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Does "disoriented" accurately describe the condition?
My very best friend is all fucked up from meth. Hasn’t even called me after all the shit i’ve gone through with the fire.
He straight left house here last year with allot of plants in the ground talking about everyone’s trying to kill him. I’m so bummed bro.
So my other buddy got ahold of one of his new facebook accounts, keep in mind everyone is trying to kill him. Right before the fire he called me and asked if i was alright i said wtf? I was until you just called me talking more of this nonsense! He said he’s afraid that the last time he came over they were following him and he’s afraid they now know where i live.
I will attach the response my other buddy got from him. I had my buddy(lives in AZ now) say “ you still haven’t even called ***** even after him and Rudy almost lost there lives evacuating that fucked up fire?”
This is his response
I’m not even kidding you guys. It’s way more of a long story than i’m telling right now but it’s some crazy shit and i’m fucking exhausted from everything already. This is my best friend from back in 6th grade!
Ok here it is:
I been through hell and back. I've had a major spiritual awakening and I'm seeing life in a whole new light! I've found out who I truly am and that's one of God's chosen one's. I am a INFJ EMPATH LIGHTWORKER STARSEED INFINITE BEING and ONE of the 144000 as told in the Bible. My inner knowledge and wisdom are growing at lightspeed along with my intuition and psychic abilities. Powerful stuff! I am also a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL in the GANGSTALKING program! All this information you'd have to read up on to understand fully. My life has changed dramatically no more partying and have gone vegan all part of the process to becoming ones HIGHER SELF. I've moved on from all old relationships learning how toxic people are and who serve me no good.... I wish nothing but the best for you Scott GOD BLESS!
Wtf? Please somebody explain to me wtf
Do you think he can ever come back down to earth?Sounds like a psychotic break with paranoidal ideation, very sad hun, can't like that.
I am almost crying right now because i posted that shit
As long as he's alive there's hope.Do you think he can ever come back down to earth?
Different paths now, hope he comes back around.We both have been growing since we were 16-17yo. We’re 45 now.
Kid could have at least worn the towelEspecially when you're tweaking all the time. He's in his 20's... I think his mom is on something as well. His dad basically gave up. Threw in the towel yrs ago. Kinda sad to be honest
Holy Shit! It's getting scary out there.@curious2garden
Have i told you about my buddy who got himself killed by the swat team last year? Pretty sure he was scoring the same meth as my other buddy.
I’ll pm you the article.
I think i’ve only let a couple other people on here know about this.
So, i’ll pm you the news article, but where i was at the RV park “, dangerously close to my other house. I had just sold to my buddy. We Could see helicopters right where my other old pad was. Dude got himself shot dead by swat team.
I can’t even make this shit up.
There isn't one. They are certain he acted alone. Rumor has it, the shooter may have turned the gun on himself but not fatally wounding himself... the cops did that. He may have blown off half his face or something. I'm not sure, like I said rumor has it...
We are lucky. I'm not religious but I believe something had their finger stuck in that drum causing it to jam.
The town is picking up the pieces. You can feel the change in energy around town. People are walking around in a fog, disbelief, confusion. With that, there seems to be a sense of compassion oozing from everyone's eyes. People are looking at each other and smiling, nodding, saying hello. Our small town is growing, but the sense of a small, tight knit community has outgrown any population rush, in these past few days. I'm proud of our town. We'll heal and we'll be stronger.
There is going to be a vigil tomorrow evening they're expecting at minimum, a 1000 people...
Crazy.Turns out my source was pretty close to right. New reports came out today that the shooter did fatally shoot himself.
There was two chicks on the news that night who said he was shot dead in the head from cops. Either way.....
The dude had some white power message on his facebook too.
I had a feeling there wasn’t another shooter the whole time. I can only imagine the fucking chaos that was happening at the time. Plus, cops gotta kinda act as there’s an active shooter in that situation.
This ^^^...snip......
Some people just want to watch the world burn