Random Jabber Jibber thread

Harry hit the 50 episode milestone yesterday. The Omegle Bars series seems like a staple that has been around much longer, corona has me messed up with time scales. This one was over 30 mins, and is really dope. I don't follow him as enthusiastically as I once did, as great as his talent is you get used to it after a while. This one stands out. Enjoy.

dang actually got to listen to it.......damn he's good.....taco section rocked.....
horny porn corn...
Don't worry, I put shoes on........

It's only going to keep them away for a few weeks......maybe even only days. But that fucker was on the deck eating my peppers.......next is a bullet.....
Came right up on your deck? LOL
We had a small family of groundhogs decimate our strawberry patch a couple years ago. We're still filling in sections where the ground had sunk from their dens. They're a pain in the ass.
It's not just a few. After the mother fox died we have been over run by these things. Odd sink holes, I have a shipping container that's now about 6" out of level side to side..,...a embankment that's dropping........the garden.
I have an extremely accurate .22 Ruger that they dance to at 100 + yards.

And no, I don't feel bad for those garden eating, crater creating bastards