She let us sleep in her house and used her shower and shit because we smelled bad from biking for days. Then we were at this festival thing that was inside. It was like a party in the sewers. We were going in and I remembered I had some drugs in my purse. I thought it was blow but when I pulled this bag out of my purse it was a crunched bag of cereal. I snorted some of it lol. The cop at the door was like, “are you okay?” And I said yes. He said, “do you need some assistance?” I said, why would I have a cop help me hide my drugs? And then I woke up.

Life lessons—don’t snort cereal.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I had a supa weird dream last night and it went something like this—

We were taking some type of trip, seeing some artist in a different state but we weren’t in cars we were on bicycles. We stopped off at this one town and I somehow knew this lady that we stopped at. She let us sleep in her house and used her shower and shit because we smelled bad from biking for days. Then we were at this festival thing that was inside. It was like a party in the sewers. We were going in and I remembered I had some drugs in my purse. I thought it was blow but when I pulled this bag out of my purse it was a crunched bag of cereal. I snorted some of it lol. The cop at the door was like, “are you okay?” And I said yes. He said, “do you need some assistance?” I said, why would I have a cop help me hide my drugs? And then I woke up.

Life lessons—don’t snort cereal.
this is why i'm happy i usually have no recall of my dreams....


Well-Known Member
This morning I dreamt I was at a party at this cool house, but I didn't know anybody.
Anyway, after the party, everybody started leaving and I decided it was probably time for me to go too.
When I got outside there were cars parked everywhere, and worst of all I was dream drunk, which is always worse than being real drunk.
Finally got into my car and then the fucker wouldn't start.

I was so pissed off I woke up and got out of bed.
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