Random Jabber Jibber thread

wrong thread but how you doing? Reference this to jibber jabber please

Doing pretty good, bro. Progress on the leg rehab is slow since I wrecked the right knee (which has always had problems) in the process of rehabbing the left one. I'm gonna get another surgery to fix the right one, but I'll until the slow season after the holidays. The kid is out on his own, working, and doing well. Gigs and music are going great, super busy. I'm glad because the weed biz really took a dive. Selling ounces for $180 and still have a back up of about 4 pounds. Hoping to get more customers in the summer. All in all, life is good. How are things going for you?

Supreme Court has voted to overturn abortion rights, draft opinion shows



New Orleans steamboat the Natchez erupts in flames

The Natchez is the last authentic steam-driven riverboat on the Mississippi

Getting stoned and going running/biking/hiking is the shit. Whoever says stoners can't be in great shape is an idiot, shits badass. I think it helps numb the pain or heal muscles or something