Random Jabber Jibber thread

@ kmog33 I don't think you have, or I haven't seen it. Luck of the draw or is that a special breed? Looks fantastic, very regal! Got a pic of the calico with the docked tail? It's been 3 yrs lol.
Yeah, she’s about 60% serval.
And yes, Bork is still here. Your favorite part is going to be she hasn’t grown at all. She’s 7# and isn’t ever going to grow. I guess whatever got her tail must have also stunted her growth, so I have a forever kitten.


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You turned into a real housewife sunni. I don’t feel like it’s been that long since the “picture of yourself” thread on here but I just realized I was a fucking teenager at that point I think .

I haven’t been on here in a bit, busy building a couple companies and having a baby, did you and your dude ever end up popping out little Sunni hybrids?
Nice to see you
I had a son he’s 3 1/2 :)
Does anyone have experience with velocity water meters? My city is trying to say if I have a 3/4 inch meter the multilpier goes from.01 to 1. I have no idea the amount the flow increases. Their multiplier increases 100X by having a 1/4 inch smaller pipe, WTF?????
Does anyone have experience with velocity water meters? My city is trying to say if I have a 3/4 inch meter the multilpier goes from.01 to 1. I have no idea the amount the flow increases. Their multiplier increases 100X by having a 1/4 inch smaller pipe, WTF?????
Never heard of that. 1/2" more pressure. Could be winking out the meter. Most are 3/4" in then 1/2" after meter