Random Jabber Jibber thread

When I graduated and moved off campus I almost exclusively ate kraft dinner, canned tuna or salmon and bananas from costco. I had to choose between having somewhere to live and having something nutritional to eat. The thought of eating kraft dinner now makes me sick to my stomach.

I think a lot of the hate is from people who ate way too much of it when they were poor and growing consumer awareness about the health risks associated with eating ultra processed foods that are high in sodium and saturated fats.
Kraft dinner...you Canadian?
What!!!???? No ramen??

I was never really a big fan of noodle soup. I could get 12 boxes of kraft dinner for $9 and make it last two weeks. I would also sneak bagels home from work and go grocery shopping in my parents fridge on the weekends.

Kraft dinner...you Canadian?

Yes. What is kraft dinner called in the states?
I was never really a big fan of noodle soup. I could get 12 boxes of kraft dinner for $9 and make it last two weeks. I would also sneak bagels home from work and go grocery shopping in my parents fridge on the weekends.

Yes. What is kraft dinner called in the states?
Mac n Cheese

They left dinner on the package, it’s just VERY small print
oopsie, it's a straight hermie. Thoroughly examined plant and that was the only one (I hope). Been brutally hot and It semi-wilted once or twice. Increased watering frequency. Out of 5 germinated one was male and culled a month ago. Remainging 4 are female

not a bad thing at all honestly

the few i've came across, i'd just move outside to let it do it's thing....i was very surprised at what i got....wife was too...i even gave it a name "cousin it"
All mine are outdoor. I'm doing diff. methods with same strain: one in 15 gal cloth pot, one 20 gal plastic pot, the bus drum so it can go into ground and one directly in ground.
all are 6 ft +

nice....prolly be a bitch if you have to pull it out of the drum and the put it in the ground.....so i can see where your going with this....i can't do outside at the moment..if i do i have to hide them respectively of course...waiting till that day changes...so i can
nice....prolly be a bitch if you have to pull it out of the drum and the put it in the ground.....so i can see where your going with this....i can't do outside at the moment..if i do i have to hide them respectively of course...waiting till that day changes...so i can
I have gopher problems, so the one directly in ground may not make it; with the drum It has an open bottom and I put some expanded steel at bottom for the roots to go through. I usually grow in pots, put now it's legal here (state) so I figgured to experiment
I have gopher problems, so the one directly in ground may not make it; with the drum It has an open bottom and I put some expanded steel at bottom for the roots to go through. I usually grow in pots, put now it's legal here (state) so I figgured to experiment
Got access to cat or dog shit? Drop it right in their holes and mounds. It worked from me. Also about a week ago I buried a dead gopher I had saved that my dog killed. It was a huge mound 3' x 1'. I buried the gopher under and leveled it out. They haven't been back since.