Random Jabber Jibber thread

Police accidentally confuse penis rings for bomb
After all, they both produce explosions.
By Heather Dockray on April 6, 2016

Police accidentally confuse penis rings for bomb

Who hasn't confused a cock ring with an explosive device?

Guests in a gambling hall in Halberstadt, Germany, called local police after hearing strange humming sounds from a nearby garbage can. The can, located conveniently in the men's bathroom, began to vibrate -- and police took no chances.

Authorities immediately evacuated 90 guests and employees from the gambling hall. Three explosive experts from the local Office of Criminal Investigation were then brought in to examine the contents of the mysterious garbage can.

Alas, the bombs were something a little less sinister: penis rings. The only explosions these rings produce come out of a phallus, not a garbage can, and they're entirely for pleasure.

Last night while perusing the depths of the net my queries returned some very unexpected results.:-)

1 return brought me something I had never expected to see.:shock:
Not that it was outside the search parameter so much as the results.:p
Once seen it cannot be unseen.o_O

I'm sad the gif was not downloaded nor was the page bookmarked.;)

Now I'll have to go stheithly back to find it again. :eyesmoke:

Deciding what to wear is a daunting task.





Fuck it. No Risk No REWARD.

Imagine the look on Rene's face when she found out the man who's endorsement she was touting had been arrested on child pornography charges. :o

"Just six days ago, Portland City Council candidate Rene Gonzalez’s campaign, “Rene For Portland,” put out a social media notice, saying it was proud to announce that Doyle had endorsed Gonzalez for a Portland city commissioner seat. The notice has since been taken down."

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So I just went for my daily walk. A nice crisp 45°F. I really enjoy a cool brisk walk to get the body all loosened up. It's some of the sights I see along the way that really disgust me. I'll never understand the mentality of the people that do this. I was only a few blocks from home so I picked it up and put the cardboard in the recycle bin.

So I just went for my daily walk. A nice crisp 45°F. I really enjoy a cool brisk walk to get the body all loosened up. It's some of the sights I see along the way that really disgust me. I'll never understand the mentality of the people that do this. I was only a few blocks from home so I picked it up and put the cardboard in the recycle bin.

Many people are basically pigs that are bi-pedal.
I make it a point to try & pick up junk as well.
Many people are basically pigs that are bi-pedal.
I make it a point to try & pick up junk as well.

I used to do quite a bit of fishing small streams in Oregon for trout and steelhead. I usually ended spending more time picking up trash than actually fishing.

I've hiked in remote areas miles from any roads and still find trash that I pick up. It's just different trash. Along the side of the road it's pizza boxes. In places like the Mt Jefferson wilderness area miles from any road it's energy bar wrappers and energy drink cans.

You're right. There are many pigs out there and they come from all social backgrounds. I'll never understand it.

Pretty bad stereotypical portrayal of a Native American but it was 1971. I remember this commercial from when I was a child. It had a lasting impact on me.

I used to do quite a bit of fishing small streams in Oregon for trout and steelhead. I usually ended spending more time picking up trash than actually fishing.

I've hiked in remote areas miles from any roads and still find trash that I pick up. It's just different trash. Along the side of the road it's pizza boxes. In places like the Mt Jefferson wilderness area miles from any road it's energy bar wrappers and energy drink cans.

You're right. There are many pigs out there and they come from all social backgrounds. I'll never understand it.

Pretty bad stereotypical portrayal of a Native American but it was 1971. I remember this commercial from when I was a child. It had a lasting impact on me.

One of the worst is discarded fishing line - I pick up as much as I can find.

I remember that commercial as well - it struck a chord that has never stopped resonating.
Now if they show that commerical it might offend someone.

A better one could be made today without that stereotypical reference to Native Americans. I think many people don't really think about it when they toss a small wrapper on the ground or cigarette butt. A gentle nudge would probably make many think and stop. But anyone tossing pizza boxes on the ground is beyond help.