Random Jabber Jibber thread

I may have uploaded a TEK for that on here. do an advanced search using my name and harmala or harmaline and maybe rue.
I'm almost sure something should pop up. If you find it just tag me and I can re-upload the images which are probably gone.

I;m having too much fun playing War Thunder now.
My first experience with cookies went like this.

Noon on Sunday they cool down so I start experimenting.
First one went down easy.
After 20 minutes nothing so I ate another.
After 40 minutes nothing so I ate yet another.
After an hour I'm getting a decent buzz but feel as if it's at it's plateau so I eat a fourth.

At noon on Monday I was still blasted & weak in the knees.

Lesson learned - creeper is an understatement!
Edibles kick in sooner if you chase em with a warm beverage.
@lahadaextranjera what's up girl? What's going on over there? Are you in danger? I really hope not. But if you are you know you can come stay with me over here. We'll figure out visas later. Just come over be like oh it's cool I know neo he invited me. And they'll be all like cool welcome LaHottie. Then we can just tell my wife that you're my long lost cousin or something. It's cool I got a plan.
Neo, that is so sweet of you! Thank you but are you sure? It's really dangerous over here and I've been hiding for weeks now.. first we had the terrorist attack and I missed that by 2 miles, then they found and demolished the terrorist 15 Mins from my house..

Then all the Catalans started getting excited about their Independence and had the referendum and the Policía Naciónal came up here to give us a beating..

So please book a flight asap and I'll be hiding in the airport car park waiting for you. ❤️
Neo, that is so sweet of you! Thank you but are you sure? It's really dangerous over here and I've been hiding for weeks now.. first we had the terrorist attack and I missed that by 2 miles, then they found and demolished the terrorist 15 Mins from my house..

Then all the Catalans started getting excited about their Independence and had the referendum and the Policía Naciónal came up here to give us a beating..

So please book a flight asap and I'll be hiding in the airport car park waiting for you. ❤️

Oh dear god. In case I never get the chance to say it… I love you. Please be safe. I will pray to multiple gods for you.
Oh dear god. In case I never get the chance to say it… I love you. Please be safe. I will pray to multiple gods for you.
Well there is an alternative that's been playing on my mind..

I come and hide in Cali for a bit. One of my mates from here is arriving there this week..

We want that gelato 33 so bad that he's gone to take a look! Lol

Can you pick me up from the airport please? ❤️