Random Jabber Jibber thread

Lol. Ceramics will eat your blade. But it is one clean edge. I use offset rods for my fillet knives. Gerber there.
I couldn’t italicize the last two words on the phone, and couldn’t be bothered to manually install the tags. Two *very light* swipes, no more.

Japanese temper is way too hard for my Henckels steel, which works a treat on my German, French and domestic blades.
The roots are calcified so this dentist can’t do root canal. Would refer me to some other kind of dentist. Would cost around 2K for that plus 1700 for the new crown.

I said pull the sumbitch.
Willl be 300 for their plan which includes initial exam, 2 teeff cleanings a year and 20% off procedures for people like me with no insurance.
Out the door will be around 600 bucks.

It was a good tooth. I’ll miss you little buddy.
~edge test~
My dad would sharpen his knives daily.
Image result for whetstone sharpen knife gif

Most often he would sit at the table and sharpen them.

When kids came to visit he would sharpen them and chant, in cadence with each stroke
snap sneer, I'm gonna cut off a piece of your ear!" all the while looking at the kid. lol it was funny to watch their faces.

He would also sharpen then when my sister brought home a date for the first time. Some of those guys were of questionable character
so I'm will to bet that more than one was uncomfortable.

At family gatherings it was common to see a group sitting under the apple tree all claiming to have the sharpest knife and
trying to prove it.:grin:

Oh the memories.
Image result for knife edge test gif
When we went to move the Toy it refused to budge so today I jacked up the front tires one at a time so see if they rolled. Right one was fine, left one is solid, damn. Probably rust in the brake drum like what was wrong with the right rear. Might be able to roll it back a bit on the jack with the wheel still on. I don't like doing that, but it won't kill anyone with the wheel still on. Manual adjust brakes so I'll have to get under it and back off the adjuster then clean off the drum.
When we went to move the Toy it refused to budge so today I jacked up the front tires one at a time so see if they rolled. Right one was fine, left one is solid, damn. Probably rust in the brake drum like what was wrong with the right rear. Might be able to roll it back a bit on the jack with the wheel still on. I don't like doing that, but it won't kill anyone with the wheel still on. Manual adjust brakes so I'll have to get under it and back off the adjuster then clean off the drum.

I love doing that sort of work with progressives - blind as a bat!

Oh wait, no - I fucking hate that sort of work!
I have placed a practical set of hand hammered , blue steel customs on my bucket list for years. My F. Dick and good German Henckels are still prized and fiercely protected.
If I had money, I would want something from this firm.

If I had money, I would want something from this firm.

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Those are vanity. Mirror, mirror on the wall type. SWEET.